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2024-04-07 18:20:47

There are only two games worth playing on C64 with paddles: Arkanoid and Puzzle Bobble.
Prove me wrong (or suggest which other game should be hacked to be use paddles instead of joystick).
#c64 #commodore
2024-04-29 19:10:33

Ich ärgere mich heute noch, dass ich im Jahre 2002 einem damaligen Freund alle meine #C64 #Disketten mit allen #Spielen „geliehen“ habe.
2024-04-21 09:51:59

I decided to sell some of my #retro stuff and I realized again how disappointed I am with the re-releases of old #C64 software on CD. Instead of the original versions, you get cracked and/or frozen versions. I already had these in the 80s. 🙄 I hope that the original authors at least got some money.
2024-04-01 19:49:24

I built myself a set of paddle controllers for a C64.
It was great fun to play Arkanoid. It was even greater fun to play Puzzle Bobble v1.21 - paddle input is so natural there!
What are other fun games that I could test them with?
What are other games that I could hack to use paddles instead of joystick input? (We need one button and one axis control)

Two handmade paddle controllers built using Kradex Z23 enclosures, industrial push butons and linear 500K (should be  470K, but that's ok) potentiometers. In hindsight I should have connected second box to the computer plug rather than the first box.
2024-03-23 17:03:41

Is that 1541 disk driver for GEOS modified to use fast data transfer over parallel cable?
Yes it is! Already faster than the original code, uses hardware handshake and it can be still improved a lot.
#c64 #geos

Piece of drv1541.s - GEOS disk driver for 1541 disk drive.
The code here shows send/recieve procedures on both host (C64) and drive (1541) side.
2024-03-23 17:03:41

Is that 1541 disk driver for GEOS modified to use fast data transfer over parallel cable?
Yes it is! Already faster than the original code, uses hardware handshake and it can be still improved a lot.
#c64 #geos

Piece of drv1541.s - GEOS disk driver for 1541 disk drive.
The code here shows send/recieve procedures on both host (C64) and drive (1541) side.
2024-03-20 20:26:13

I suppose that's all I need to build myself a pair of paddles for Arkanoid.

Two boxes, two knobs, two linear 500K potentiometers, a cable with at least 6 wires and DE9 plug
2024-03-20 20:26:13

I suppose that's all I need to build myself a pair of paddles for Arkanoid.

Two boxes, two knobs, two linear 500K potentiometers, a cable with at least 6 wires and DE9 plug