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2024-04-26 22:30:27

#WordWeavers April 26: In your story, who’s hiding (literally or metaphorically?)
I can't seem to stop writing characters with secrets, so it might be easier to list who isn't hiding.

  • The Skater is uncomplicated and wears his heart on his sleeve.
  • The Student isn't deliberately hiding, she's just an introvert.
  • The Pastafarian is quite eager to shar…
2024-04-25 20:05:39

#WordWeavers April 25: Do your MCs have any luck in love?
My wife is the most amazing woman you'll ever meet. She's gorgeous, driven, passionate, caring, and ten times the public speaker I ever was. We did get off on the wrong foot, but after giving each other a second chance, we clicked.
My ex was the exact opposite. He was the perfect partner at first: romantic, …
2024-04-24 16:47:43

#WordWeavers April 24: Do you include characters from all socio-economic classes in your story?
Yes, but it rarely gets discussed. The Gentleman is the only one who makes a big deal out of it.
Part of this stems from the fact that there's little use for money when you're separated from society. Sure the Gentleman is able to build up a figurative dragon's hoard, but what does h…
2024-05-13 00:39:45
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#WordWeavers 12 May: Who is the best friend in your story?
In the current #WIP I #amEditing, the goddess Demeter seeks the advice and company of her friend Aphrodite. Since this is
2024-05-30 11:03:05
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#WordWeavers 30 May: Are you comfortable writing from the POV of a child? Written any?
I am an erotica writer and as such I rarely write from the POV of a child. Whenever it does happen, I always question whether or not I got the tone righ. Let us say it is not my strength.
(For the dense ones: no, I don't write erotica from the POV of children, sometimes I write other things…
2024-04-30 18:58:16

I compiled this month's #WordWeavers responses into a single blog post. Thanks for another fun month!
This month, I focused on the Duplicator, a goofy conspiracy theorist who hates the same government he used to work for. Also he can create copies of himself somehow. C…
2024-04-27 14:06:28
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#WordWeavers April 27: Who's blaming who in your story?
The current #WIP for patrons of my writing is set uncharacteristically late, in the Roman Empire. Aphrodite-Venus is visiting a temple she shares with a local goddess beyond the Alps. Of course the local goddess blames Venus for invad…
2024-04-30 17:54:40

#WordWeavers April 30: Does your MC have any pets? If so, what are they?
The Duplicator considers animal ownership to be cruel and coercive, the same sort of power-seeking behavior he saw all too often in the Government.
Instead, he believes you should befriend wild animals, like his son did with the Bunny. Allow the animal to come and go as it wishes, and never force it to do…
2024-04-29 19:13:38

#WordWeavers April 29: Who's feeling shame in your story? Is it justified?
I usually avoid passing judgement on my characters, but perhaps I'll make an exception this time.
No, I don't think the Duplicator's shame is justified. He entered politics with good intentions and did his best with the tools he had, even if he made mistakes along the way. He's holding his past self to …
2024-04-28 23:48:41

#WordWeavers April 28: Do you have an irrepressibly good-humoured character? How do others react to them?
Maybe I should, but no.
I wonder if this is a reflection of my own biases. As an introvert, I can't imagine having the energy to be outgoing/cheerful all the time, so I don't write any characters who do.
2024-04-27 19:22:10

#WordWeavers April 27: Who's blaming who in your story?
The Duplicator and his wife blame everyone in the story to varying degrees, other than their son. And yes, that includes themselves.
Interestingly, they receive relatively little blame in return. People see them as annoying but too misguided to do any real harm.