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2024-05-25 17:46:27

Americans with disabilities are at a breaking point. Are politicians listening? #ActuallyAutistic #disability @…
2024-06-17 17:54:38

I took that #DisabilityIn bookmarklet I made late last week and moved it to my blog:
2024-06-12 16:37:20

Question for #disabled people: if you could ask your General Election candidates one #disability-related question, what would you ask?
2024-05-12 22:13:55

@…: “EU-wide access to #disability support and assistance: ❌ Not a EU competence”
Also @…: “EU-wide
2024-05-02 13:28:28

Very timely - new UK advocacy and activist site for people with chronic but often unacknowledged conditions such as ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome)
2024-03-26 14:52:33

That time in 1989 that 16-year-old Ronna Romney (McDaniel) and her mom (also named Ronna) had a run-in with a #cop over unauthorized use of a #disability parking spot, her dad Scott wrote a letter to the court trying to justify it, and #Detroit
2024-03-29 14:36:07

Two "WTF?!" stories in the space of four, both as bad as each other. The first appears to be a company going OTT on the health and safety and potentially misunderstanding guidelines. As for the second: what on earth was the photographer thinking, and why on earth did they/the company think it was appropriate to publish them with a choice for parents?! (Even more shame on any parent who actually bought the photos that excluded the SEN pupils!) #disability #discrimination
2024-04-15 06:59:13

disability benefits rant
"Work is the best path to long-term financial security" says someone at the DWP.
Not if you can't work it isn't!
Glib, callous invisibilising of long-term conditions. How are these people in charge of anything.
#disability #benefits #UK #austerity #poverty
2024-04-29 09:11:45

"The 60th Venice Biennale’s theme of “Foreigners Everywhere” includes a number of communities historically overlooked in art, like folks from queer, indigenous, and immigrant backgrounds. While disability does appear in specific works of art, it’s not a major presence. So I was pleased to learn about Crip Arte Spazio, an exhibition about the Disability Arts Movement (DAM), which started in the 1970s in the UK to advocate for the rights of disabled people, at CREA Cantieri del Contemporaneo in Giudecca."
#DisabilityJustice #Art #Venice #Biennale
2024-05-02 05:55:13

Frances Ryan on Tory nonsense inc "unworkable" PIP changes
"In the coming months, the dying days of this Tory government will see ministers continue to scapegoat those with the least so as to save their own skins. Watch the words of Rishi Sunak during this period, but also whether Keir Starmer challenges them."
#Tories #LabourParty #Sunak #Starmer #MelStride #disability #benefits #PIP #FrancesRyan