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2024-04-09 11:20:38

Wie man #XFCE abgewöhnt, beim Wechseln der #Arbeitsflächen mit Tasten in eine Endlosschleife zu geraten:
Q − System Settings − Feineinstellung der Fensterverwaltung − Arbeitsflächen − „Arbeitsflächen in Abhängigkeit von der derzeitigen Schreibtischanordnung umbrechen“
Anlass: Ich …
2024-05-14 01:30:30

Could anyone on #NixOS with #XFCE (or something else known to work with compiz) please test this and tell me if you also get a black screen when doing compiz --replace or if it’s just VirtualBox’s fault?
2024-06-09 12:11:29

Right, back on #xfce today after yesterdays play with #kde wayland; it's getting better, I did hit a few annoying minor bugs, but rendering worked fine and the only thing that really made life painful was the lack of keyboard/mouse sharing, which should be fixed in the next KDE release and might alrea…
2024-04-09 11:26:29

How to stop #XFCE from looping when switching workspaces using keys:
Q − System Settings − Window Manager Tweaks − Workspaces − “Wrap workspaces depending on the actual desktop layout“
Background: I upgraded my laptop from @… 4.1 to 4.2. The in-place upgrade …
2024-05-14 01:30:30

Could anyone on #NixOS with #XFCE (or something else known to work with compiz) please test this and tell me if you also get a black screen when doing compiz --replace or if it’s just VirtualBox’s fault?
2024-04-01 01:52:06

Ok wtf is this shitty gnome-looking file extractor #openSUSE is shipping with #XFCE now and how tf do I get the old one back?