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2024-06-06 16:06:04

After Microsoft eroded Windows users' trust with bad practices for years, Recall is a PR disaster, as users remain skeptical despite the company's assurances (Zac Bowden/Windows Central)…
2024-06-06 08:57:00

Jetzt sicher: Microsoft schmeißt NTLM endgültig aus Windows
Bereits vor einem halben Jahr hatte Redmond den Schritt angekündigt, nun ist es offiziell: Nach dem nächsten Windows-Release ist Schluss für "NT LAN Manager".
2024-06-06 12:46:47

Oh, that? That’s just me writing the Windows section of the Kitten¹ installation instructions for the upcoming web site.
¹ #Microsoft

Screenshot of browser showing https://localhost/reference

Visible contents of page:

Heading: Windows

Callout: 🙀 Windows is an ad-infested and surveillance-ridden dumpster fire of an operating system and you are putting both yourself and others at risk by using it.

If you are not forced to use it for reasons outside your control, please do not use it.

The only reason Windows is currently supported is because I used to be on Windows myself for many years (I started with DOS at age 7) and if …
2024-06-07 17:53:03

Here's Microsoft's announcement:
"First, we are updating the set-up experience of Copilot PCs to give people a clearer choice to opt-in to saving snapshots using Recall. If you don’t proactively choose to turn it on, it will be off by default."
"Second, Windows Hello enrollment is required to enable Recall. In addition, proof of presence is also required to view your timeline and search in Recall."
"Third, we are adding additional layers of data protection including “just in time” decryption protected by Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in Security (ESS) so Recall snapshots will only be decrypted and accessible when the user authenticates. In addition, we encrypted the search index database."
Plus, a whole bunch of stuff about enhanced security for Copilot PCs
2024-06-07 17:28:13

So, #Windows will not come with #Recall #spyware activated, just Recall spyware pre-installed.
What a relief. Not. 🙄
2024-06-06 10:30:13

Auch schön, wenn ich das #wandklexkundenfoto als Beifahrerin mal selber mache. 😁 Dieses Auto von @… hat ja eine ganz hervorragende #wandklexschmuck Grundausstattung. 😁
2024-06-07 15:34:48

Schöne Hunderunde war das.
#dogs #dogsofmastodon

Chewie und olle Aßbach. Der Typ mit Kappe grinst den Hund an, der einfach endlich mal weitergehen will.
2024-06-07 17:24:57

Für bestrickende Nadelzauberer und -zauberinnen hab ich natürlich auch was vorbereitet:
wieder da - handgemalter #wandklexschmuck für Woll-Lüstige. Nun zu finden in mehreren Varianten auf
2024-06-07 16:22:51

Microsoft plans changes to Recall to address security concerns, including making the feature opt-in and requiring Windows Hello authentication to enable Recall (Tom Warren/The Verge)
2024-06-06 20:54:46

Der Spatz ist wieder frei, wer fängt ihn für sich ein? ☺
Hier nun wieder zu finden (Original- #wandklex, Einzelstück):