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2024-06-06 22:21:54

Another Discworld book down. I wish I'd found these earlier, they're so good.
#Discworld #bookstodon #TerryPratchett

an infographic showing the stats for my reading of Terry Pratchett's fith Discworld book: Sourcery, which I have given 4/5 stars. 

11 day streak
339 pages read
total time reading: 12 hours, 39 minutes and 13 seconds.
Reading speed in pages per hour: 29.
Most Pages read in a day: 54.
most minutes read in one day: 124.

made with Bookly for Android.
2024-06-07 13:26:19

Before you head out for the weekend, check out today's Metacurity for the most critical infosec developments you should know, including
--Fears over Recall feature deepen after researcher knocks down Microsoft's last remaining defense
--500 Snowflake credentials found linked to info-stealing malware,
--FCC launches BGP NPRM,
--Ukrainian man busted thanks to Operation Endgame,
--New campaign seeks to steal Ukrainian military info,
--Panasonic Australia hit by Akira ransomware attack,
--Daixin Team claims ransomware attack on city of Dubai,
--Third-party breach exposes 1.9m CoinGecko users,
--much more
2024-06-07 18:21:20

„Hilfreiche Tipps im Umgang mit feinstofflichen Quanten-Feen“ als Buchtitel? Funktioniert das für die Esoterik-Bubble?
2024-06-07 11:50:42

Wenn meine damaligen Schulfreunde wüssten, dass mein heutiger Job größtenteils aus Reden besteht, die würden die Welt nicht mehr verstehen.
2024-06-08 00:55:35

#BikeStreak, Day 68: Rode to occupational therapy after lunch. Took the scenic route through the forest on #Käferberg (literally means "beetle hill") on the way back. 8.7km at around 24℃.

View on Zurich and Lake Zurich with roses in the foreground.
View on Zurich and the Uetliberg with some bushes with dark fuchsia and white flowers in the foreground.
An a bit dusty view on Zurich and Lake Zurich with a tree on the left edge of the picture.
A forest lake with water lilies, reed and ducks. Blue sky with white clouds above the green trees.
2024-06-07 16:18:01

"Klimawandel verschlimmerte #Hochwasser
Einer Schnellanalyse zufolge hatte der #Klimawandel Anteil am Ausmaß des Hochwassers in #Süddeutschland. Der
2024-06-07 18:21:20

„Hilfreiche Tipps im Umgang mit feinstofflichen Quanten-Feen“ als Buchtitel? Funktioniert das für die Esoterik-Bubble?
2024-06-07 17:54:19

Dallas Cowboys Receive Bold Prediction For 2024 From Analyst
2024-06-06 07:26:47

Enhancing Repository-Level Code Generation with Integrated Contextual Information
Zhiyuan Pan, Xing Hu, Xin Xia, Xiaohu Yang
2024-06-07 06:53:28

PLDNet: PLD-Guided Lightweight Deep Network Boosted by Efficient Attention for Handheld Dual-Microphone Speech Enhancement
Nan Zhou, Youhai Jiang, Jialin Tan, Chongmin Qi