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2024-05-31 22:53:54

#haikuos window management video review!
2024-05-31 22:34:29

#haikuos video! deskbar review. but the default position is my favorite anyway :)
haiku has no 3d acceleration and screen recording with cpu is awful, phone is the best option, believe me
2024-05-30 14:21:21

#haikuos screenshot: will use this theme (Matrix2) for now
configured keyboard layouts but third layer (meta and shift-meta modifiers) dont work in epiphany :/ they work in the telegram, in terminal, in every app but epiphany o.0
2024-05-30 09:50:14

#haikuos screenshot: you can change any ui color in settings
2024-05-30 09:12:33

#haikuos screenshot: stacking and tiling. when holding super key, drag the window to the other windows' header or border to stack or tile. stacked and tiled windows are moved and resized together. to move or resize window, hold ctrl alt and use mouse buttons
2024-05-30 09:09:17

#haikuos screenshot: i have a bug when trying to stack windows: when i unstack it, the header doesnt disappear and i have it floating on my desktop until these pixels are updated
2024-05-31 21:50:44

i can write #rustlang code on #haikuos but i miss rustup and rust analyzer
2024-05-31 21:44:13

i've built original #rogue game 5.4.4 for #haikuos (no changes to the codebase was needed, strange it wasnt in repos)
2024-05-29 19:40:08

oh yeah im writing this message from #haikuos and it has sound!!! i can watch videos. my touchpad doesnt work. my wifi doesnt work (usb tethering). now i have to configure scaling as my laptop has hidpi screen
2024-05-29 20:02:25

okay i cant scale the whole interface like in linux in #haikuos so now its time to test some games, i dont know yet what of them can work, but will learn soon
2024-05-29 15:34:29

want to try night build of #haiku os on my laptop. its new, so i hope touchpad and wifi will work (they didnt with redoxos unfortunately so i couldnt try it on a real hardware)
they write i can browse the internet with it and even watch videos, will see if thats true
2024-05-29 20:26:02

okay time for a big post
#haikuos is a #foss #opensource OS written in c
its some #beos