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2024-06-17 23:31:19

I've long been fond of the phrase, "the bottom falling out of the bucket" as a reference in #Zen to a kind of irreversible awakening experience. It's used in the 12th c. *Blue Cliff Record.* This story appears to be from a century later, but it's nice (from Paul Reps' *Zen Flesh, Zen Bones*):

When the nun Chiyono studied Zen under Bukko of Engaku she was unable to attain the fruits of meditation for a long time.
At last one moonlit night she was carrying water in an old pail bound with bamboo. The bamboo broke and the bottom fell out of the pail, and at that moment Chiyono was set freel
In commemoration, she wrote a poem:

In this way and that I tried to save the old pail 
Since the bamboo strip was weakening and about
to break
Until at last the bottom fell out. 
No more water in th…
2024-05-09 13:38:52

This week I tell stories about Miaozong, the amazing twelfth-century Zen teacher who was the first officially recognized female Zen “master.” She was fierce, direct, and playful; more than a match for the Zen men she encountered. She also instigated a game of Zen poetry that echoed over five centuries.
#Zen #Poetry
2024-05-25 07:03:23

'Day after day the sun.'
#Zen Proverb
#Chonks #Caturday #Catstodon

A black cat sunning his chonky self by an orange zafu, on a black meditation mat
2024-04-13 08:59:41

30/ Schon als Jugendlicher hat mich Asien sehr interessiert. Ich bin in die Bibliothek gegangen und habe mir die Niederschrift von der Smaragdenen Felswand ausgeliehen. Das war ein interessantes Buch über #Buddhismus. Geschichten. Sehr kurze. Ein Mönch kommt in ein Kloster auf dem Berg. Er formt einen Schneeball und wirft ihn dem Mönch im Kloster an den Kopf dieser ruft „Ho!“ und der andere bedankt sich. Dann kommen 20 Seiten Erklärung. Dann 40 Seiten kultureller Hintergrund und noch mal 40 Seiten Anmerkungen des Übersetzers. Einige Seiten habe ich mir abgeschrieben.
Ich muss immer an diese Stelle denken, wenn ich bestimmte Aktivist*innen agieren sehe. Woher nehmen sie die Kraft? Was für eine Kraft ist das?
„„Wenn der Löwe einen Elefanten reißt, so nimmt er seine ganze Kraft zusammen; und wenn er einen Hasen reißt, so nimmt er seine ganze Kraft zusammen.“ Nun war da ein Mönch der fragte: ”Nun möchte ich nur wissen, was für eine Kraft das ist, die der Löwe ganz zusammennimmt.“ Yün-djü antwortete: „Es ist die Kraft der Wahrheit ohne Falsch.““
Siehe auch 27/ zum #Zen.
2024-06-07 03:00:40

The anonymous Christian author of *The Cloud of Unknowing* spoke of contemplative practice as "a naked, blind feeling of being."
The Buddhists, especially in #Zen, speak similarly of practicing "thusness" or "suchness."
Tonight that came to expression for me as:
the way things are is what does the practice
(I'll be away on a Zen retreat…
2024-05-11 11:10:39

Before enlightenment, grade student work, plan lessons.
After enlightenment, grade student work, plan lessons.
-- #Zen proverb (adapted for #Teachers)
2024-05-10 13:01:32

The "han," sounding board for marking the beginning of #meditation periods, at Tassajara #Zen Monastery.

A thick wooden board hanging from a wooden frame which shows signs of being worn from blows from a wooden mallet, inscribed with the words "Wake up! Life is transient, swiftly passing by. Be aware the great matter. Don't waste time."
2024-04-07 15:31:03

I was in a #Zen jukai ("taking the precepts") ceremony this morning. I found it nice. It included reciting...
The Ten Cardinal Precepts
1.   I resolve not to kill,
but to cherish all life.
2.   I resolve not to take what is not given,
but to respect the things of others.
3.   I resolve not to misuse sexuality,
but to be caring and responsible.
2024-04-16 18:16:12

Give me your favorite #Buddhism books. Bonus points for Zen stuff.
#Buddhism #zenBuddhism #ZenBuddhist
2024-03-30 02:36:09

A longtime contemplative (meditator) I'm fond of saying, "There's a miracle going on, there really is, and it's everything."
That perspective, that prompt for our experience, is very much in line with, for instance, #Zen calls for us to "have no gaining idea" as our practice.
Because, the truth is already here. That can sound hyperbolic or somehow esoteric —…
2024-05-04 07:45:25

"I have lived with many #Zen masters. All of them #cats." --Eckhart Tolle #caturday #catstodon

A big fluffy black cat flopped sideways on a wooden floor, in a sunny patch.