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2024-05-21 20:03:36

the remote #PacificIslanders still under French #colonial control whose island holds 25% of the world's nickel deposits are rioting for the second straight week... the indigenous miners are unhappy with their exploitive #EU yo…
2024-05-30 08:41:46
Content warning:

Help needed on #German #colonial #history in #Africa!
I found this image below in the Frankfurt UB colonial p…

Black and white photograph showing a large building with an old German flag on top. It is surrounded by a barbed wire fence. Outside the fence there is a group of 5 apparently African persons sitting on the floor. Two white men in white uniforms and helmets stand next to them. One African soldier with a rifle is standing behind the fence apparently guarding the building.
2024-05-17 11:32:33
Content warning: The indiginous people of New Caledonia are rebelling against their colonial oppressors. And who does BBC news interview? (Do you need to look? You already know, right?)

Hint: he’s not Kanak.
#NewCaledonia #Kanak #france #colonialism

A white coloniser from New Caledonia being interviewed by the BBC.