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2024-05-25 01:55:36

Worth reading: Long #Covid at Work: A Manager’s Guide
2024-05-25 19:41:35

covid origins, interesting writeups
Mojiang bat cave connection:
2024-05-25 01:55:36

Worth reading: Long #Covid at Work: A Manager’s Guide
2024-04-26 16:46:21

Schätzung für Zürich aufgrund Kalibrierung der Abwasserprävalenzen Werdhölzli, Daten bis 21. April:
Inzidenz ~300.
Ca. jede 330. Person infiziert sich pro Woche.
Re-revidierte AMELAG-Daten kalibriert gemäss SentiSurv RLP (Kalibrierung
@rv_enigma auf Twitter).
2024-04-26 07:38:36

Guardian covid erasure (again)
This morning, the Guardian gives us a whole article about the increasing rate of strokes in the UK - somehow failing to mention the word "covid" at all.
Instead of a link to their denialtastic article, here's some actual research on covid, strokes etc:
"People who survived the first 30 d of COVID-19 exhibited increased risk of stroke (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.52 (1.43, 1.62)"
#stroke #CovidErasure #Guardian
2024-05-23 21:49:18

Do you know someone with significant quality-of-life problems due to Long Covid?
Boosts appreciated.
#COVID #LongCovid
2024-05-25 19:25:00

covid origins
Early on, the lab escape idea sounded to me unlikely - the kind of fiction people often get excited about.
But much reading later, if I had to bet on the likeliest:
• In 2012, when 3 people in Mojiang died after working in a bat cave, it was covid or a close relation.
• Samples went to Wuhan.
• Zhou Yusen had them & worked on vaccines.
• Maybe gain-of-function research too - but the Mojiang version was already deadly.
• Biosecurity lapses − people infected late 2019.
2024-05-25 09:34:12

Someone's invented a "covid-conscious" dating app!
#CovidCareful #CovidCautious #dating
2024-05-23 21:49:18

Do you know someone with significant quality-of-life problems due to Long Covid?
Boosts appreciated.
#COVID #LongCovid
2024-05-26 08:10:50

#Verschwörungstheorien haben sich von #COVID auf das #Klima verlagert und könnten die #EUWahlen
2024-06-16 11:20:48

"At the current rate of infection, most Americans may get Long COVID."
Dat zal wel voor de hele (i.i.g. westerse) bevolking gelden.
2024-05-24 15:08:08

Schätzung für Zürich aufgrund Kalibrierung der Abwasserprävalenzen Werdhölzli, Daten bis 19. Mai:
Inzidenz ~900.
Ca. jede 110. Person infiziert sich pro Woche.…
2024-05-10 21:56:51

Calling all over-80s in Ireland!
(When you enter Ireland a leprechaun greets all under 80s at the border and gives you a lucky charm with immunity to COVID so we only offer the booster to over 80s.)
#covid #ireland
2024-04-24 22:07:36

cognitive framing of covid risks
You know when people are like "you have to live your life", and it means acting as if covid doesn't exist?
I was thinking, it's as if they have covid risks conceptualised as a one-dimensional measurement spectrum like so:
{No fun, no risk} ............... {Fun and risk}
For me, it isn't like that: there's a quadrant which is "highly rewarding and little or no risk".
#covid #CovidCareful
2024-06-13 00:00:21

Yeah, I'll keep masking tyvm
2024-06-15 19:51:29

ORLY? Kids are losing 'huge chunks' of their childhood to long #COVID. Too many are being told it's 'all in their head'
2024-05-22 14:57:01

AMELAG-Daten bis 15.5. zeigen erfreulicherweise auch wieder nach unten.
2024-05-07 18:47:14

Chinese virologist who was first to share #COVID-19 genome sleeps on street after lab shuts
2024-06-12 21:02:08

Did a Methacholine Challange today. Never have ever been so completely unable to breathe.
Suspecting this means I have asthma now.
Fuck #Covid.
2024-06-10 01:49:25

This is a damning indictment of our global COVID policy failure: #COVID lulls aren't being earned by policy; they're being bought with infections and deaths…

Copy from the article
2024-06-06 13:51:55

Schon interessant was ich aus einem der letzten OkDoomer Posts erfahre:
Während wir in der Öffentlichkeit inzwischen eine "War was?"-Attitüde bei #Covid an den Tag legen, müssen alle Teilnehmer des International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg dagegen einen negativen PCR-Test [sic!] vorweisen.


A friend shared this today: extensive covid testing protocols for the International Economic Forum, to begin tomorrow in St. Petersburg. She said "World leaders are protecting their health while assuring us all it's LTI However, they're failing to protect themselves

Testing during the Forum
2024-04-26 19:09:48

Long Covid stats for children in England & Scotland
Cat in the Hat did some analysis of the ONS stats for England & Scotland, and made this chart. Number of kids with Long Covid still gradually increasing :-(
#children #covid #LongCovid #LongCovidKids #England #Scotland
2024-05-18 01:01:29

White dude (previously a skeptic) discovers long #covid Marolt: If I haven’t seemed like myself lately…
[BTW he caught covid FIVE times! 👀]

2024-05-29 21:52:56

We are back at a #Covid spike and I'm late to notice.
2024-05-07 18:47:14

Chinese virologist who was first to share #COVID-19 genome sleeps on street after lab shuts
2024-05-16 00:06:34

Long Covid & blood
Pretty interesting article, on what covid may be able to do to our blood, and the implications for blood donation.
#covid #blood #BloodDonation
2024-05-29 14:54:09

Went to my first in-person concert in many years last night, and boy it was a *banger*! I’d kind of forgotten how good live music is (thanks #COVID!). Two great openers I’d never heard of (Pancho and the Wizards, and Sugar Candy Mountain) and then one of my more recent favourite bands as the main act (Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - yes they are as good as their name suggests, and freaking fantastic live…

Heavily edited photo of the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets playing one of their first songs. The band has 5 members - a drummer, bass player (who was freaking incredible!), a lead singer & guitarist, a lead guitarist & backing vocalist, and a guitarist / keyboard player. In this photo all three guitarists are playing guitars, and there’s a large screen in the background onto which an ever-changing series of psychedelic imagery was projected. In the photo a vaguely octopus-like creature is visible. T…
2024-05-08 21:24:20

NIH to open long #COVID clinical trials to study sleep disturbances, exercise intolerance, and post exertional malaise
2024-04-28 19:14:28

I am not going deep into the conversation on #H5N1 because my educationa/lprofessional background gives me enough knowledge in the field that I can only offer uncertain optimism, while the people most freaked out by this HAVE EVERY RIGHT to their concern because “knowledgeable experts” so badly handled #Covid wi…
2024-06-17 14:37:37

Wien ist ca. ein Faktor 4 über dem lokalen Minimum März/April (Daten vom 11. Juni).
München etwa ein Faktor 7 (Daten vom 12. Juni).
Zürich etwa ein Faktor 5 (Daten vom 9. Juni).
2024-04-29 09:59:21

A #Covid personal success story to report tonight:
My partner went to a family event over the long weekend, and her dad volunteered to take a RAT when the person who brought the infection interstate wouldn’t. Thank you!
Instead of complaining that we have to be lonely for a week, I’m grateful that I didn’t get infected today after she tested positive this morning. She was supposed t…
2024-05-17 17:58:25

Schätzung für Zürich aufgrund Kalibrierung der Abwasserprävalenzen Werdhölzli, Daten bis 12. Mai:
Inzidenz ~700.
Ca. jede 140. Person infiziert sich pro Woche.
Seitwärtsbewegung, wie letzte Woche bereits in Genf und Lugano, sowie in D.
2024-06-03 16:29:24

Reading this NPR interview about the #COVID19 #FLiRT variants is like slamming my head against a wall
2024-05-01 05:59:42

“We found #COVID-19 accelerates the presence of ‘zombie’ or senescent cells, which accumulate naturally and gradually in the brain as we get older,” says University of Queensland researcher Dr Aguado.
2024-05-29 21:52:56

We are back at a #Covid spike and I'm late to notice.
2024-06-05 21:49:34

Anecdotally, I myself am experiencing a wave of friends-and-acquaintances-posting-photos-of-their-positive-covid-tests-on-social-media... #covidisnotover
2024-05-13 06:02:39

#Covid #Vaccine
Preprint: Excellent protection by the XBB.1.5 monovalent Covid vaccine in large Scandinavian cohort.
2024-05-02 23:29:22

What Went Wrong with a Highly Publicized #COVID Mask Analysis?
The Cochrane Library, a trusted source of health information, misled the public by prioritizing rigor over reality
2024-06-16 06:39:07

good thread on Biden's failings w.r.t covid
See e.g. this story of the flipflop from $2000 promised to $1400 delivered:
#Biden #covid
2024-05-14 01:11:42

#FDA puts a freeze on #CueHealth #COVID19 home #PCR tests?
2024-05-06 22:00:06

Chinese virologist who was first to share #COVID-19 genome sleeps on street after Chinese government shuts his lab

Zhang Yongzhen, the first person to publicly release the genome sequence of the virus that causes COVID-19, was camping outside his laboratory. Credit: Dake Kang/AP via Alamy
2024-06-11 10:46:01

#Covid #Influenza
The 2023/2024 "flu season" according to CH-SUR, surveying 6 hospitals:
Twice as many Covid hospitalisations (3'483) as compared to influenza.
Inacceptably high rates of nosocomial infections (33%).
7.1% mortality. Half of deaths reported as causally…
2024-06-06 06:35:52

#Covid #Singapore
“For the past two or three weeks, we have seen a 20% to 30% cancellation rate among those booked. When we ask why, they all say they are sick. So we have been doing promotions this month, hoping to attract more customers.”
2024-05-27 20:41:32

😷 Ludicrous given what the science tells us: #Covid will still be here this summer. Will anyone care?
Despite “FLiRT” variants, this may be the first covid wave with little federal pressure to limit transmission or data to even declare a surge. |WaPo
2024-06-11 05:45:41

Note on calibrating Covid infection incidences.
We saw the UKHSA Winter CIS daily infection incidence estimate for England coming down to 74, a 7 d incidence of about 500 beginning of March.
2024-05-05 11:50:35

good rant on public health
From Julia Doubleday back in January:
"... demanding clean air and clean water is not “living in fear” but simply expecting the bare minimum of a democratic society to which we pay taxes...
"Zero public health projects in the history of ever have had a stated goal of “ignore it because we have to live life.” It’s fundamentally antithetical to the very concept of public health."
#covid #health #AirQuality
2024-06-13 18:31:21

The Swiss variant deconvolutions ( now discriminate between JN.1* and KP.2*. Data until May 18th. <…
2024-05-01 10:27:16

when "masks don't work"
What I was thinking about this morning:
Any intervention depends on both
• the tech itself
• people understanding how to use it.
If you don't know that covid is airborne and floats in the air like smoke... then you aren't going to know at what points a respi mask would be protective.
This explains a lot of the research where masks allegedly "don't work" against covid.
#masks #covid #stats
2024-05-14 01:11:42

#FDA puts a freeze on #CueHealth #COVID19 home #PCR tests?
2024-06-13 16:29:21

Schätzung für Zürich aufgrund Kalibrierung der Abwasserprävalenzen Werdhölzli, Daten bis 9. Juni:
Inzidenz ~1'500.
Ca. jede 70. Person infiziert sich pro Woche.
Langsam können wir es Welle nennen.
2024-05-06 22:33:29

The WHO issued a report that transforms how the world understands spread of respiratory infections like #COVID-19, #influenza, & #measles: 🙄😷 “However, a committee advising the CDC appears poised to…
2024-05-11 16:54:53

Schätzung für Zürich aufgrund Kalibrierung der Abwasserprävalenzen Werdhölzli, Daten bis 5. Mai:
Inzidenz ~900.
Ca. jede 110. Person infiziert sich pro Woche.
Ansteigende Tendenz auch in D, A, F, UK.
2024-06-03 10:01:30

cool new research
Great little video explainer from Al Haddrell, about how more CO₂ in the air helps the covid virus to hang around longer.
This is _as well as_ the thing about using CO₂ to estimate what proportion of the air was breathed out by someone earlier. This is new research, about how fresh air helps to make the aerosol particles inhospitable as an environment for viruses, and additional CO₂ slows that process down.
With pictures of molecules!
#covid #SciComm
2024-05-08 16:14:46

Anstieg bei den deutschen Abwasserdaten (bis 01.05.)
2024-05-20 08:54:02

NHS cardiology waiting lists
"The British Heart Foundation warns that heart care waiting lists are now at a record high, reaching 414,596 at the end of March 2024 in England, almost double what it was in 2020."
Another Guardian story about the NHS which ought to mention covid & doesn't.
(because having covid increases the likelihood of heart problems)
#NHS #heart #WaitingLists #covid
2024-06-05 21:07:13

Schätzung für Zürich aufgrund Kalibrierung der Abwasserprävalenzen Werdhölzli, Daten bis 2. Juni:
Inzidenz ~1'100.
Ca. jede 90. Person infiziert sich pro Woche.
Erfreulicher als gestern.
2024-06-04 17:35:07

Schätzung für Zürich aufgrund Kalibrierung der Abwasserprävalenzen Werdhölzli, Daten bis 26. Mai:
Inzidenz ~1'300.
Ca. jede 75. Person infiziert sich pro Woche.
Sommer wäre dringend angezeigt.
2024-05-03 18:07:13

Schätzung für Zürich aufgrund Kalibrierung der Abwasserprävalenzen Werdhölzli, Daten bis 28. April:
Inzidenz ~500.
Ca. jede 200. Person infiziert sich pro Woche.
Ansteigende Tendenz auch in D, A, F, UK.
2024-05-18 11:25:50

covid / collective amnesia
Great article by Jessica Wildfire at OK Doomer.
“Communities often respond to traumatic events in their histories by destroying objects that would cue memories of a past they wish to forget.” - Alessandra Tanesini
"... our societies are having a fit of collective amnesia. They're targeting anything and anyone that cues memories of trauma, corruption, or incompetence."
#covid #CollectiveAmnesia #masks #AirQuality
2024-05-29 16:32:04

Jean Fisch inspired me to calculate previous-year cumulative incidences and output the reciprocal number of years between infections, based on my calibration for the Zurich wastewater data.
It looks like this and broadly similar to what Jean gets for England:
2024-05-22 18:45:00

covid-careful voting, UK, 2/n
The voting papers should then be posted to you. You get a ballot paper, an envelope to put it in so it's secret, another bit of paper which iirc you have to sign, & a pre-paid envelope to post it in.
Then you can either post back your vote in advance, or take it to the polling station on the day. And new at the recent local elections, if you take it to the polling station you have to fill in even _another_ little form!
#CovidCareful #UKElection #PostalVote #UKPol
2024-05-29 11:54:27

Heutige AMELAG-Daten bis 22.05.
2024-05-22 18:35:54

covid-careful voting, UK
I don't want to take off my mask in the polling station! So my work-around these days is to get a postal vote.
You still have to register to vote "ordinarily" at, if you hadn't already - by 18 June 2024 for this next election.
Then you apply for the postal vote, by 5pm on 19 June:
#CovidCareful #UKElection #PostalVote #UKPol
2024-05-08 11:49:03

World Health Org air quality mismatch/hypocrisy
It's now come out that when the World Health Org did its own "return to office" in May 2020, they upgraded air quality! while telling _us_ "covid isn't airborne, that's a myth"!
Maaaybe the department talking to the world wasn't the same department as sorted out the precautions and wrote that document.
But still extremely "do as I say, not as I do".
Info & image via Maarten De Cock on Twitter.
#CovidIsAirborne #WHO
2024-06-01 17:38:09

sick kids / covid erasure
"Leaked emails from April reveal concerns... Birmingham Women's & Children's NHS Foundation Trust was “surging” with acutely unwell children, beyond the number of beds it has funding for.
"However, the emails say that there is no clear reason for there being such an increase in the number of sick children."
No clear reason?
Any ideas at all tho?
Could it have anything to do with... a virus which messes up immune systems?
#NHS #CovidErasure
2024-05-28 17:19:52

covid origins / USA FOIA evasion
Interesting update on the US end of the covid origins mystery.
"Top officials used private email addresses and perhaps burner phones to conduct official government business and to delete communications about COVID-19 origins in order to defeat FOIA requests — all of this is stated in their own words.
"The huge question that this raises is — Why the cover-up?"
Includes suggested questions for future hearings.
#covid #USA #FOIA #NIAID