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2024-06-07 19:22:49

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
Questioner can barely afford to live and wonders what anyone would do to change anything.
Labour think the main thing is the government must not spend too much but should create a new energy company that employs some people.
Conservatives are appalled that the government (them) has let things get this bad for people and the only way to address the cost of living is tax-cuts.
Because that's worked so well for them over the last decade and a half. They hated having to put up taxes.
Greens point out there isn't a cost-of-living crisis, there's an inequality crisis. We can have investment in a green economy to get reductions in the cost of living. They offer a 15 quid minimum wage, and to remove the child-benfit cap to release kids from poverty.
Reform think the cost of living is mostly taxes, despite the fact really poor people hardly pay any taxes, and that it's migrants and the lazy unemployed of course. So they'd cut taxes and migrants.
The scots mention that Brexit has cost everyone a fortune and blasted the economy to bits. They want to seek to rejoin the single market. They chastise Labour for the conspiracy of silence on Brexit and that the Libs were in the government that caused brexit.
The libs want more windfall taxes on oil to help out.
#ukpol #election #debate #costOfLiving
2024-06-12 23:10:17
Content warning: CW: auspol

Oh, FFS. Do Dutton’s advisers actually *do* anything? Did anyone consider the optics on this?
Peter #Dutton took $23k private #jet to #NewsCorp event where he spoke on