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2024-05-26 12:56:37

Book 4 of Discworld done. Another great book I thoroughly enjoyed. I'll move on to the next one either tonight or tomorrow.
#amreading #Discworld #bookstodon

An infographic of my reading stats for Terry Pratchett's Mort, created by Bookly android app. 

Pages read: 371
Total reading time: 10 hours, 7 Minutes and 7 seconds
Reading speed in pages per hour: 36 p/h
Most pages read in one day: 77 pages
Most minutes read in one day: 112 minutes. 
4/5 stars.
2024-05-14 00:02:03

Up next. Thanks for the recommendation @… #bookstodon #amreading

The Steerswoman, by Rosemary Kirstein
2024-05-18 22:26:07

3rd Discworld book done and an excellent read. I don't see why I should stop, book 4 will start tomorrow.
#Discworld #amReading #bookstodon

Bookly inforgraphic of my stats for reading Terry Pratchett's Equal Rights, book 3 of his Discworld series. 

Streak award: 5 consecutive days
Pages read: 299
Total reading time: 8 hours, 48 minutes and 50 seconds
Reading speed in Pages per hour: 33
Most pages read in a day: 83
Most minutes read in a day: 157 minutes.

Made with bookly for Android.
2024-05-19 19:19:49

About to dive into Discworld book number 4: Mort. Looking forward to this one.
#Discworld #bookstodon #books
2024-05-10 11:18:07

Nice quote on ego loss, #immersion, #teaching and #learning
2024-05-16 22:25:24

Another evening, another mammoth reading session. I actually went ahead and purchased Bookly subscription. We'll see if it was worth it. If not, I'm happy to support the dev.
Not quite 25% tonight, but pretty close. At this rate, I'll finish the book tomorrow!
#Discworld #amReading
2024-05-27 23:14:52

Started Book 5 of Discworld: Sourcery, whilst listening to some Jazz to drown out the snoring from the ex and her mum in the other rooms. We're going out early tomorrow, so time for bed. But *gods* is this bed uncomfortable!!!
#amReading #bookstodon
2024-06-06 22:21:54

Another Discworld book down. I wish I'd found these earlier, they're so good.
#Discworld #bookstodon #TerryPratchett

an infographic showing the stats for my reading of Terry Pratchett's fith Discworld book: Sourcery, which I have given 4/5 stars. 

11 day streak
339 pages read
total time reading: 12 hours, 39 minutes and 13 seconds.
Reading speed in pages per hour: 29.
Most Pages read in a day: 54.
most minutes read in one day: 124.

made with Bookly for Android.