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2024-05-30 14:47:04

Progress. Post, spans, and hidden plugs. The tricky things are how to select ideas that are easy to manufacture. There have been so many ideas up to this point that are just too complicated or expensive to get the stability we need. #Furniture #SolidWorks

CAD diagram of two tiers of posts and spanning bars creating a tower-like structure
2024-06-04 17:00:00

"Is ‘fast deco’ the new fast fashion? Landfills are piled high with cheap, throwaway home decor"
#Furniture #FastFurniture
2024-05-10 06:14:21

Fun or ugly?

Furniture design: fun or ugly?
2024-04-15 01:55:14

Starting to move up to full size parts. Parts so large that #PrusaSlicer needs to add a split in the middle. I think we're going to need a bigger boat. #3DPrinting #Furniture

A 3D printed part with the word MODxMOD and today's date: 2024.04.14
2024-06-03 06:05:25

The #furniture project has been evolving. We now have a system that supports multiple tiers. This is a 3D printed model of posts and overlapping bars with overlapping pins. I can't wait to see what we can do with this. #3Dprinting

As described
2024-05-03 16:52:05

#question of the day: #outdoor #office #furniture? I'm particularly interested in a
2024-04-15 14:34:55

I love it when a plan starts to come together. I'm still not great at imagining things in 3D but am getting closer. This is a printed assembly of a corner bracket, two cross bars, and the "X" shaped tie that binds them. No tools required (so far). Just slot together and twist the turn lock. #MODxMOD #furniture

A plastic part in reality, the SolidWorks model behind it on my laptop screen.