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2024-04-23 08:22:04

How many Z80 CPUs were made over their lifetime? 21 million? More?
Anyway, now that there can only ever be a finite number of them in existence, does this mean they're the new Bitcoin? 😁
2024-04-20 18:53:43

Felt just a bit sad about this news. The #Z80 was the second microprocessor that I ever coded #assembly on after the Intel x86. I remember burning an EPROM with a Z80 program that controlled the brightness level of an LED in one of my early practical microprocessor exercises in college.
2024-05-31 09:54:02

Wer braucht noch fabrikneue #Z80-CPUs? Bis zum 14. Juni 2024 könnt ihr die letzten ihrer Art bei #Zilog bestellen.
Ich bin berührt davon, dass der #Mikroprozessor, auf dem ich 1986 in der DDR zu pro…
2024-04-21 00:28:12

Edge cases are important to keep track of…
#Z80 #asm #assembly #code