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2024-05-24 15:56:32

Now out: The "#openscience meets #citizenscience"-section which I've been editing for the LIBER "Citizen Science for Research Libraries" guide book! 🎉
Details and links to the guide are hre:
2024-04-19 22:33:55

If any of this makes sense to you, feel free to contribute to Teilnamer:in - a #hack4socialgood project in support of #citizenscience and #eparticipation - currently at the brainstorming…

Hand sketch of a prototype concept: Recommendation, Participation, Evaluation, Research
2024-05-13 05:25:10

Wie geht es unseren Bächen?
#citizenScience-Projekt zum Zustand kleinerer Fließgewässer. Mitmachen hier:
2024-05-17 12:59:31

I didn't expect the Church of England to be into #lichen #citizenscience! Between 8-16 June, they hope that folks will visit their local graveyards to record species via iNaturalist.
2024-06-15 09:18:06

Huge thanks to @… for this lovely sticker - and doing some amazing #citizenscience on postal delivery times. Learn more and sign up here:
2024-04-26 22:27:45

Planet Hunters #NGTS - New #Planet Candidates from a #CitizenScience Search of the Next Generation Transit Survey Public Data: -> Potential new worlds rescued by citizens of Earth - people-powered project is 'out of this world':
2024-05-15 20:24:00

I gave a talk at the Pint of Science tonight! At “imagined futures” we had 4 time travels coming from the future. I traveled back to 2024, coming from 2074 to talk about a birthday party and data democracy. 🥳🍻 #pint24 #citizenscience
The transcript of my talk is already on my blog here:
2024-05-15 09:04:00

Our paper on how we co-created the content moderation policies for AutSPACEs is now out in Data & Policy! This was a big team effort that from the get-go was done by & for autistic folks!
And we even snuck in a reference to @…'s blog. 😁
Read it here: #CitizenScience4Health #CitizenScience
2024-05-14 14:07:48

This morning I went to the opening of a community art exhibit that “Social Action for Health” created over a series of workshops in which residents of Tower Hamlets explored their experiences of living with long term health conditions and taking multiple medications.
If you’re close by: it’s still on until Friday afternoon! #citizenscience
2024-05-07 08:58:43

«Quantifying the self with others» looks at the particular #CitizenScience community that is #PersonalScience / #quantifiedself.
«This community cultivated useful conversations about personal health data, the sorts of participatory “reflection and dialogue” needed to achieve “a shared vision” for these technologies, through specific communication techniques that integrated personal and community goals or transcended them by marshalling an open science data imaginary.»
2024-04-04 07:28:41

SD: How can we meet all of these changes? And is #citizenscience as a label expansive enough? #ecsa2024
2024-04-02 20:34:32

The #CitizenScience 4 Health working group ( met today to discuss the theme of our citizen science for health conference next year, our working methods as a group, and our external communication. Now for the main conference tomorrow!
2024-04-03 07:30:51

I have a really hard time to get excited about the question of "how can #citizenscience inform policy?", given how policy mostly seems to happily ignore facts, regardless of who produces the knowledge 🙈 #ecsa2024
2024-04-03 11:48:22

Lea Den Broeder and Annemarie Wagemakers on lessons learned from COVID on #citizenscience in community health promotion. Including lessons the “Citizen Science 4 Health” community collected at our conference.
Stresses accessibility of approaches and places, focusing on people’s needs and connecting the community. #ecsa2024
2024-04-01 12:03:49

Heading to Vienna for the conference of the European #CitizenScience Association. #ecsa2024
2024-05-30 11:26:43

«Peer Production in #CitizenScience: A Community-Centered Approach on the Example of #PersonalScience»
Super excited to see that Katharina's PhD thesis (which she successfully defended in November last year) is now available in full on HAL!
2024-04-30 16:17:25

Had a great afternoon at #CollabW24
First we had a great discussion about #CitizenScience and how research software engineers can contribute to it, followed by a mini-workshop on "community co-creation" that my colleagues Georgia Aitkenhead, @… and I co-facilitated.
And rounding it out now with Lucy Robinson talking on "creating advocates through community science".
2024-04-30 08:51:47

Attending the #SSI's #CollabW24 online today and tomorrow. This year #CitizenScience is one of the topics, so lots of fun program to look forward to. Including a mini-workshop we're organising this afternoon on community co-creation.
2024-04-26 08:30:26

This morning the European #CitizenScience Association is having its Annual General Meeting, including board elections.
2024-04-26 08:30:26

This morning the European #CitizenScience Association is having its Annual General Meeting, including board elections.
2024-05-28 11:15:35

If you missed it over the (potentially long) weekend:
The LIBER guide to «#OpenScience meets #CitizenScience» is now out!
2024-05-28 11:15:35

If you missed it over the (potentially long) weekend:
The LIBER guide to «#OpenScience meets #CitizenScience» is now out!
2024-03-25 13:38:16

«[#CitizenScience] Project leaders who described misalignment between their own goals and what they perceived to be their organization’s goals more frequently reported challenges related to balancing scientists’ and volunteers’ interests, convincing colleagues to trust data, and being part-time employees»
2024-05-28 10:09:41

And if this German-language podcast episode (#CitizenScience doesn't work for you:
In 2022, I already did an English episode with @… too! You can find that one here:
2024-05-28 10:09:41

And if this German-language podcast episode (#CitizenScience doesn't work for you:
In 2022, I already did an English episode with @… too! You can find that one here:
2024-05-28 10:07:12

Ich habe mit Peter vom @… Podcast über Bürger*Innenwissenschaften gesprochen.
Die Episode ist jetzt hier verfügbar: #CitizenScience
2024-05-28 10:07:12

Ich habe mit Peter vom @… Podcast über Bürger*Innenwissenschaften gesprochen.
Die Episode ist jetzt hier verfügbar: #CitizenScience
2024-06-12 11:20:38

Why I think it's interesting to see how – despite all the “AI”-trends that #Apple follows elsewhere – their interpretation of wearable data is still rooted in personal, situated knowledge.
A quick blog post about interpreting the #QuantifiedSelf: #CitizenScience #CitizenScience4Health
2024-06-12 11:20:38

Why I think it's interesting to see how – despite all the “AI”-trends that #Apple follows elsewhere – their interpretation of wearable data is still rooted in personal, situated knowledge.
A quick blog post about interpreting the #QuantifiedSelf: #CitizenScience #CitizenScience4Health