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2024-05-17 14:22:52

We may not have Joe Bob tonight, but I am excited about tonight's movie with my discord friends. I think I've picked a fun one!
#movies #film #cinema
2024-05-13 08:24:52

Even if you've never seen a #RogerCorman movie the whole landscape of #cinema has been shaped by him (no hyperbole). The quote went something like "if you make two pictures for me that don't stink you'll never have to work for me again".
I really enjoyed this cha…
2024-06-06 14:50:55

The most prophetic Corman: Info Tech did indeed make us slaves and prisoners.
#cinema #rogercorman #IT
2024-05-13 08:24:52

Even if you've never seen a #RogerCorman movie the whole landscape of #cinema has been shaped by him (no hyperbole). The quote went something like "if you make two pictures for me that don't stink you'll never have to work for me again".
I really enjoyed this cha…
2024-05-31 17:04:56

#cinema #review

Title: Journey to Italy
Metadata: 1954 - Roberto Rossellini
Score: Okay
Review: It is the third movie in a row I watched in which Ingrid Bergman ends up with some insufferable twit.