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2024-03-13 17:51:52

Honestly, I love reading Stephen Jay Gould's essays on #evolution, #biology and other topics. Some of them are almost 50 years old, many of them are outdated (sometimes corrected by later essays), many of them state things that are obvious to people living today.
Nevertheless, they're not only written in great style, but reading them is like witnessing history in the making. It's not like dry facts you learn a school, or historical accounts made by people with future perspective (though Gould often did such accounts as well, and tried to put ideas in context of their era) — it's about witnessing them as exciting new ideas.
The first collection is #book
2024-03-13 17:32:25

⚗️ Researchers develop artificial building blocks of life
2024-03-07 16:36:20

This honeycreeper is half male, half female, and doesn't even GIVE a fuck
#science #biology

A green honeycreeper spotted on a farm in Colombia that exhibits a rare biological phenomenon known as bilateral gynandromorphism. It's half blue and half green, down the center of its body.
2024-05-09 04:20:42

Teens having normal adult sex hormones and sexual appetites is not a problem at all. It is just biological development.
The problem is the ignorance caused by fucked up societies trying to force them to stay in the role of children, and be asexual.
#nature #biology
2024-03-07 01:30:03

🔌 Radio waves can tune up bacteria to become life-saving medicines
2024-04-06 04:11:43

How did #life start on Earth? 2/2
Having these ⬆️ compounds heavily diluted in some puddles billions of years ago does not create suddenly create life, even when we can wait for millenia.
But warm rocks with cracks could have increased such concentrations and transported them together, new research suggests. 😊
#chemistry #biology
2024-04-05 14:07:42

cant believe its alive!!! doesnt look much healthy tho: its yellowish and has a deffect on its leaf :(
#plant #botanics #biology
2024-05-03 22:26:44

Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms
2024-04-28 16:18:00

People write "Oh My! An age gap! This could be abusive in some cases!"
ALL RELATIONSHIPS could be abusive.
That is NOT a function of age.
#nature #biology #BodilyAutonomy
2024-02-21 10:20:45

From the world of RNA: What's an Obelisk, anyway? "The list of things that we don’t know about these agents is lengthy."
2024-02-17 19:00:05

🐛 Scientists identify “universal network” of microbes for decomposing flesh
2024-03-17 23:41:03

☀️ Surprising bacterium from Canadian lake shines new light on ancient photosynthesis
2024-02-17 23:05:10

How the brain responds to reward is linked to socioeconomic background
#brain #neuroscience #research #biology