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2024-04-23 15:18:34

I’m having fun making #YouTube #Thumbnails with my digital muse @… for the @…

Landing Your Dream Job with Maarten looking at stars
Maarten with horns holding a contract with the devil in hell
2024-03-23 23:42:11

Huh? That's new. Bei #YouTube muss man jetzt für realitätsnahe Darstellungen zwingend angeben, ob AI genutzt oder anderweitig manipuliert wurde…
2024-05-24 02:07:51

Eugene Lee Yang says goodbye to The Try Guys #youtube
2024-05-24 18:19:50

#TheElectricState Aufzeichnungen, die nach und nach veröffentliche, sind etwas unorthodox. Sind hier zu gewissen Teilen Bestandteile enthalten, die ich als Session Zero oder als Vorgeplänkel und Setup draußen lassen würde. Mal schauen ob sich das experimentieren hier lohnt
2024-05-22 16:45:56

#til exists and it’s really useful to get text I can quickly skim looking for the information I want instead of watching long
2024-03-23 03:25:09

“Federal investigators have ordered #Google to provide information on all viewers of select #YouTube videos, according to multiple court orders obtained by Forbes. Privacy experts think the orders are unconstitutional because they threaten to turn innocent YouTube viewers into criminal suspects.”
2024-05-24 19:25:18

This might be another "Old man yells at cloud moment", but why is #YouTube increasingly putting reaction videos above the actual music videos?
I don't want to watch someone else watching the video and interrupting with low effort commentary, I want to watch the actual video 🤨
Maybe I just don't get the point of reaction videos or why they're so popular.
2024-04-20 20:39:16

Ik las iets over 'King Tides' (koningstij) en kwam daardoor terecht bij dit lekker heldere uitlegfilmpje:
2024-04-22 18:15:25

War kurz auf #YouTube unterwegs und war geschockt, wie dort gegen #Baerbock gehetzt wird. Wie massiv muss das erst bei Leuten sein, die da einschlägig unterwegs sind.
Es ist erforderlich, die Sozialen Medien zur Verantwortung zu zwingen. Sie müssen denselben Pflichten unterworfen werden wie andere Medie…
2024-05-21 18:13:08

Mittlerweile ist #YouTube ohne Premium echt unbenutzbar. 😩📺 Ich kann komplett verstehen, dass sich viele Menschen mittlerweile lieber Konten teilen, statt diese viele Werbung zu ertragen.
2024-04-20 20:39:16

Ik las iets over 'King Tides' (koningstij) en kwam daardoor terecht bij dit lekker heldere uitlegfilmpje:
2024-03-23 05:23:46

This parody of Bowling for Soup's 1985 is hilarious and somewhat relatable...🤣
2024-04-16 13:16:07

When #youtube was putting suggested videos in the side-bar they were easy enough to just ignore.
Now it's moved them to be twice the size and under the video in a way that you can't scroll away I have blocked the element and no longer see suggested videos at all.
It's much nicer now. I should have blocked it was just a sidebar too.
Thanks Element Blocker! Screw you youtube designers!
2024-04-19 10:48:13

I don't know what classification system #youtube #music uses for family accounts. My eldest could only see 3 songs from #taylorswift's latest album until I raised the limit in
2024-06-05 11:30:01

#Youtube ist eine der beliebtesten #SocialMedia -Plattformen in #Russland. Facebook, Twitter und Tiktok wurden aus dem Land verbannt. Youtube bietet Russland-Kritikern eine Plattform, um sich mehr …
2024-04-05 20:55:09

Gibt es bei #Youtube eigentlich noch die Möglichkeit Transkripte anzeigen zu lassen? Das ging mal:
2024-05-14 14:03:58

The #YouTube app randomly decided to start crashing on launch for me today, which made me finally pull the trigger on migrating to #NewPipe. So far the experience is a major upgrade from YouTube: I no longer need to increase the quality for each video and I have no Shorts to distract me. I shoul…
2024-06-13 16:29:34

One reason why I prefer personal blogs with #RSS and #atom feeds (in contrast to #YouTube channels or similar algorithm-driven platforms) is that they are not forced to publish every week or so in order to lose visibility…
2024-04-19 10:48:13

I don't know what classification system #youtube #music uses for family accounts. My eldest could only see 3 songs from #taylorswift's latest album until I raised the limit in
2024-05-27 19:54:04

YouTube deterioration
New enshittification just dropped?
Reading Fedi stuff (on Android phone).
Clicked a link to YouTube.
Ad starts playing.
Decided I didn't want to watch it, so hit "back" button back to Fedi.
Ad continues playing, in a small rectangle.
Exited to the phone's home page.
Ad _continues_ playing! No X in the corner to close it! WTF?
Solution: Had to click on the video to enlarge its rectangle to make the X visible.
YouTube hijacked my phone!
#YouTube #enshittification
2024-06-16 18:51:26

#youtube has become an absolute cesspit of far-right propaganda and bullshit. #boycottYoutube
2024-04-12 01:14:38

UGH the #YouTube app on appleTV (and ps5) now shows this annoying "up next" banner as the video nears the end. it obscures a not-insignificant part of the screen and is really distracting! i can't find a way to turn it off 🤬
2024-05-17 10:46:07

Nach langer Zeit mal wieder ein Kanalupdate gemacht. Was habe ich gemacht, was habe ich so grob vor bis zum Ende des Jahres.
2024-03-31 04:07:23

It's annoying how even if you're paying for a YouTube subscription, Google gives you little control over the application. I can't disable YouTube shorts, and I have an addictive personality it's so hard to avoid scrolling for hours #youtube #google
2024-04-27 05:05:50

How exactly does the #YouTube app manage to get worse with every single update? The latest, when casting to Chromecast I cannot setup a queue selectively. It just plays my whole watch later queue at once, as though it were not casting.
Is there some 3rd party YouTube client or something? Seriously, as someone trained in usability and 25 years of software dev experience, I am personally and pr…
2024-06-14 17:31:46

3/ Danke! Es gibt Hoffnung für dieses Land. Wahrscheinlich kann man das Video in den Niederlanden oder Polen noch sehen ...
2024-04-09 15:20:26

Hey, English-speaking #youtube wannabes out there with the well-known attitude: "I give a fuck about pronunciation!"
As you refuse to use an #ai voice to present your audience with clear English, try at least this:
2024-04-08 21:33:42

just tried alternative #opensource #youtube website. it can use channels, groups and accounts from #libretube that i've already reviewed later. so, today ive completely re…
2024-05-11 11:38:46
Content warning: little rant about social media

On the few times I check the comments of a #Youtube shorts video, it's ALWAYS the crankiest, most opinionated, and wrongest place that day. Not that regular video comments are not cranky, some comment chains have arguments, but with shorts, it's like the first five top comments all have them. I guess it's harder to curate your audience with that format.
2024-04-26 08:30:27

Hm, #youtube is trying to block #Invidious <- bad news :(
2024-06-05 16:49:30

Does anyone know how you can remove a song from a YouTube Music playlist?
There are options to skip a song, to downvote a song and to remove from queue, but there appears to be no way of removing a song completely from a playlist you've created yourself. At least not that I'm seeing and Google isn't very helpful either.
2024-04-04 09:11:51

Why do most video players (like #Zoom or #YouTube) limit the playback speed to 2x? 😢 Some talks are so slow that I could easily watch them at 3x.

2024-03-26 18:08:46

🎥 New on #YouTube - What do I like about my job?
2024-05-12 06:49:49

#DieLetzteZyklade geht weiter und die neue Episode geht auf nackte Haut und darüberhinaus. 😲
2024-05-25 07:28:05

2/ Aber hey, das ausländerfeindliche und volksverhetzende Video ist immer noch da:
#youtube fand das Video OK und hat es nicht gelöscht.
Vielleicht wollt Ihr ja mal.
2024-06-05 13:35:56

I don't know why this wasn't always working but it seems the #YouTube Android app finally restored support for being able to view premium content in Picture-in-Picture mode.
2024-05-11 11:38:46
Content warning: little rant about social media

On the few times I check the comments of a #Youtube shorts video, it's ALWAYS the crankiest, most opinionated, and wrongest place that day. Not that regular video comments are not cranky, some comment chains have arguments, but with shorts, it's like the first five top comments all have them. I guess it's harder to curate your audience with that format.
2024-05-10 18:55:01

Die erste reguläre volle Episode von #Grauschleierstadt ist zum zeitautonomen sehen/hören nun veröffentlicht.
Und als Bonusaufgabe eure Ideen: welche Mythos/Sagen/Legenden/Märchen Gestalt belohnt seine Opfer mit römischen Münzen und warum diese antiken Münzen? 😄
2024-04-05 21:15:55

I love it when I violate myself!
#YouTube #Music #LiveStream #BolesTV

David Boles video violates David Boles music. Only on YouTube!
2024-04-23 19:16:08

Some people get replies and just do not engage at all....
Like, what is the point of posting to social media if you're not even gonna be SOCIAL?!?🤦‍♂️
Especially Fedi, cause it's not like we have some dumb ad service that pays you for views...You ain't making money here unless you're posting off-platform links to buy stuff.
I just don't get it. It's social media. Not "shout to the void and ignore everyone" media.🙄
#Fediverse #Meta #Fedi #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Sharkey #Misskey #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #GoToSocial #Friendica #Peertube #PixelFed #Hubzilla #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #SocialMedia #Threads #Facebook #Instagram #Twitter #Myspace #Digg #Youtube

2024-03-26 18:08:46

🎥 New on #YouTube - What do I like about my job?
2024-05-01 06:09:11

Quick question for the #YouTube #Creator bubble. Is there a tool that offers better batch processing than YouTube Studio, e.g. replacing a link in all video descriptions?
2024-05-02 19:13:44

👋 I typically hang out early in the #YouTube chat of our #JetBrains #livestreams if you'd like to say hello. #dotnet
2024-04-26 01:37:45

The #NBA is on the cusp of big deals with #Amazon, #YouTube, #ESPN and
2024-04-08 22:04:19

also #freetube is a standalone #foss #opensource app for watching #youtube videos that can …

2024-04-11 08:37:47

The second part of my podcast series about #PsychologicalFlexibility is live - and this time, we turn our attention to the benefits of a mindful focus on the present moment.
#YouTube #Coaching #ACT #Mindfulness
2024-03-30 05:50:04

#opensource #libretube app for #android is really great, but the missing feature to me is subscriptions importing from my actual
2024-04-26 01:37:45

The #NBA is on the cusp of big deals with #Amazon, #YouTube, #ESPN and

2024-03-26 18:08:46

🎥 New on #YouTube - What do I like about my job?
#CoachingPsychologist #OccupationalPsychologist #CharteredPsychologist
2024-03-31 09:43:53

Die neuste Folge #Vaesen #DieSageVomVerlorenenBerg ist nun auf #YouTube, #Spotify
2024-03-30 08:31:58

#libretube is free and #opensource (#foss) #youtube frontend app for