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2024-02-27 12:16:35

Just wanted to give a shout-out of love to my instance at for simply introducing me to some great tools for collective organising, governance, and financial tools like Open Collective and Loomio.
I've already started looking into these tools for organising a collective locally and it's just brilliant to have the resources and examples of how to use them well.
2024-02-27 12:58:19

#TIL: Zumindest im QR-Code auf Convenience-Food-Produkten vom #Coop ist das #Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum mit codiert. Denn der Self-Checkout-Automat brachte mir heute bei einem Produkt ein Pop-Up "Mi…
2024-02-17 04:29:33

I had an amazing intro call with part of the Besonda team this week.
It’s a non-profit focused on co-op based cohousing for BC.
I’ve been feeling that something like this needs to exist, so it’s amazing to find an org like this getting started!
#coop #cohousing