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2024-06-10 10:26:48

"Mr Ross also came under pressure at the weekend when the Sunday Mail reported that his own advisers had raised concerns over 28 parliamentary travel claims which may have been combined with his work as a football linesman"
Who could have believed a #Conservative could also be a corrupt, conniving conman?
2024-06-17 12:58:00

National #Law Review looks at the #SCOTUS decision in which the so-called #Conservative majority unanimously voted 6 to 3 to allow bump stocks back in the hands of
2024-06-11 11:31:17

UKPol conservative manifesto
Defense! They want you to feel threatened everyone! Only the Conservatives can protect you:
* From the country's "enemies" like China (who make most of our stuff).
* From "Immigrants" (who provide half of our services as the population-bulge retires).
* From Eco-zelotory and the expense of maintaining the planet (by building lots of dirty carbon-burning electricity stations to burn so much oil we'll have enough to sell to our neighbours, even though it's not really economical to export energy more than a few hundred miles and a decentralized green electricity network is cheaper and cleaner)
* From tax: Tax Cuts by cutting back on welfare other than pensions. Halving national insurance contributions, especially for self-employed. (Even though welfare is already cut to the bone, the working-poor are so poor they don't pay tax)
* From education and kids: Fewer university degrees, more training apprenticeships. Forced labour for national service. (Even though forced national service weakens an army)
* From homes: Build 300,000 houses a year (10% fewer than the Libs promise, but by abolishing building safety laws!).
No more stamp-duty. Help-to-buy schemes. (even though these things subsidize house-buying thus driving up house prices. They are good for landlords I guess?)
* From children: Free Childcare (so you can get to work on poverty wages instead of looking after your kids)
* More teachers! More cops! (Especially more cops)
* Sex means sex.
He says we need certainty, rather than the uncertainty Starmer would give us, but he doesn't seem all that confident of it.
#ukpol #election #conservative #manifesto
2024-06-10 07:44:51

Uk general election
So one the one hand we're told that #tacticalvoting shows a failure of #democracy (in our "amazingly democratic" #FirstPastThePost system)
And on the other hand there's a #Conservative minister on the radio telling the country that voting for #ReformUK is a vote for #Labour
You can't have it both ways
Perhaps someone will finally realise that it's broken and needs reforming.