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2024-04-19 22:33:55

If any of this makes sense to you, feel free to contribute to Teilnamer:in - a #hack4socialgood project in support of #citizenscience and #eparticipation - currently at the brainstorming…

Hand sketch of a prototype concept: Recommendation, Participation, Evaluation, Research
2024-04-20 13:48:28

We are off timed to the minute with #Hack4SocialGood presentations, to a packed audience, on the Bogen F Stage in Zürich ✨🦁

"Our challenge" a team presentation on stage
2024-04-19 10:04:30

Getting set up for a two day Social Hackathon at the creative academic hub of the Toni Areal - follow #Hack4SocialGood and feel free to toot in! #ZHAW

Artwork in the Social Work department. Ball and pins spelling a word tied with string
2024-04-19 10:04:30

Getting set up for a two day Social Hackathon at the creative academic hub of the Toni Areal - follow #Hack4SocialGood and feel free to toot in! #ZHAW

Artwork in the Social Work department. Ball and pins spelling a word tied with string