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2024-05-15 15:40:42

The behavior of business leaders with respect to #genai is distressingly lemming-like.
2024-04-14 17:39:38

The true power of #genAI is not technological, but rhetorical: almost all conversations about it are about what executives are saying it will do "one day" or "soon" rather than what we actually see (and of course no mention of business model which doesn't exist).
We are told to simultaneously believe AI is so "early days" as to excuse any lack of real useful…
2024-03-15 09:23:03

lol Hier promotet ein Fake-Account shitcoins via #GenAi
2024-04-14 17:39:38

The true power of #genAI is not technological, but rhetorical: almost all conversations about it are about what executives are saying it will do "one day" or "soon" rather than what we actually see (and of course no mention of business model which doesn't exist).
We are told to simultaneously believe AI is so "early days" as to excuse any lack of real useful…
2024-05-14 17:25:09

I sat down and wrote out some thoughts on why I’m not worried about LLMs running my career.
2024-05-13 05:18:35 want to illustrate an article on bread prices in Bulgaria. What I see is #GenAI overdoing the job.
After having studied how #midjuorney v4 could illustrate fairy tales (for anyone interested,
2024-04-13 20:30:30

Kunst generieren ist keine Kunst mehr. (Selbst-)Antrainierte Kunst generieren ist die neue Kunst.
#Prozesskunst (1960) #genai
2024-04-16 09:36:14

Audio book but in #Morse code
#genai #espeak #tta
2024-03-18 08:06:51

The growing backlash against AI
While the crowd at sxsw2024 booing a sizzle reel of people either promising the beauty of the future "AI" will bring or claiming it to be "without alternative" is funny and went viral for all the right reasons, this event speaks to a deeper shift in perception. #ai
2024-04-26 14:13:56

I blogged about “empathic” mental health chatbots
#mentalhealth #genai #chatbots
2024-04-04 14:49:08

We are told #genAI is going to change everything...
...but every #AI "use case" so far has direct and transparent lineage from existing malignant practices.
Offshoring, algo-washing, review fraud, information warfare, plagiarism, content mills and SEO spam, legal trolling/intimidation…
2024-04-04 14:49:08

We are told #genAI is going to change everything...
...but every #AI "use case" so far has direct and transparent lineage from existing malignant practices.
Offshoring, algo-washing, review fraud, information warfare, plagiarism, content mills and SEO spam, legal trolling/intimidation…
2024-02-23 10:19:03

Cybersicherheit, Kriege, Wahlen – der OpenAI-Chef Sam Altman warnt vor negativen Folgen von künstlicher Intelligenz. Regierungen müssten daher schnell für Regulierungen sorgen. #DieZeit
Künstliche Intelligenz könne unter anderem in absehbarer Zukunft potenziell negative Auswirkungen auf Wahlen haben.
2024-03-20 14:57:54

I #predict that with #GenAI video, we will have a spurt of good #UFO videos. No more blurry and shaky videos. /s
2024-02-27 13:01:23

Small update: 🤖⚔️ #ParzivAI - our #GenAI language model specialized in translating #MiddleHighGerman into modern #German

terminal screenshot
2024-04-20 16:32:25

Don't tell me what people will be able to use #GenAI to do at some point in the future. Tell me whether people are now able to do any of the things you promised Blockchain or the Metaverse would let them do.
2024-03-25 13:11:16

Now Offering #GenAI-Proofreading
2024-04-20 16:32:25

Don't tell me what people will be able to use #GenAI to do at some point in the future. Tell me whether people are now able to do any of the things you promised Blockchain or the Metaverse would let them do.
2024-03-21 12:26:03

Zu oft bin ich von Microsoft CoPilot enttäuscht. Gerade in den Office Apps sehe ich meist die Meldung "Something went wrong. Please try again in a moment."
Im Edge Browser funktioniert es meist besser.
Aktueller #Fail: CoPilot sollte mir eine Powerpoint-Präsentation zusammenfassen. Falsche Versprechung.
2024-04-26 11:43:31

Datenbank mit Cartoonbeschreibungen, nach denen man wirklich suchen kann.
#wasfehlt #genai #llm
2024-03-30 11:50:31

#GenAI can't tell jokes. So to keep your job, be fun to work with!
#humor #comedy #humour