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2024-04-24 11:45:06

That's me, in a #ZHAW video, talking about my research and generative AI
#WritingResearch #DigitalLinguistics
(and maybe, hopefully, I have a sticker of the new hock…
2024-04-19 10:04:30

Getting set up for a two day Social Hackathon at the creative academic hub of the Toni Areal - follow #Hack4SocialGood and feel free to toot in! #ZHAW

Artwork in the Social Work department. Ball and pins spelling a word tied with string
2024-04-19 10:04:30

Getting set up for a two day Social Hackathon at the creative academic hub of the Toni Areal - follow #Hack4SocialGood and feel free to toot in! #ZHAW

Artwork in the Social Work department. Ball and pins spelling a word tied with string