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2024-04-21 14:22:36

I know that macOS / Safari displayed the `alt` text for broken images through Safari 17.0 (visually clipping as necessary).
Testing in macOS 14.4.1 / Safari 17.4.1, however, shows me that `alt` text is no longer displayed.
Has anyone else noticed this regression?
#Safari #accessibility
2024-05-15 16:53:57

These are honestly really cool features.
Vehicle Motion Cues is super interesting. I wonder how well it works. I know a lot of people who get super car sick.
#apple #ios #accessibility
“Apple anno…
2024-05-03 17:54:18

Carie Fisher: Empowering #accessibility: GitHub’s journey building an in-house Champions program
2024-04-22 12:05:26

Keep your image alternative text brief, devoid of special characters, empty of URLs, and ideally in one language.
2024-06-16 07:38:34

“How Apple’s podcast transcriptions came to be”
#Accessibility #a11y #transcriptions
2024-04-17 05:46:26

Könntet ihr beim Posten optischer Täuschungen, vor allem, wenn sie Bewegung vorgaukeln sollen, bitte als "sensitive" markieren und/oder mit CW versehen?
#accessibility #fedisabled
2024-04-02 14:56:23

The WebAIM Million report 2024 is out.
95.9% of home pages had detected WCAG 2 failures, which is a slight improvement over 2023, while the number of overall errors per page increased notably by 13.6 %.
#accessibility #a11y
2024-05-09 20:41:23

There was an interesting #accessibility question in the #11tyConf chat I wanted to surface.
Say your site styles are responding to the `prefers-contrast: less` media query. Must they still conform to the relevant 4.5:1 and 3:1 contrast ratios when the media query is active?
2024-04-11 09:54:30

The focus of today's post on #AFIR, the EU charging law that comes into force in two days' time, is on #accessibility :
2024-04-02 14:56:23

The WebAIM Million report 2024 is out.
95.9% of home pages had detected WCAG 2 failures, which is a slight improvement over 2023, while the number of overall errors per page increased notably by 13.6 %.
#accessibility #a11y
2024-05-09 21:28:29

The Stack Overflow / OpenAI news does not alarm me too much. There is *lots* of bad #accessibility information there. I did a talk on it.
2024-03-31 19:15:32

Surely there was a way to accomplish parking this car that didn’t illegally block a sidewalk. 🤔
#accessibility #pedestrian

A black SUV is parked across the sidewalk and into the road, despite ample space in the house's driveway should the driver have wished to park the vehicle in a non-obstructive, legal manner.
2024-06-04 15:53:52

I am not the only one to say this:
Please remember that WCAG itself is the bare minimum of #accessibility. Conforming to WCAG does not guarantee something is accessible. It does not even guarantee something is usable. All WCAG does is provide you with a starting point. Lots of WCAG failures suggest the page has not even made it to the starting line.
Which I say at the end of this pos…
2024-05-09 23:29:22

I, for one, am curious how allowing tables (et al) in `<option>` is going to work when the issue discussing it is deferring #accessibility to another issue — in which none of them are participating.
WHATWG #10310: HTML parser changes for stylable `<select>`
2024-05-13 16:15:08

Want to further #equity, #inclusion, and #accessibility in #libraries? Join the Digital Lib…
2024-04-04 23:36:46

Ah, React Native, where filing an issue tagged as “#accessibility” is a guarantee Facebook is just gonna ignore it until it stales-out and auto-closes:
2024-03-28 15:08:01

How to become a better #UI designer in one step
#design #accessibility #a11y

Geordi says "meh" to "make the logo bigger"

Geordi approves of "delete the logo and make the font size bigger"