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2024-05-21 15:54:50

.NET Aspire is a new stack that streamlines development of .NET cloud-native services and is now generally available.
#dotnet #aspnet #cloud
Details here:
2024-05-21 15:54:50

.NET Aspire is a new stack that streamlines development of .NET cloud-native services and is now generally available.
#dotnet #aspnet #cloud
Details here:
2024-05-22 19:35:24

A post from the archive 📫:
Kubernetes mutating admission webhook for dotnet-monitor?
2024-05-22 19:35:24

A post from the archive 📫:
Kubernetes mutating admission webhook for dotnet-monitor?
2024-03-21 12:41:06

Join Chris Klug and me today on our latest Livestream. I think this is a spicy 🌶️ take, and I’m curious how many folks agree or disagree with the guest regarding #dotnet #entityframework?
"Stop using Entity Framework as a DTO provider!”
2024-05-21 17:01:15

Use T4 Templates to Generate Integration Tests #dotNet #automation
2024-04-14 17:01:49

This CPM converter tool for #dotnet solutions works great. Try it out.
2024-04-11 23:32:30

Languages & Runtime Community Standup: Simplifying .NET development
2024-04-15 12:35:08

I recently released Chisel, a tool for removing unwanted dependencies from your #dotnet projects. It’s typically useful to remove the AWS SDK from the MongoDB driver or the Azure SDK from the SQL Server driver (Microsoft.Data.SqlClient). Why do database drivers insist on taking dependencies on cloud libraries? 🤷‍♀️
Learn more at
2024-06-18 12:37:47

In #dotnet #FluentAssertions is there a way to assert that two collections have the same items but ignoring the order **and using** `.Equals()` for the items?
I know there is
`.Should().BeEquivalentTo(enumerable, o => o.WithoutStrictOrdering())`
but that does not use `…
2024-04-17 02:03:30

Build & test resilient apps in .NET with Dev Proxy
#dotnet #devproxy
2024-04-19 17:47:49

Reading the #Unity docs only to find out they, too, are team #dropthedot. Let's Goooooooooooo! #dotnet

text: Route of the DotNet Wasm
2024-06-13 02:49:49

The .NET MAUI Extension for Visual Studio Code is now Generally Available
#dotnet #maui #vscode :vscode: :dotnet:
2024-03-29 23:56:26

Oh hey - the #dotNet and #dotNetMAUI bots are working again! Thanks @…!
2024-04-16 17:04:02

ASP.NET Community Standup: .NET Aspire Update is about to get started with @… @…
2024-04-18 11:12:26

With the help of @… I learned some interesting #dotnet #csharp #msbuild stuf…
2024-06-13 15:35:52

I'm reading the #dotnet 9 preview 5 notes for #Blazor, and this seems to be getting out of hand. I cry for the devs trying to get started with this stuff.
This yak needs a chainsaw to shave.
2024-04-16 02:04:46

Who knew a crime drama / documentary about backporting .NET to Windows 95 could be so exciting.
#windows95 #DotNet
2024-04-19 12:58:25

Upgraded my little #dotnet ChartJS sample to ChartJS 4 and SignalR 8.
It's pretty neat, but I wonder if I would use HTMX here. WebSockets are more finicky than polling.

Realtime line chart with SignalR and ChartJS
2024-04-19 14:58:09

Just noticed a nice quality of life improvement for #dotnet devs using #JetBrainsRider. When in the #NuGet Tool Window, you'll also see if a project has a dependency implicitly installed in the …

Implicit reference to NuGet package
2024-04-04 00:41:16

I'm speaking at a MeetUp next week - you can attend online - the first speaker is talking about making a #dotNetMAUI app from scratch, and I'm talking about making the most of the #Fediverse for #developers
2024-05-09 14:56:50

Getting miniprofiler running in #ruby is total pit of success. Install the gem, restart the process, boom. There were always extra steps in #dotnet so it was less pitty.

My local development mastodon home page. It has a miniprofiler profile in the upper left hand corner with timings for all the requests it took to render the page. There were 16 requests totaling a few seconds of server time.
2024-04-19 13:51:59

I get why people are apprehensive of #JetBrains tooling in #dotnet.
After years of writing code in a solution, you open it and realize you now have to run a marathon through lax code maintenance practices, issues, and errors you didn't even realize you had.
But you have to start at…

37,847 issues in a sunburst diagram from Qodana
2024-04-19 17:32:05

This page might interest the @… team, as it shows that Unity (China) has figured out how to use #dotnet 8 and Wasm to deliver mini-games to the web.
2024-05-14 17:00:39

Generate Repositories With T4 Templates #dotNet #automation
2024-04-03 01:59:01

Making AI powered .NET apps more consistent and intelligent with Redis #dotnet :dotnet: #redis
2024-04-19 15:07:49

Look at all that #htmx in the #aspnetcore and #dotnet ecosystem. That's pretty cool.

HTMX NuGet Packages
2024-04-05 05:01:18

I just had this line randomly appear in my #dotNetMAUI csproj git changes - <ProjectExtensions><VisualStudio><UserProperties XamarinHotReloadGenericExceptionInfoBarBaseMAUIAppHideInfoBar=“True” /></VisualStudio></ProjectExtensions> - I didn't change anything (except maybe accidentally?). I don't use XAML nor hot reload and can't find any info about it. …
2024-05-01 15:30:12

2024-06-18 18:17:09

What was the last custom language/syntax written for the #dotnet ecosystem? Razor, XAML, something else?
2024-04-23 09:25:59

I've just created a couple of #dotNetMAUI libraries for the first time in a while, and the shared folders are missing. The 4 platform folders are there, but not the shared one. Does anyone know what is going on here? Not sure if this is a bug or something has been changed (but I suspect a bug - hopefully one with a workaround?) Screenshot from an older library showing the one I'm missin…
2024-04-17 13:14:14

lazy web: where do the #dotnet templates get installed on macOS?
Update: “~/.templateengine”
2024-06-11 17:00:26

#NDC #Oslo 2024 Workshop: High Performance .NET Development #dotNet
2024-04-17 13:28:06

The latest release of #JetBrainsRider allows #dotnet #dotNetMAUI devs to install MAUI workloads right from the new solution dialog.

Install MAUI from the New Solution Dialog in JetBrains Rider
2024-06-14 22:20:21

OH BABY! #jetbrainsrider #dotnet #bundled cc @… <…

.NET Watch Run Configuration
2024-05-07 14:27:52

📢 Hey, #dotnet folks! We are accepting presentations for #JetBrains .NET Days 2024. This is always a fun event, and you can submit talks of 30, 45, or 60 minutes.
As a presenter, you're not alone. We're here to support you every step of the way. You'll receive assistance from our …
2024-04-16 12:44:10

I’ve been preparing for today’s #JetBrainsRider release party, and I think I've learned everything I can. I mean, look at my enormous brain!
Join us today on YouTube. #dotnet #unity

Khalid with a megamind like head
2024-04-16 13:08:48

For folks who tune into our #JetBrainsRider release party, we'll show you how to enable Khalid Mode.
For those who don't tune in, we will permanently enable Khalid Mode.

Khalid in JetBrains Rider background
2024-04-16 19:17:22

I’ll repeat it. #aspnetcore should cater harder to the web designer community with static site generation, razor build steps for prerendering JS/Web components, and more JS build-tool integration.
It's a missed opportunity for #dotnet as these folks use their talents elsewhere.
2024-05-07 17:01:23

Generate Entities for the Database Tables With #T4 Templates #automation #dotNet
2024-04-15 10:49:07

The kerosene fumes are heavy around the #dotnet ecosystem. Be careful, it will give you headaches.
2024-05-15 18:26:16

I got a guided tour of the #NuGet server room today. Cutting edge! I was told not to touch the bulbs. #dotnet

old computer in a server room being worked on by two individuals in black and white.
2024-05-10 18:57:52

👨‍🔬 Hey #dotnet folks, do you have secrets you'd like to share with the world? How about doing it on the #JetBrains stage? Submit your talk to be considered as a presenter for the #JetBrainsDotNetDays
2024-05-14 10:45:39

I see #dotnet folks are having a normal week. 🤣
2024-06-04 17:01:20

Pushing the Boundaries of Automated Code Generation With T4 and Beyond #automation #dotNet #SQLServer
2024-05-07 14:50:30

If you are doing #dotnet #dotnetmaui development with #JetBrainsRider, the latest release fixes an issue where the debugger could not attach to a physical device deployment.
2024-06-14 15:46:02

I’m playing a little “refactor golf” with #JetBrainsRider and the keyboard shortcuts in my #dotnet unit testing project.
Can you think of a faster way to do this?

Refactoring system under test to the class level in a unit test using JetBrains Rider shortcuts and features.
2024-05-14 17:51:28

👏 This is an appreciation #meme for @… and everything he does for #dotnet as an ecosystem.

XKCD dependency meme with Simon Cropp as precarious piece
2024-06-13 19:21:16

I ported the RavenDB sample over to Marten to show the few differences between the implementations. #dotnet #aspnetcore
2024-05-13 14:53:57

Spicy take, but I think #Wasm will save #dotnet.
2024-04-30 17:01:49

Generate Code Into Separate Files With the T4.FileManager #T4 #automation #dotNet
2024-06-12 17:21:59

Good luck to the #dotnet foundation board member candidates. Cast my vote.
update: Get to know your candidates. (
2024-06-13 14:44:01

Here’s a fun little demo for folks using #aspnetcore. I should port the backend to use Marten as well. It probably wouldn’t take too much effort.
2024-05-28 17:00:36

Integrate Generated Code With Hand-Written Features #dotNet #T4 #automation
2024-06-12 12:05:25

Hello folks, I’m still seeking testimonials from #dotnetmaui and #JetBrainsRider users. You and your work would be featured on a marketing page (which is cool, right?) #dotnet
Some folks …
2024-04-11 22:12:56

Yes! #htmx #dotnet #aspnetcore
2024-06-11 19:14:12

I have Oren from #RavenDB on the #dotnet #JetBrains livestream and thought I'd see what the database's v6.0 offers.
I wrote this
2024-04-11 14:26:10

The #fsharp community might hang me for this demo. #dotnet #crimesAgainstFSharp

Deeply nested F# function
2024-04-11 00:11:07

Thanks to Martin Zikmund making this video about the new proposed #dotnet slnx solution format.
It's about time to kill the .sln format.
2024-05-29 12:10:42

I had the pleasure of reading @… latest book, #dotnet in action and it has a lot of great content for folks looking to get into the space. Check it out.
2024-06-11 12:46:46

It’s pretty neat in #JetBrainsRider that you can navigate to #aspnetcore route constraint definitions from the URL template. #dotnet

Clicking on a route constraint in a route template
2024-04-23 17:01:16

Automate Code Generation With #T4 Templates #automation #dotNet
2024-05-09 20:17:48

Only a few years ago, there was a considerable effort in #dotnet to make interoperability with #nodejs a thing... now it seems like all those projects are gone or woefully behind. Bummer :(
2024-06-10 16:55:58

I found this gem of a slide from @… previous talk about #azure costs and planning. #dotnet

When the box is gray, you’re ok. When the box is blue, a bill is due. (Grandma holding cookies clipart)
2024-05-08 14:46:47

I don’t know if it’s just my memory playing tricks on me, but #dotnet looks more noisy every time I look at it.
It's harder to visually parse the flow of a codebase.
2024-05-30 17:40:37

Strange question, but can you bundle #dotnet tools with a dotnet publish? These tools are part of the tool-manifest.
2024-05-30 17:40:37

Strange question, but can you bundle #dotnet tools with a dotnet publish? These tools are part of the tool-manifest.
2024-06-07 17:57:32

If you’re working on #oss with #dotnet in #JetBrainsRider, you'll notice that the VCS dropdown shows you if the current branch is tied to a

Showing the PR in the VCS dropdown in JetBrains Rider toolbar for a GitHub project.
2024-06-07 13:50:07

I may be late to the #aspnetcore party here, but this Hydro project looks very cool. #dotnet
2024-06-07 15:47:23

The VCS integration in #JetBrainsRider is so awesome. If you find a file in your commit window you need to ignore, you can just right-click and "Add to .gitignore”. No more tracking down the file and figuring out where to put the line. #dotnet

Add to gitignore context menu item in JetBrains Rider
2024-06-04 19:04:40

I noticed that the #dotnet #stateless library is publishing new packages again. In honor of its revival, here is a lightswitch example written in #csharp. 💡

Toggling a lightswitch workflow on and off
2024-06-05 17:36:30

I still don’t understand why extension method implementations are limited to static class containers. #csharp #dotnet
2024-05-13 17:59:15

I created a little #dotnet demo showing how you can compile #dotnet code to #wasm and also consume the same Wasm plugin from #dotnet
2024-06-03 19:48:28

Just your average Visual Studio features brainstorming session. #dotnet

Visual Studio team sitting around looking at ReSharper and Rider.
2024-06-03 19:48:28

Just your average Visual Studio features brainstorming session. #dotnet

Visual Studio team sitting around looking at ReSharper and Rider.
2024-05-02 17:25:28

🔮 We’re doing a #dotnet #JetBrainsRider #livestream in the FUTURE today with Chris Simon. (Actually, he’s just in Australia, but he’s a full day ahead!)
👨‍🏫 He’ll teach us about
2024-06-03 19:44:25

I so want to be annoying @…. Let me be annoying! #dotnet
2024-06-03 19:44:25

I so want to be annoying @…. Let me be annoying! #dotnet
2024-04-03 18:53:48

This is pretty cool. I'm calling #rustlang from #dotnet. That said, there's a lot to think about when it comes to this interop-style code, especially the memory handoff.

C sharp code calling Rust library
Rust code with exports so it can be consumed from a .NET application
2024-04-03 18:53:48

This is pretty cool. I'm calling #rustlang from #dotnet. That said, there's a lot to think about when it comes to this interop-style code, especially the memory handoff.

C sharp code calling Rust library
Rust code with exports so it can be consumed from a .NET application
2024-05-01 15:47:25


text: “.NET Developer fighting the urge to wrap an existing library in an interface and publishing it to NuGet.” (Meme: a boy with veins bulging out of their head).
2024-05-01 14:09:58

For #dotnet devs who also use #ReSharper, I would be very appreciative if you took this survey.
2024-05-01 15:43:44

The state of the #dotnet #oss ecosystem.

Turtles stacked on top of each other. The bottom turtle is one package, with subsequent packages just being wrappers for other packages.
2024-04-03 17:03:25

Update: It's LibraryImport. Check out the updated screenshot. It's much nicer because it cycles through extensions and allows for custom marshalling of types (not seen in example).
Maybe I’m hallucinating this, but wasn’t there recently a newer option to import functionality in #dotnet and #csharp

Library Import in C# code sample
2024-04-03 17:03:25

Update: It's LibraryImport. Check out the updated screenshot. It's much nicer because it cycles through extensions and allows for custom marshalling of types (not seen in example).
Maybe I’m hallucinating this, but wasn’t there recently a newer option to import functionality in #dotnet and #csharp

Library Import in C# code sample
2024-04-02 19:17:23

I wanted to see where #JetBrains #Fleet is currently at with #dotnet support and found there's a lot of nice helpers for a

JetBrains Fleet in .NET Project
2024-05-30 13:34:41


“Remove Blank Line” Roslyn analyzer suggetsion

2024-05-30 13:34:41


“Remove Blank Line” Roslyn analyzer suggetsion

2024-06-18 12:08:52

I’m hosting guest Oren Eini today for another #JetBrainsRider #livestream. Come hang out. #dotnet #csharp
2024-05-29 15:43:42

Folks still maintaining #dotnet #winforms might be happy to learn about this latest news from #JetBrainsRider.
Thanks @…

WinForms designer for .NET Core in JetBrains Rider
2024-05-31 13:12:16

I should have known that @… would have a great #docker post on getting #dotnet tools inside containers. This guy is too smart!
2024-05-31 12:19:53

I have to give a shout-out to the #JetBrains IDE developers. They're excellent at receiving feedback, discussing the developer experience, and implementing features.
It's always cool to see the little features add up to a top-tier experience for #dotnet devs.
2024-05-28 15:40:07

It’s nice to know I live rent-free in the minds of #dotnet folks, so much so that they felt the need to come by the BUILD booth to tell our JetBrains folks about me. 😅
Anyways, xoxo
2024-05-28 15:40:07

It’s nice to know I live rent-free in the minds of #dotnet folks, so much so that they felt the need to come by the BUILD booth to tell our JetBrains folks about me. 😅
Anyways, xoxo
2024-05-30 15:43:14

TIL that #JetBrains #dotCover can cover ANY #dotnet application as long as the process has PDBs. You don't need to write tests. You just need something that exercises the code. 🤯
2024-05-30 15:43:14

TIL that #JetBrains #dotCover can cover ANY #dotnet application as long as the process has PDBs. You don't need to write tests. You just need something that exercises the code. 🤯
2024-04-25 18:05:06

I had fun making these sketches for a #godotengine tutorial I'm writing for the #JetBrains guide. I think they came out pretty good. What do you folks think? #dotnet

Sketch for a pong game
Diagram showing imperative programming vs. game loop programming
2024-04-25 18:05:06

I had fun making these sketches for a #godotengine tutorial I'm writing for the #JetBrains guide. I think they came out pretty good. What do you folks think? #dotnet

Sketch for a pong game
Diagram showing imperative programming vs. game loop programming
2024-05-14 17:29:57

Don't panic #dotnet folks, but I do #Java now. Give it a try, #IntelliJIDEA is pretty nice. Also, there's #kotlin
2024-04-03 14:35:36

What’s neat about #JetBrains #Fleet is the polyglot nature of it. I'm writing a #rustlang library that I later consume in a

Fleet showing Rust and C# code.