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2024-07-18 07:55:39

Ukraine is not just about Ukraine. It is about Russian dominance in Europe. As the US's influence is about to wane, Russia wants to take its place.
If Europe wants to remain free, it needs to stand up to Russian influence and aggression. Otherwise we will all be run by Russian puppets.
I hope the talks taking place in Blenheim Palace today lays the foundations for a totally European replacement for NATO. The US can no longer be relied on.
2024-07-18 17:04:45

via #NATO

"At the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington, D.C., Allies agreed to establish the NATO Integrated Cyber Defence Centre to enhance network protection, situational awareness and the implementation of cyberspace as an operational domain."
read more:
2024-07-20 13:48:54

Le aziende si proteggono dai propri dipendenti usando bitlocker.
I dipendenti perdono i pc e i dati devono rimanere protetti.
Soluzione attuale: uso un core dedicato per cifrare e decifrare i dati del disco.
Ci viene concessa una recovery key.
Il core usa un SO proprietario e non si ha nessun controllo su di esso, lo stesso viene utilizzato anche per implementare i DRM e garantire che i flussi audio e video non siano accessibili dai core usabili dai SO.