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2024-06-16 00:15:31

2024-06-16 19:45:22

Swimming wears her out. #BelgianMalinois #DogsOfMastodon #MiddayNap #SilentSunday

iPhone photo of our taupe colored Malinois cross curled up in an ivory recliner with 3 blankets, she’s trying to sleep & has her 2 front feet sticking out straight & her head on the arm of the chair
2024-06-16 18:14:20

Hope everyone is having a great Sundog!
#AIart #MidJourneyArt #MidjourneyAI #ArtificialIntelligence #MastoArt #FediArt #Art #Artist #GenerativeArt #GenerativeAI #Midjourney #Dogs #Dog #DogsOfMastodon #Sundog #Dogstodon
2024-06-17 14:53:16

Even on a hot day like yesterday (89F), the first thing Izzy does when we go out is find a sunny spot and lie down. #mondog #DogsOfMastodon