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2024-03-28 01:49:48

Another #Bluetooth asshattery fail. Spent $3; I'm not about to spend $25.
2024-05-27 21:43:28

Finally, Bartók. And all it took was a TP-Link #Bluetooth 5.0 dongle. No idea why things went craptastic in the first place.
2024-05-27 11:20:16

⚮⚮⚮Updated to #LinuxMint "Virginia".
⚮⚮⚮About to throw #Bluetooth into the sea.
⚮⚮⚮Need cathexis flow, stat.
2024-05-25 16:01:28

⚮⚮⚮After having dicked around with Mercator: Extreme want Inverted: equator centered on Quito, Ecuador.
⚮⚮⚮Wearing my father's USAF 1945-1955 cap for the three-day weekend. United States Forces Austria. Occupation troop. Very "What did you do in the Cold War, Daddy?
⚮⚮⚮Curses, #Bluetooth!
2024-06-14 21:05:30

Some nice Friday evening fucking around and finding out happening: Using BLE (#Bluetooth Low Energy) to do device proximity detection using #Shelly plugs:
2024-03-29 13:44:14

#Bluetooth is an exercise in frustration. No omnibus discovery mode, binary blobs, obfuscated specs, false messages, and steps which lead nowhere. This isn’t the future, this is the Winchester Mystery House!
2024-06-18 22:40:30

For no readily apparent reason Computer No. 1 has decided #Bluetooth doesn't exist.
2024-06-13 18:03:18

Google is bringing their #Android #bluetooth stack to #chromeos &#Linux, replacing BlueZ in ChromeOS. Looks promising based on the blog post below.
2024-03-28 16:08:48

Suddenly tired again. Legs ache. Dicking around with #Bluetooth always does this to me.