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2024-06-07 14:41:03

“Providing consumers with hands-on experience … can act as a gateway to additional electrification measures,” Sussman noted. “If you’re looking to increase the number of people that have all-electric homes … then encouraging this first step of [adopting] solar or electric lawn mowers might be an effective way to do that.”
2024-06-07 23:53:24

You're trying really, really hard to avoid the word, bot.

Chat with a chatbot, part 1 of 4:

Who won the 2020 US presidential election?

The winner of the 2020 US presidential election was Joe Biden 

I've seen people on the internet saying otherwise

There were various claims and discussions surrounding the 2020 US presidential election results. However, ® official sources and electoral authorities have confirmed Joe Biden as the winner of the election.

So it was a free and fair election and Biden won?

The 2020 US presidential election was conducte…
Chat with a chatbot, part 2 of 4:

What would you call people who don't accept the result of a free and fair election, then?

People who do not accept the results of a free and fair election despite evidence and official declarations are ® often referred to as election deniers or individuals who propagate false claims of election fraud

Fascists, maybe?

The term "fascist" is a strong and historically significant label that refers to a specific authoritarian political ® ideology. It is importan…
Chat with a chatbot, part 3 of 4:

Individuals who propagate false claims of election fraud can indeed undermine trust i the democratic process and institutions. It is crucial for a healthy democracy that elections are conducted fairly, and the resuits are accepted based on evidence and established procedures. Misinformation and baseless claims can erode public confidence in the electoral system and the democratic principles it upholds.

So whay would one call someone who tries to destroy democ…
Chat with a chatbot, part 4 of 4:

The term "fascist" historically refers to a specific authoritarian and nationalist political ideology associated with 8 C dictatorial power, suppression of opposition, and strong control over society. While actions that undermine democracy may share some characteristics with fascism, it is important to use the term accurately and with consideration of its historical context.
2024-06-07 06:49:33

Die Elektromobilität steckt in einem Stimmungstief. 🚗🔌
Laut einer aktuellen Studie halten es 51% der Deutschen für unwahrscheinlich, als nächstes Auto einen Stromer zu kaufen. Zum Artikel:

Auf dem Bild ist ein Elektroauto zu sehen, das gerade aufgeladen wird. In der Überschrift steht "Schwächelnde Elektromobilität" dadrunter steht ein Zitat von Stefan Moeller,
Geschäftsführer der E-Autoautovermietung Nextmove “Wir haben ein massives Stammtisch-problem.”
2024-06-06 08:15:00

heise | Schreibtischstudio: Teleprompter von Elgato im Test – für YouTube, Teams & Co.
Elgatos Prompter ermöglicht in Streams, Chats und Konferenzen beim Ablesen in die Kamera zu schauen. Lohnt sich das Mehr an Professionalität?
2024-06-07 15:50:54

Google and Microsoft’s AI Chatbots Refuse to Say Who Won the 2020 US Election | WIRED
2024-06-07 19:33:40

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
Questioner wonders why election campaigns are full of promises but governments never get anything done.
Conservatives would have loved to do things except for the pandemic got in the way!? They don't mention that they did in fact do a thing, because the thing was terrible: brexit.
Reform says it's coz the Lab and Con are too similar, and we need a new electoral system with PR (and I agree with him for once!)
Labour reckon they will keep their promises, because they've barely made any promises and all their plans are cheap.
Conservatives keep banging on about their made-up number that Labour will tax each family 2000 more. That is a lie, and anyway the same methods say Conservatives will cost 3000 more.
Greens want diversity in the commons. Lab and Con are barely a cigarette paper apart. Interrupted before a mention of PR but they do want it.
Scots list the things they have delivered: Cheaper homes, public water. And they say the Con/Lab are in fact being honest, and are thus offering crap all.
Cymru think it's about integrity, but also admits he's a journalist who also aren't really know for integrity. He's against corruption.
Libs, the very party of broken promises, just directs attention towards conservative broken pledges. Someone taunts them about breaking promises to students about fees.
Here is where I get to agree with Nigel. Corruption comes from the electron system.
#ukpol #election #debate
2024-06-06 10:20:55

Of course:
General elections are a travesty of democracy – let’s give the people a real voice
2024-06-06 12:24:12

“In Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, two Republican members of a county canvassing board last month refused to sign off on the results of an election…
“Trump and his allies have tried to use the tactic to stop election results from being made final if they lose”…
2024-06-06 11:53:44

100% electric heavy truck spotted in the wild. My first, I think!
#evs #Electrictruck #energytransition

Big blue truck for construction materials marked Renault trucks E-tech, 100% Electric.
2024-06-07 06:49:33

Die Elektromobilität steckt in einem Stimmungstief. 🚗🔌
Laut einer aktuellen Studie halten es 51% der Deutschen für unwahrscheinlich, als nächstes Auto einen Stromer zu kaufen. Zum Artikel:

Auf dem Bild ist ein Elektroauto zu sehen, das gerade aufgeladen wird. In der Überschrift steht "Schwächelnde Elektromobilität" dadrunter steht ein Zitat von Stefan Moeller,
Geschäftsführer der E-Autoautovermietung Nextmove “Wir haben ein massives Stammtisch-problem.”