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2024-06-16 07:49:00

"Community Management betrifft Publisher, Politik, Vereine, Sport und viele mehr. Deshalb: Macht die Kommentarspalten an, lasst Diskussionen zu. Aber schafft auch ein sicheres Umfeld – frei von Hatespeech und Toxic!"
Sönke Reimers, Sprecher der Geschäftsführung dfv Mediengruppe anläßlich der Studie "2024: Relevanz von #CommunityManagement"

Trump portrays rampant crime in speech at Black church in Detroit
Trump repeated his characterization of Black communities as dangerous and depressed on Saturday,
courting voters in a city he has called “hell” and “totally corrupt”
as his campaign hopes incremental gains with Black voters could be decisive in swing states.

“Look, the crime is most rampant right here and in African American communities,” Trump said at 180 Church in Detroit.
“More people see me …
2024-06-16 03:16:06

In Landmark Report, DOJ Finds Phoenix Police Violated Rights of Homeless | Common Dreams
2024-06-16 12:25:49

I have been involved with @… for some years, and fortunately they've been delivering some #CovidSafe activities, for free, for members of the #LGBTQ community in England - but they r…
2024-06-16 01:45:36

Argh #Drupal #community is still doing it— treating new #contributors differently than established ones.
How can everyone not realize that "separate but equal" is always a lie?

Trump portrays rampant crime in speech at Black church in Detroit
Trump repeated his characterization of Black communities as dangerous and depressed on Saturday,
courting voters in a city he has called “hell” and “totally corrupt”
as his campaign hopes incremental gains with Black voters could be decisive in swing states.

“Look, the crime is most rampant right here and in African American communities,” Trump said at 180 Church in Detroit.
“More people see me …
2024-06-16 00:00:05

advogato: Advogato trust network (2009)
A network of trust relationships among users on Advogato, an online community of open source software developers. Edge direction indicates that node i trusts node j, and edge weight denotes one of four increasing levels of declared trust from i to j: observer (0.4), apprentice (0.6), journeyer (0.8), and master (1.0).
This network has 6541 nodes and 51127 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted

advogato: Advogato trust network (2009). 6541 nodes, 51127 edges.

The kid was returning a BB gun to a suburban strip mall,
which is not something that carries the death penalty in Washington state.
The man, who saw himself as the protector of his community, decided that the child was a danger,
because he had decided that it was his job to choose who was dangerous and who was not.
So he pulled out his people-killing tool—the ownership and use of which is seen as a fundamental right in this country—and issued some commands,

The kid was returning a BB gun to a suburban strip mall,
which is not something that carries the death penalty in Washington state.
The man, who saw himself as the protector of his community, decided that the child was a danger,
because he had decided that it was his job to choose who was dangerous and who was not.
So he pulled out his people-killing tool—the ownership and use of which is seen as a fundamental right in this country—and issued some commands,