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2024-04-09 04:50:35

#Google ist die dominante Suchmaschine, steht hinter dem verbreitetsten Mobilbetriebssystem, betreibt die Videoplattform, um die niemand herumkommt… Also ein innovatives Techunternehmen?
Im Herzen ist Google aber ein Werbeunternehmen: Über ¾ der Einnahmen stammen aus Werbung und auch alle "normalen" Google-Dienste sind Zahnräder in diesem Werbeumfeld.
2024-04-09 09:04:03

#Google Public #DNS’s approach to fight against cache poisoning attacks #infosec
2024-05-07 16:57:36

Ohh didn't expect 🙄
Google Podcast gonna dissapear.
Another service killed by G!
2024-03-09 09:20:48

Toll, wie sich #Google um die #Sicherheit der Kinder kümmert, nicht? 🥹
Einfach ein Google-Konto eröffnen und dann das Surf-Verhalten damit überwachen. Natürlich mit Chrome. 🤦‍♂️
Vermutlich ist es sogar wirklich «gut gemeint». 🤪

Anzeige in Google Chrome nach Upgrade.
Mehr Onlinesicherheit für dein Kind.
Wenn dein Kind Chrome verwendet, kannst du über Family Link Einschränkungen für Websites festlegen und so die Sicherheit deines Kindes im Internet erhöhen.

Dein Kind benötigt sein eigenes Google-Konto.
Rufe Family Link auf, um die Websites zu verwalten, die dein Kind in Chrome besuchen kann.
Hilf deinem Kind bei der Anmeldung in seinem eigenen Chrome-Profil, sodass die von dir festgelegten Einstellungen angewendet werd…
2024-04-06 15:36:54

Google Books reportedly indexing bad AI-written works #google
2024-04-09 11:00:32

A indústria #IA é baseada em roubo!
"#Google Let #OpenAI Scrape YouTube Data Because Google Was Doing It Too"
In a bid to secure enough data to train their
2024-04-06 11:04:38

Google Won’t Say Anything About Israel Using Its Photo Software to Create Gaza “Hit List”
2024-05-08 13:23:54

If your company website's "Live Chat Support" link goes to an error page, that tells me everything I need to know about your company.
Lookin' at you, #FitBit / #Google.
2024-04-08 15:29:07

Warum springen die #Google #Sheets immer ans Tabellenende, wenn ich mit der Maus scrolle? Verdammt!
Das ist dezent nervig!
2024-04-06 18:31:12

Wtf, #google doesn't consider California to be in the United States anymore?

Error massage from Google Play, with the text "Couldn't complete your transaction. Your Play balance can only be used in United States. See the gift card terms of service".
2024-04-02 09:03:27

Milliardenschwerer Rechtsstreit mit #Google
2024-03-06 15:04:58

So I'm setting up an appointment for labwork in Colorado Springs. I click on the link to get directions to the lab and Google gave me directions on how to get there starting from the International Lace, Wig, and Hair Association.
W. T. and I might add F?
#google #maps
2024-03-05 15:51:39

If you enjoy this, you are an insufferable Android geek (like me)
Evolution of the Google Play Store Icon for Android (2008 - Present)
#Android #Google
2024-05-04 08:35:34

Hui, bei #Netzpolitik ist es im Jahr 2024 mal aufgefallen, dass die SEO-Spam aus der Suchmaschine #Google einen unbrauchbaren Schrotthaufen gemacht hat:
2024-02-24 21:29:45

A friend of mine sent me these screencaps and I’m laughing so hard.
(Read alt text if image is hard to read)
#google #googleGemini #googleNaming

Tweet by Thomas Kurian: “We’re introducing a new offering called Gemini Business, which lets organizations use generative Al in Workspace at a lower price point than Gemini Enterprise, which replaces Duet Al for Workspace Enterprise.”

Reply by Sacha Sayan: “Hey Thomas, can I pay for it with Google Pay in Google Wallet, which replaced Google Pay, which replaced Android Pay, formerly known as Google Wallet?

If not we can jump on a call and discuss billing. I'll send you an invite on Google Meet…
Reply by Michael Parker: “Just to clarify do you mean you’ll send an invite on Google Meet, or Google Meet (original)?”

Reply by Sacha Sayan: “Great question Michael. As a Google Workspace user, formerly Suite, otherwise known as Google Apps for Work, previously Google Apps Premier Edition, aka Gmail for Your Domain, which would you recommend?”
2024-04-04 07:51:03

Man schaltet den privaten Modus des Browsers ein. Doch die meisten Menschen erhoffen sich von dem Modus deutlich mehr, als er wirklich bietet: Privat ist daran nämlich nur wenig – #Google schnüffelt fleißig mit. Nun muss der Konzern das aber ändern. #Stern
2024-04-05 11:09:53

#google being evil again:
if only there were some way to reign in on them...
2024-05-02 15:30:00

The men who killed #Google.
Harsh, but I don't think unfair. And clearly part of a pattern across society.<…
2024-04-05 09:03:28

Finde es witzig das es bei #Google offenbar immer noch Spiren von Google Plus gibt 😅
2024-04-30 16:25:11

This article on the death of #Google #search is raw. 🔪
“Rot Master Raghavan is here to squeeze as much as he can from the corpse of a product he beat to death with his bare hands.”
2024-02-21 15:11:33

Gemini rolling out to Gmail, Docs with Google One AI Premium.
2024-04-24 18:53:10

Der Wiederholungstäter: nachem er #Yahoo's Suchmaschine ruiniert hatte, wurde er Leiter von #Google Search:
2024-05-01 14:04:22

Oha #google #seo
2024-02-24 21:29:45

A friend of mine sent me these screencaps and I’m laughing so hard.
(Read alt text if image is hard to read)
#google #googleGemini #googleNaming

Tweet by Thomas Kurian: “We’re introducing a new offering called Gemini Business, which lets organizations use generative Al in Workspace at a lower price point than Gemini Enterprise, which replaces Duet Al for Workspace Enterprise.”

Reply by Sacha Sayan: “Hey Thomas, can I pay for it with Google Pay in Google Wallet, which replaced Google Pay, which replaced Android Pay, formerly known as Google Wallet?

If not we can jump on a call and discuss billing. I'll send you an invite on Google Meet…
Reply by Michael Parker: “Just to clarify do you mean you’ll send an invite on Google Meet, or Google Meet (original)?”

Reply by Sacha Sayan: “Great question Michael. As a Google Workspace user, formerly Suite, otherwise known as Google Apps for Work, previously Google Apps Premier Edition, aka Gmail for Your Domain, which would you recommend?”
2024-04-24 06:06:23

This is a very entertaining story about Enshittification, written from the inside of the enshittifier. #google #search /cc @…
2024-04-03 19:14:40

YES! FINALLY! #Google is going big on backing #rcs Hooray!
oh... you mean the #messaging standard, not the unix Revision Control System.
never mind.
/ $Log$ /
(*'s got et)
2024-03-01 18:46:58

Gack, this story about Google apparently laying off YouTube Music employees who were trying to unionize? (Haven’t seen any reported/verified coverage yet, but watching.)
Long time YTM customer here. Initial feeling is that this is unacceptable and I guess I’m looking for streaming alternatives?
#YouTubeMusic #Google
2024-04-04 15:04:33

Great! #Google has a meta-fact check search engine!
This query returns results in all languages; the default is to return only your browser language, but you can change between them and other languages.
h/t/ @…

Searching for "Crocus" returns either results in your language/your chosen language or for all languages, which is very helpful.

Screenshot for what the above query returns for me, with a German text by DPA and an Italian text by Facta.News
2024-05-04 17:08:05

What I really like about #GoogleMaps is how they treat walking on water as normal (looking at how they show walks I have taken) and just now they show the location of the summerhouse I visit about 150 ft into the lake. NOTE TO #GOOGLE: Street Addresses normally are not under water.
And they make it …
2024-05-04 17:08:05

What I really like about #GoogleMaps is how they treat walking on water as normal (looking at how they show walks I have taken) and just now they show the location of the summerhouse I visit about 150 ft into the lake. NOTE TO #GOOGLE: Street Addresses normally are not under water.
And they make it …
2024-04-22 12:00:02

"Pathways Alliance Paid Google to Advertise on ‘Greenwashing’ Searches"
#Google #Greenwashing
2024-02-22 22:10:02

Google is killing the clone, of its Wallet app, that originally was supposed to replace the original (Wallet app). Google graveyard gets stranger. #GooglePay #GoogleWallet
Android Police: Google Pay will shut down in June
2024-05-07 05:21:42

#Google, #Meta, #Spotify apparently use device fingerprinting on #iOS to track users. Does this surprise anybody?
2024-04-26 10:31:35

Instrument Playground: Making Music is #Google to My Ears #tcea #tceajmg:
2024-04-28 16:21:42

Workers accuse #Google of ‘tantrum’ after 50 fired over Israel contract protest - #nimbus #palestine
2024-02-20 15:34:38

Just requested a copy of my #data from #Google. I know it's going to show they know everything about me, but I still expect to be surprised by the breadth of their PII.
Request your data:
2024-02-21 23:16:19

Google Enterprise Gemini
Here are some screenshots.
Boles University is our company, not an .EDU, so this isn't a school account.
No extensions yet.
I do like the text branding in the "New Chat" window.
#AI #Google

Gemini Google.
No extensions for Gemini Google Enterprise.
Text branding for Google Gemini Enterprise.

Apple is partnering with Google to bring the search giant's #Gemini #AI model to the #iPhone, as noted by CNET's Lisa Eadicicco.
While that would certainly be a big win for
2024-02-26 11:38:07

The boss wants me to set up 2fa on the work gmail account, which is fair enough, but it turns out to be impossible to do so.
In order to set up 2fa with Gmail you must first associate a phone number with your account because Google are greedy data-hoarders.
But I don't have any business phone number and I am unwilling to associate my personal phone number with my employers gmail account.
So we had to do the dance where I give it his phone number and he forwards the sms confirmation to me and then I set up 2fa and then delete the phone number.
Every other one of the services he's asked me to set up 2fa for didn't require a phone number.
It's mostly just Google that Sucks.
#google #sucks #googleSucks
2024-04-18 06:21:43

Google firing people / No Tech for Apartheid
"This evening, Google indiscriminately fired over two dozen workers, including those among us who did not directly participate in yesterday’s historic, bicoastal 10-hour sit-in protests. This flagrant act of retaliation is a clear indication that Google values its $1.2 billion contract with the genocidal Israeli government and military more than its own workers."
#Google #ProjectNimbus #Palestine
2024-02-27 11:44:14

Before the "we have no moat" memo from #google appeared almost a year ago, it seemed like it was only a matter of time until google's #LLM would overtake #OpenAI. The memo made it clear that per…
2024-03-31 14:44:54

Finally tried out Immersive View on Google Maps. Still kinda laggy with the touch interactions, on my iPhone 13 mini. The time travel thing is pretty cool.

Demo of Immersive View on Google Maps.
2024-04-04 15:04:33

Great! #Google has a meta-fact check search engine!
This query returns results in all languages; the default is to return only your browser language, but you can change between them and other languages.
h/t/ @…

Searching for "Crocus" returns either results in your language/your chosen language or for all languages, which is very helpful.

Screenshot for what the above query returns for me, with a German text by DPA and an Italian text by Facta.News
2024-03-01 02:36:49

proposing a subset of @…'s #enshittification: babelfication, when a previously indexed part of the internet loses its mooring, like #google's recent abandonme…
2024-02-22 18:37:23

Google is simplifying their payment apps in the U.S.
This is something they have needed to do for a VERY LONG TIME!
2024-02-15 06:48:46

Today's Google Doodle is all about how elements bond!
#Chemistry #STEMeducation #Google
2024-03-18 06:26:05

So Google repeats what they did with search? If Gemini dominates on both iOS and Android things will get hard for Microsoft/ OpenAI.
#google #apple #ai
2024-04-29 18:37:39

Hot take 🔥
I search #Google all day and find what I need 95% of the time quickly and easily.
2024-03-31 04:07:23

It's annoying how even if you're paying for a YouTube subscription, Google gives you little control over the application. I can't disable YouTube shorts, and I have an addictive personality it's so hard to avoid scrolling for hours #youtube #google
2024-04-18 06:18:45

I just don’t understand why Google is behaving like this… they seemed like such good people when they were just tracking your every move on the Internet and off to create detailed and constantly updated profiles of you to exploit for profit. What went wrong at this trillion-dollar surveillance capitalist?
#google #israel
2024-02-24 16:17:34

If we had kept building the #web like we did before #Google took over we would be in better shape and Google might still work.
We abandoned serious structured #metadata. We stopped publishing…
2024-04-13 02:31:35

“Stories from California-based news organizations will not be available for an unspecified number of state residents who use Google to search the web, in a show of its might as #Google attempts to quash a state proposal it has been fighting for years.”
2024-02-14 07:15:19

I've just learned that #Google has such as a thing as "Abusive Experience Report". Ironic, isn't it?
The help has even a section titled "Why is Google doing this?"
2024-04-22 12:00:02

"Pathways Alliance Paid Google to Advertise on ‘Greenwashing’ Searches"
#Google #Greenwashing
2024-02-26 20:31:38

Die Verbindung zwischen #Google/#YouTube und #DTAG ist aktuell auch eher nicht zu brauchen, oder?
2024-03-14 17:03:04

How #Google Blew Up Its Open Culture and Compromised Its Product
2024-04-20 09:08:25

Google fires 28 workers for protesting $1.2 billion Israel contract #Google #Gaza
2024-02-14 07:15:20

Właśnie odkryłem, że #Google ma coś takiego jak "Abusive Experience Report". Ironicznie, czyż nie?
W pomocy jest nawet sekcja "Why is Google doing this?"…
2024-03-05 14:15:20

Millions Of #Google, #WhatsApp, #Facebook #2FA Security Codes Leak Online
2024-04-28 16:21:42

Workers accuse #Google of ‘tantrum’ after 50 fired over Israel contract protest - #nimbus #palestine
2024-02-21 23:16:19

Google Enterprise Gemini
Here are some screenshots.
Boles University is our company, not an .EDU, so this isn't a school account.
No extensions yet.
I do like the text branding in the "New Chat" window.
#AI #Google

Gemini Google.
No extensions for Gemini Google Enterprise.
Text branding for Google Gemini Enterprise.
2024-04-26 21:40:53

Wir müssen uns vor Augen führen, mit welchem Ziel #Google damals an den Start ging:
Sie wollten mal die Guten sein!
2024-03-28 10:19:02

Google in Not? Revolutionieren Tools wie, statt vieler Links den Suchenden eine Antwort liefern, die von der KI geschrieben wird, den Markt? Die Folgen für das Internet, wie wir es kennen, wären enorm: #Google als zentraler Verkehrsknotenpunkt könnte viele Profinutzer verlieren, viele Internetseiten würden entsprechend Google-Traffic verlieren und die ganze Industrie der Suchmaschin…
2024-04-14 12:13:33

Post und #DHL wechseln von #GoogleMaps zu #Openstreetmap

Text Shot: Die Deutsche Post und auch DHL nutzen Google Maps nicht mehr länger bei der Paketverfolgung. Stattdessen setzen sie auf Kartenmaterial von Openstreetmap.
2024-04-04 02:04:53

I feel like VLOOKUP and absolute cell range references has just unlocked a world of possibilities for me in Google Sheets. #spreadsheets #GoogleSheets #DataVisualization
2024-03-29 07:12:56

Pixelfed app is live in beta on GPlay. Installed, but I just need to think of ways and reasons to use another social media.
#Pixelfed #fediverse #google

Tech giant #Google is blocking links to California news outlets from search results
Google has temporarily 💥blocked links from local news outlets in California💥 from appearing in search results
in response to the advancement of a 🌟bill that would require tech companies to pay publications for links that articles share. 🌟
The change applies only to some people using Google in California, tho…
2024-04-23 09:53:26

The sheer number of #NGOs and #nonprofits that use #Google docs to manage information that is secure or "not for public," or, in some cases, genuinely sensitive information astounds me.
2024-02-10 12:56:05

#Google search results are so shitty lately that, for example, searching for a thing (a keytar named "alesis vortex") it shows 8 ads and, after these, as the 4th result, the web page of the product.
In case you are curious, #Duckduckgo shows, mostly, results involving the web page…

Google search results without an ad-blocker showing a total of 8 ads: 5 "sponsored" and 3 non sponsored.
Duckduckgo search results showing as the 1st results the web page of the "Alesis Vortex" keyt, and then one Amazon ad as the 3rd result.
2024-03-24 10:30:24

Nein, ich will nicht, dass du deine Seite für mich übersetzt. Schon gar nicht so! #Google #Fail
Screenshot von devel…

Google-Entwickler-Seite, die von Google trotz deaktiviertem Google Translate auf deutsch übersetzt wurde. Dabei wird unter einem Lapenicon die falsche Übersetzung "Leicht" und unter einem Schalter-Icon die falsche Übersetzung "Wechseln" angezeigt.
2024-02-24 12:20:04

Gemma gets very bad reviews and Mistral ( Mixtral 8x7B) seems much better. What is Google doing ?
#Google #Gemma #Mistral
2024-03-23 03:25:09

“Federal investigators have ordered #Google to provide information on all viewers of select #YouTube videos, according to multiple court orders obtained by Forbes. Privacy experts think the orders are unconstitutional because they threaten to turn innocent YouTube viewers into criminal suspects.”
2024-02-17 02:44:56

"Now #Google only informs publishers of the fact that a URL has been removed, without elaborating on what/why.
That leaves journalists unable to identify situations where the #righttobeforgotten has been misused to hide legitimate reporting on serial miscreants.
Google: We rolled ou…
2024-02-21 23:18:41

#Gemma - a family of lightweight, state-of-the art open #models from #Google.
2024-02-16 19:07:33

🇬🇧 Could I ask you to type the phrase "Oracle VPS" into #Google and see if you too are shown a link to my #blog post about #Oracle on the first page of results?
The li…
2024-03-31 06:41:42

Die #wochenschau vom 31. März 2024 ist wirklich ein Kessel Buntes: Söder lässt denunzieren, das "Trumpeltier" macht Kohle an der Börse, #apple und #google werden angezählt, die
2024-02-26 06:13:12
Content warning: shitposting

“who negatively impacted society more, elon tweeting memes or hitler”
#google #googleGemini #ai
2024-03-14 09:30:11

Neuer Gastbeitrag in den #OMR Reviews über den Google Knowledge Graph und das Knowledge Panel von mir.
#knowledgepanel #knowledgegraph
2024-02-24 12:20:04

Gemma gets very bad reviews and Mistral ( Mixtral 8x7B) seems much better. What is Google doing ?
#Google #Gemma #Mistral
2024-03-19 16:57:39

Go to bed Google, you're drunk
A) I didn't go to McDonald's
B) I highly doubt I'm a top 10% reviewer
#Google #Maps
2024-04-28 23:23:41

Does #Google go out of its way to make managing #Chromecast devices awful? I don't know that something so bad could have any thought behind it at all...
2024-04-14 12:13:33

Post und #DHL wechseln von #GoogleMaps zu #Openstreetmap

Text Shot: Die Deutsche Post und auch DHL nutzen Google Maps nicht mehr länger bei der Paketverfolgung. Stattdessen setzen sie auf Kartenmaterial von Openstreetmap.
2024-03-29 08:04:06

Osoba edytująca Wikipedię zdecydowała się arbitralnie usunąć #JPEGXL z tabelki w artykule "Comparison of browser engines" jako "nieistotny", w oparciu o decyzję #Google o niewspieraniu tego formatu. To ładny przykład braku obiektywizmu, i pozwolenia na to, by Internet zdefiniowany był przez …
2024-02-17 16:03:01

Yesterday #Google really impressed me with an absurd "suggested question" when I searched for the movie #Wish
> What ethnicity is Wish?
I have to assume that racists have using Google to figure out if they like the movie or not.
2024-02-28 17:57:58

Enshittification alert: I use YouTube Music, mostly because it has my own 10K songs I uploaded into its “Google Music” predecessor. In Android Auto, YTMusic used to support Library->Uploaded and I could shuffle that stuff. They took it away. You have to pull over, get out your phone, navigate to Uploaded, etc.
There’s an open issue on the YTMusic help, saying “Android Auto doesn’t support long lists.” It used to.
2024-04-23 07:35:33

Ich mag den #Nachtmodus der #Google #Pixel Smartphones!

Ein Garten im Mondlicht aufgenommen.
2024-02-21 23:18:41

#Gemma - a family of lightweight, state-of-the art open #models from #Google.
2024-03-17 10:11:36

O pacote gratuito do #Google para #universidades brasileiras foi sucesso total. A oferta, que era 'ilimitada', passou a ser cobrada. As instituições viraram reféns, mas…
2024-03-18 11:00:28

Randomly browsing Google Maps & saw this interesting change:
- Selecting a place highlights the building
- Small green arrows appearing, seems to indicate possible entrances/exits
- Upon further inspection, seems like they could be derived from Street View imagery
Place: Telok Blangah Crescent Market & Food Centre, Singapore.

Screen recording of Telok Blangah Crescent Market & Food Centre being zoomed in on Google Maps iOS app.
2024-02-18 08:49:05

#Google wird eigenen Angaben vor den Parlamentswahlen in der #EU eine Kampagne gegen Fehlinformationen starten. Wie das Unternehmen Reuters mitteilte, wird die interne Google-Einheit Jigsaw ab März in fünf EU-Ländern eine Reihe von animierten Anzeigen auf Plattformen wie
2024-04-24 19:46:31

How much money does #Google make because companies don't keep track of which keywords they are paying for on #GoogleAds?
2024-04-25 10:26:25

#Google #Bewertung|en sind einfach NIX mehr Wert.
Ich habe bei einer Burger-Bude in einer Bewertung kritisiert, dass es im Sommer doch wünschenswert wäre, wenn die Cola gekühlt ist.
Der Inhaber kann sich nicht mehr erinnern, dass ich Kunde gewesen wäre. Er droht mit Klage, wenn die Bewe…
2024-02-22 23:38:39

Human Meme Podcast!
Here's the new song from -- in a Version 3 Alpha test of their AI music and song service!
Lyrics by Google Gemini!
#AI #AImusic #Gemini

Alpha 3 test of Human Meme podcast song.
2024-04-24 03:11:23

Czy to nie przerażające, że polscy urzędnicy każą ludziom wyszukiwać informacje z ich strony internetowej przy pomocy zewnętrznych wyszukiwarek (a to już postęp, że mówią "wyszukiwarka" albo każą wpisywać hasła w pasek adresu, a nie "#Google"), zamiast podać adres strony i kazać użyć wewnętrznej wyszukiwarki? To wielki problem bezpieczeństwa, który tylko czeka, aż jakiś "ekspe…
2024-03-18 11:00:28

Randomly browsing Google Maps & saw this interesting change:
- Selecting a place highlights the building
- Small green arrows appearing, seems to indicate possible entrances/exits
- Upon further inspection, seems like they could be derived from Street View imagery
Place: Telok Blangah Crescent Market & Food Centre, Singapore.

Screen recording of Telok Blangah Crescent Market & Food Centre being zoomed in on Google Maps iOS app.
2024-04-24 11:19:44

"What if your computer made a little noise each time it sends data to #Google?
It's not only about the data transfer itself. Imagine the amount of network traffic required when this happens to everyone active online. And the storage and CPU power required to process it all. Yeah, you get it."
2024-04-19 21:12:33

I read somewhere that adding “before:2023” to your #Google search will improve the quality of your results tremendously.
It seems to work to exclude AI-generetad garbage. At the very least, the *tone* of the results seem to be more cogent and purposeful.
2024-02-09 12:45:01

Handelsblatt: KI-System Bard von #Google heißt künftig #Gemini - Mit der Umbenennung seines A#KI-Systems will Google sein Profil schärfen. Gleichzeitig kündigt der Internet-Konzern KI-Apps fürs Smartphone und eine bezahlpflichtige Profi-Variante an. -