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2024-04-19 18:38:59

Aw yeah, got some microcontrollers to play with this weekend. Here's hoping to figuring out what the hell I'm doing with them... #electronics

A picture of two Atmel ATMEGA328P microcontrollers and two 28-pin DIP sockets for them to sit in.  Beside those is a USB to TTL adapter to connect to it.
2024-04-17 16:14:04

get tuned to last night's frow show on @…. one set of bright springtime flows followed by a 2-hour drift/melt, including new #jazz, weird #electronics, ivory coast grooves, CAN '77, g…

static-y test pattern
2024-04-19 15:20:36

Figured I'd keep a running log of this whole badge project: #electronics
2024-04-17 16:14:04

get tuned to last night's frow show on @…. one set of bright springtime flows followed by a 2-hour drift/melt, including new #jazz, weird #electronics, ivory coast grooves, CAN '77, g…

static-y test pattern
2024-04-15 12:54:19

Updated Lorenz attractor analog computer circuit.
I tweaked the DC voltage offsets on the two multipliers and dialed up the memory depth of the oscilloscope. The image on the scope is much better now.
#electronics, #math,

An electronic circuit with probes connected. An oscilloscope displays the Lorenz attractor butterfly shape.
2024-06-17 14:15:00

The #ElectronicsGoesGreen conference #EGG24 starts tomorrow in Berlin<…
2024-05-16 22:51:42

The "Barduino" prototype boards came in, went ahead and got it soldered up and ready to go. Still haven't applied power to it or tried burning fuses, but I think it turned out's #electronics #arduino

An Arduino built with mostly through-hole components.  The micro is an ATmega328PB, it has a micro USB conncetor on the bottom, and is a glorious shade of green.
2024-04-15 12:54:19

Updated Lorenz attractor analog computer circuit.
I tweaked the DC voltage offsets on the two multipliers and dialed up the memory depth of the oscilloscope. The image on the scope is much better now.
#electronics, #math,

An electronic circuit with probes connected. An oscilloscope displays the Lorenz attractor butterfly shape.
2024-04-05 12:34:21

I'm failing trying mitxela's trick of wrapping a wire around an ironbit for SMD soldering, any one got any ideas? This is a traditional 25W Antex iron it's wrapped on, but it's not getting hot enough on the wire, it boils off flux, melts low-melting point paste but doesn't do anything to existing components:

A close up of a soldering iron bit with a piece of wire tightly wrapped around it with a small tail;  it's next to a metal ruler showing the size of the wire
2024-05-14 14:21:08

Time for round 3 and see if the changes actually worked...also those LEDs are so very, very *smol*. #electronics

A picture of my electronics workbench.  The monitor on the left shows 83 0402 LEDs all aranged in columns of 10 with some header pins for scale.  To the right of the monitor is the silicone mat and the LEDs arranged on it.
2024-05-04 02:39:07

🎬 Is There Any Hope For Asynchronous Design?
2024-06-17 14:15:00

The #ElectronicsGoesGreen conference #EGG24 starts tomorrow in Berlin<…
2024-04-06 03:45:46

Trying... #electronics
2024-05-28 15:18:02

This is really cool- how to build a low cost Faraday cage, with the parts list and all new items. #electronics
2024-05-15 16:29:22

Things are looking pretty good. Got the `setPixel` and `loadImage` functions up and running, and both use a buffer to help out with writing to the LED matrix IC. Now I need to start work on loading stuff from the SD card and see if I can animate some stuff... #electronics #arduino

A 9x39 pixel LED matrix showing "JTB" in the middle along with some arrow looking things on the left and right hand sides pointing at the text.  The LEDs are amber and far brighter and clearly defined than the photo suggests.
2024-05-04 14:13:34

Next part of my dad's HiFi is trying to understand his home built amp; it needs a bit of a front clean but was working OK. It's dated 1977, but has obviously been tinkered with over time - the power transistors on the back are dated from early 70's before I was born, but then there's a little preamp in there from mid-90's; so I need to figure it out.

The underside of my dad's hifi amp; a big fat capacitor sits next to a torroidal transformer; wires run from siwtches and potentiometers on the front panel to the hand soldered board and sockets on the back.
The top of my dad's amplifier; more handbuilt boards - a mix of perf board and copper clad (just used as ground plain rather than PCB).
The front panel of my dad's amplifier;  headed 'G3OAG - 1977' - there are spun aluminium knobs, a headphone jack, a power light and a power switch.  There's warn letraset labelling.  It needs a clean.
The back panel of my dad's amplifier; it's painted matt black; there are two large heatsinks with power transistors mounted on them, dated from the early 70's.  Two (strangely) large plugs are for the speakers, and a set of 5 DIN plugs are for inputs, one is for record output, another unlabelled one is for connection to a graphic equaliser.  There are two mystery pots with locking rings on.  It's labelled with white Letraset.
2024-05-04 02:39:07

🎬 Is There Any Hope For Asynchronous Design?
2024-05-14 17:35:53

So, I now have two working "prototypes": a rev 0.1 and a rev 0.2...and I have 351 bright amber LEDs. The schematic for this part of the badge is good, now it's time to write a library to turn pixels off and on. Adafruit has a library for the LED matrix IC, but it only supports RGB for some odd reason. However, first win of the project. #electronics

A 2.5" x 3.5" PCB with a 9 column by 39 row of amber LEDs on the left-hand side.  All of the LEDs are lit with varying intensities.
2024-05-13 15:09:24

Alright, the second revision of the LED matrix comes in today so I've got a ton of LEDs to solder again. Hopefully the PCB fixes solve the issues I saw with the first version. #electronics

The wiring of the LED Matrix PCB.  A ton of thin red traces run from the LED matrix on the left-side of the PCB to the matrix IC.
2024-04-22 19:59:30

Final Circuits II lab at DMACC is done except for the write-up. Not the most complicated or interesting lab, but I'm really going to miss this.
#electronics, #oscilloscope

An electronics lab bench with an open lab book, circuit on a breadboard, tools, and parts. There is also an oscilloscope, signal generator, DC power supply, multimeter, and soldering station.
2024-05-01 17:55:53

💡 Light-Emitting Diodes for Energy Harvesting
#led #electronics
2024-05-12 16:17:16

I think this is the "final" version of the throughhole Arduino. Changed the resistors to 1/4W, moved everything around a bit to make more room for the ICSP port. Should be fairly easy to solder and might not catch fire. #electronics #arduino

A picture of the Barduino version 1.2 PCB.  All of the pin breakouts are on the left and right-hand side of the board via standard pin headers.  The ATmega328PB, FTDI FT230XS, and USB connector are the only two surface-mount components and the rest are through hole.
A picture of the back of the Barduino.  An Open Source Hardware logo is in the top-right corner of the PCB, and there is a list of all the capacitor values on the left-hand side of the board.
2024-04-22 19:59:30

Final Circuits II lab at DMACC is done except for the write-up. Not the most complicated or interesting lab, but I'm really going to miss this.
#electronics, #oscilloscope

An electronics lab bench with an open lab book, circuit on a breadboard, tools, and parts. There is also an oscilloscope, signal generator, DC power supply, multimeter, and soldering station.
2024-05-01 17:55:53

💡 Light-Emitting Diodes for Energy Harvesting
#led #electronics
2024-05-10 13:39:36

Found the last major issue in the previous "Barduino": other than the missing connections and such I also connected the ID pin of the USB connector to Vbus which isn't exactly a good idea. Very happy to have tracked it down, and the next version is out being made. #electronics
2024-05-09 15:04:06

Alright, attempt number two. Simplified the layout a bit and came to a pretty obvious realization: don't mess with the layout *after* you run the design rules check. The boards came in and were a bit lacking in several areas of connectivity. #electronics #arduino

A 3D view of the top of the "Barduino" Arduino.  Pins are on the left and right side of the PCB, the ATmega328PB sits in the middle, and the FT230XS is nearer to the bottom.  A micro USB connector is on the bottom.  The rest is filled with glorious THT components.
2024-05-07 22:36:42

Dammit, the ATmega328s I ordered were the standard `P` version and not the `PB` version. So, just grabbed 25 ATmega328PB MCUs from Mouser and they should be in at the same time as the "Barduino" PCBs. #electronics
2024-03-23 23:52:38

🌀 Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles: A Survey and Comprehensive Guide
2024-05-08 17:16:03

Looks like there will be some fun here soon. The TQFP-32 to DIP-32 adapter came in, and the "Barduino" PCBs will be in tomorrow which this can slot into. Should be a busy day and hopefully I got the pinout of this adapter #electronics

A picture of a TQFP-32 to DIP-32 adapter with an ATmega328P inserted beside a tray of 9 more QFP-32 ATmega328P microcontrollers.
2024-05-06 13:18:22

Alright, more progress. I figured it would be "nifty" if you could use an SD card and just read off of it to display images on the LED matrix. However, I also wanted a fairly straightforward file format to do that. It needed to be sequentially read and very simple. Right now this is what I've got and I think it will get the job done. #electronics

This is a screenshot of the ImHex program showing the data pattern for the new file type.  The first bit is an ImgHeader frame then one or more ImgFrames following.
2024-05-05 23:40:42

Things I've learned so far while building my own ATmega328 "Arduino": having an Arduino Uno has been one of the most useful things I've owned. I've used it to test out the ATmega328P fuse burns/ICSP stuff and it's saved my sanity more than a few times. Right now, it's rocking `minicore` without issue and is letting me get a head-start on coding. #electronics
2024-05-05 13:29:51

Hrmm...seems like I solved the "soldered LEDs in backwards" problem and discovered a slightly bigger issue: I forgot to connect the thermal pad to ground which might explain the bigger issue of the LEDs not turning on. Everything else on the schematic and PCB layout looks good so it's time for version 0.2... #electronics
2024-05-04 00:14:41

I do want to thank everyone who has helped out with this badge project. I haven't tried anything close to this before, but the feedback and rec's have been invaluable. #electronics
2024-06-04 18:47:37

Boards came in, went ahead and soldered the first one. The Barduino was plugged in afterwards and didn't catch fire which I consider to be a huge plus. I'll give it an IPA bath and then try burning to bootloader and loading a sketch in later. #electronics #arduino

The Barduino 1.2 PCB.  Green with white text with all of the pin headers on the outer left and right-hand edges.  All of the components are through hole except for the ATmega328PB, the USB to Serial IC (FTDI FT230XS), and the Micro B USB connector on the bottom of the board.
2024-05-03 20:52:28

First successful-ish prototype done. Holy crap, I want to find anyone who made a DEFCON badge and shake their hands because this has been difficult. However, still need to get the LEDs that were swept off the PCB back *on* to the PCB, then solder the header on so I can begin testing. #electronics

A green PCB titled "Red Team Prototype Version 0.1" will a 9x39 column of LEDs on the left-hand side.  In the middle of the bottom is a small square IC that controls the LEDs.  On the bottom-right is a place for a header to control the LEDs.  All of the components except for the IC and header are 1.0mm by 0.5mm and _evil_.  The PCB is 2.5" wide and 3.5" tall.
2024-05-28 10:41:40

📼 Fixing my Yamaha Electone ME-50: An FM Synthesizer Home Organ from 1986
2024-05-01 12:27:37

Hrmm, good news is that the soldering went pretty well on the prototype. The bad news is that I managed to solder in 351 LEDs backwards...lmao #electronics
2024-04-30 21:38:22

351 0402 LEDs arranged/oriented, 50 0402 resistors, 10 0402 capacitors...mixed the solder paste and have some of it "warming up"...stencil jig almost's getting time to solder some stuff. #electronics
2024-03-31 20:22:34

So, couldn't find the 9V adapter to charge the label maker (or absolutely any 9V adapters), so I sacrificed one of the dozen 12V adapters, hooked it up to the bench PSU, and now I've got one heluva overkill adapter. #electronics

A Siglent SPD1168X bench power supply with the 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel jack + cable from a donor PSU charging a Dymo label maker.
2024-04-29 17:57:11

Okay, the first take of the "Barduino". This should be very flexible and let me test if the schematic works...also most certainly a prototype. #electronics #arduino #atmel

A picture of a 3D View of a PCB designed in KiCAD.  The PCB is green and breaks out all of the Arduino pins from the integrated microcontroller.  Almost all of the components are through-hole which is a bit of a nightmare, but I'm pretty sure it won't catch fire.
2024-04-29 13:45:42

I think I've found all the major issues with the schematic, now it's time to get the PCB done. Very happy I went over it a few more times as I realized I had used the pinout for the ATmega328P instead of the ATmega328PB. Also missed the pull-up resistor on the RESET line. However, things should be good to go. #electronics

A quick-and-dirty schematic in KiCAD for making a custom Arduino based on the ATmega328PB.  The schematic shows the ATmega328PB, the FT230XS USB-to-serial IC, the USB connector, the ICSP programming interface, and four sets of pin headers.
2024-05-28 15:50:12

Got an interactive BOM saved, next steps are to start posting stuff to the internet on how to assemble, how to get it running, and anything schematic/PCB related. #electronics

A screenshot of the interactive bill-of-materials with all of the components on the left-hand side with their given values, and on the right-hand side is an image of the board.  The FTDI FT230XS IC is highlighted in the parts list and it's location is highlighted on the board on the right-hand side.
2024-05-28 12:39:07

The hopefully final version of the Barduino. I really wanted to keep it as through-hole as possible, so everything except for the ATmega328PB, the FTDI IC, and the USB connector are through hole. Pretty happy with how it turned out, now it's time to get the boards ordered and make sure everything works...then order a bunch #electronics

The front of the Barduino PCB.  Standard pin headers flank the sides of the board measuring 47mm in width and 65.5mm in height.  The MicroUSB B connector is on the bottom with the ATmega328PB in the middle.  3mm LEDs are on the bottom for power, RX, and TX info and an island for the 2x3 ICSP below and to the right of the middle of the board.  The PCB is green and all of the pins are labeled.
The back of the Barduino PCB which has a listing of all the capacitor values.  It also reminds folks who are building it that you'll need to burn a bootloader for it to work as "Step 0".  The Open Source Hardware logo is on the top-right of the board, and links to my website and GitHub repo because the schematics and such will be living there.
2024-04-26 21:42:19

We have a total success: able to upload sketches from the Arduino IDE to the breadboard ATMEGA328P running `minicore`. Fuses were set correctly, and absolutely no issues whatsoever after fixing the whole programming/burn issue. #arduino #electronics

A picture of me sitting on the couch with the laptop open running a test program.  The serial console is open and displaying test text.  On the arm of the couch is a breadboard with an Atmel ATMEGA328P and a ton of wires connecting stuff.  A USB-to-Serial adapter is connected which itself is connected to the laptop.
2024-04-26 21:42:19

We have a total success: able to upload sketches from the Arduino IDE to the breadboard ATMEGA328P running `minicore`. Fuses were set correctly, and absolutely no issues whatsoever after fixing the whole programming/burn issue. #arduino #electronics

A picture of me sitting on the couch with the laptop open running a test program.  The serial console is open and displaying test text.  On the arm of the couch is a breadboard with an Atmel ATMEGA328P and a ton of wires connecting stuff.  A USB-to-Serial adapter is connected which itself is connected to the laptop.
2024-04-26 18:08:05

I'm so proud, finally got an ATMEGA328P bootloaded, uploaded a sketch to it, and it worked perfectly. Unfortunately, it required me to toss it into an Arduino Uno Rev3 to get the bootloader correctly installed. However, it's a start. #electronics #atmel
2024-04-26 18:08:05

I'm so proud, finally got an ATMEGA328P bootloaded, uploaded a sketch to it, and it worked perfectly. Unfortunately, it required me to toss it into an Arduino Uno Rev3 to get the bootloader correctly installed. However, it's a start. #electronics #atmel
2024-04-25 15:49:35

So, it's time to make my first in-house Arduino. If I can get this thing configured, burn the bootloader/fuses, and then upload a sketch to this thing then I'm going to be one of the happiest people in the world. #electronics #arduino

An overhead picture of a breadboard with a breadboard PSU inserted into it to provide power.  An ATMEGA328P 28-pin microcontroller is on the other end of the breadboard.  A small PCB is connected to the microcontroller that will be used to burn the Atmel and get everything configured for being an Arduino.
2024-04-25 15:49:35

So, it's time to make my first in-house Arduino. If I can get this thing configured, burn the bootloader/fuses, and then upload a sketch to this thing then I'm going to be one of the happiest people in the world. #electronics #arduino

An overhead picture of a breadboard with a breadboard PSU inserted into it to provide power.  An ATMEGA328P 28-pin microcontroller is on the other end of the breadboard.  A small PCB is connected to the microcontroller that will be used to burn the Atmel and get everything configured for being an Arduino.
2024-04-23 21:53:44

Yay, got the solder paste ordered. Definitely not one of the things I want to order off of Amazon. Tracked down a good distributor, grabbed a jar of Kester HM531, and now I just wait for everything to come in. #electronics
2024-04-23 21:53:44

Yay, got the solder paste ordered. Definitely not one of the things I want to order off of Amazon. Tracked down a good distributor, grabbed a jar of Kester HM531, and now I just wait for everything to come in. #electronics
2024-05-06 16:54:12

Okay, this should be good enough to get things done. The file format supports monochrome and 8-bit RGB data along with static and animated images and should be fairly easy to read off of an SDcard connencted to the Arduino. Pretty happy with the result, but now I need to figure out how to properly document all of this... #programming

A screenshot of ImHex showing two files: a monochrome graphics file and an RGB graphics file.  The right-pane shows the pattern editor code for each field, and the pattern data shows the resulting data.