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2024-05-09 17:44:05

When someone wants us to mitigate vulnerable devices by "putting it behind a firewall". Image stolen from @…
#infosec #firewall #meme
2024-06-04 01:51:31

Hmm... With the free version of the awesome Untangle going away, this might be a good option
NethSecurity - Linux Firewall Made Easy
#Untangle #Firewall #NethSecurity
2024-05-09 17:44:05

When someone wants us to mitigate vulnerable devices by "putting it behind a firewall". Image stolen from @…
#infosec #firewall #meme
2024-05-04 05:06:05

Does anyone have any firewall managing software recommendations? I use Fedora Workstation. I wanted to use UFW but I remember seeing reviews about it not working correctly. #linux #unix #firewall
2024-05-04 05:06:05

Does anyone have any firewall managing software recommendations? I use Fedora Workstation. I wanted to use UFW but I remember seeing reviews about it not working correctly. #linux #unix #firewall
2024-06-05 12:58:37

So, my Untangle mentor is moving to OPNSense Zenarmor from Untangle.
#Untangle #Firewall #OPNSense #Zenarmor