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2024-05-28 01:01:47

Scientists Uncover Key Brain Development Differences in #Autistic Boys and Girls @…
2024-04-23 14:26:12

‘Spurred by new archival research and public comments by [Judy] Singer about trans people, a group of autistic academics and advocates argue that “#neurodiversity” should be credited to the early online #autistic community instead.’
2024-06-16 12:08:41

"Why are #autistic people so gay?"
Current research indicates that autistic people have higher rates of #LGBTQ identities and feelings than the general population.
2024-06-16 17:59:32

#Autistic people aren't being fooled into being nonbinary. We see past the binary that fools you. - LGBTQ Nation
2024-05-31 16:54:14

I wanted to share this amazing Etsy shop I just found on Imgur. I know that we have a lot of neurodivergent followers Here's a cool video: #neurodivergent #autistic #etsy
2024-04-12 20:35:28

I have a son turning 18 tomorrow. He is #autistic, #aspie, #bipolar, and has #tourettes. It's a beautiful combination of conditions, but as you can imagine, it doesn't set him up for success in the social skills department.
Now he's turning 18 and has very few people turning up as his party. What can I do as a dad to help? There's the "fix it" side of me that wants to get creative on ways to get people to his party. But I don't know if that will make things worse.
I'd love to hear from others #neurdivergent and #actuallyautistic folks.
EDIT... Sorry I forgot to mention that my son has complained about how few people are coming. So I do know he wants more people.
2024-04-12 20:35:28

I have a son turning 18 tomorrow. He is #autistic, #aspie, #bipolar, and has #tourettes. It's a beautiful combination of conditions, but as you can imagine, it doesn't set him up for success in the social skills department.
Now he's turning 18 and has very few people turning up as his party. What can I do as a dad to help? There's the "fix it" side of me that wants to get creative on ways to get people to his party. But I don't know if that will make things worse.
I'd love to hear from others #neurdivergent and #actuallyautistic folks.
EDIT... Sorry I forgot to mention that my son has complained about how few people are coming. So I do know he wants more people.