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2024-06-16 15:31:54

"Desperate climate scientists embrace civil disobedience and specialised therapy to deal with their growing anxiety over global warming."
**What grief for a dying planet looks like: Climate scientists on the edge** | Climate Crisis News | Al Jazeera
2024-06-16 18:00:08

wiki_link_dyn: Wikipedia link dynamics (2011)
Six networks of the evolving hyperlink structure among wikipedia articles, for simple English (en), German (de), Dutch (nl), Polish (pl), Italian (it), French (fr), taken in August 2011. Each edge is timestamped, and an edge (i,j) indicates that article i hyperlinks to j. The edge sign indicates the addition ( 1) or deletion (-1) of that link at the specified time.
This network has 100312 nodes and 1627472 edges.
Tags: Informati…

wiki_link_dyn: Wikipedia link dynamics (2011). 100312 nodes, 1627472 edges.
2024-06-16 01:41:17

Star edge-rusher hopes to be a 'Raider for life'
2024-06-16 16:55:52

It’s linguistics, yo.

Every time I’m NAKED and BAKED I wonder why the two words don’t rhyme — every damn time.
2024-06-16 05:10:56

Guten Morgen Wedding!
2024-06-16 06:51:31

Bist Du eigentlich in EM-Stimmung? Diese Frage habe ich die Tage sehr oft gehört. War ich eher nicht, aber das Spiel vom Freitag hat schon etwas bewirkt. Warum also nicht die kommenden vier Wochen bei guter Radiomucke Spaß haben, ohne die kackbraunen Probleme aus dem Blick zu verlieren?
#Wochenschau #EM
2024-06-16 00:00:05

advogato: Advogato trust network (2009)
A network of trust relationships among users on Advogato, an online community of open source software developers. Edge direction indicates that node i trusts node j, and edge weight denotes one of four increasing levels of declared trust from i to j: observer (0.4), apprentice (0.6), journeyer (0.8), and master (1.0).
This network has 6541 nodes and 51127 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted

advogato: Advogato trust network (2009). 6541 nodes, 51127 edges.
2024-06-16 15:00:07

residence_hall: ANU Residence Hall network
A network of friendships among students living in a residence hall at Australian National University (date unknown). Edge direction indicates that resident i named resident j as a friend, and edge weight indicates the level of friendship: 5 (best friend), 4 (close friend), 3 (friend), 2, 1.
This network has 217 nodes and 2672 edges.
Tags: Social, Offline, Weighted

residence_hall: ANU Residence Hall network. 217 nodes, 2672 edges.
2024-06-16 13:00:06

cintestinalis: Tadpole larva brain (C. intestinalis)
Entire connectivity matrix for the complete brain of a larva of Ciona intestinalis. Each directed edge represents a synaptic connection from pre-synaptic cell i to post-synaptic cell j (may not be a neuron). Edge weights represent the cumulative depth of presynaptic contacts in µm.
This network has 205 nodes and 2903 edges.
Tags: Biological, Connectome, Weighted

cintestinalis: Tadpole larva brain (C. intestinalis). 205 nodes, 2903 edges.