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2024-12-13 19:41:37

How to Survive the Broligarchy

"‘The most important thing for ordinary people to do is do their jobs with competence. This kind of authoritarianism replaces competence with loyalty, so resisting that is vital.’ — Jason Stanley, Historian" (Carole Cadwalladr, How to Survive the Broligarchy)
2024-12-13 14:05:13

The new #appleintelligence and the playground in #iOS18 is pretty cool.
2024-11-15 07:27:37

Our mastodon server #datascience
2024-12-15 12:00:00


A dumpster sits by an electric pole at the crossing of two alleys in a city. The sun shines on the front side of the dumpster which has been completely painted by a street artist. On a blue background are four colorful, stylized, childlike drawings of animals: an orange elephant, a pink hippo, a pink duck, and a yellow bear. The words written in the space between the animals are: "This is trash. You are not." The dumpster is overflowing with trash bags. They can be seen piled higher than the to…
2024-12-14 18:17:31

Ich wollte ja gern beeindruckt sein von #DieSaatDesHeiligenFeigenbaums. Er hat drei tolle Frauen in den Hauptrollen, keine Frage. Schöne Bilder. Ein brandheißes Thema.
Aber irgendwo in diesem Drehbuch hakt es ganz gewaltig. Irgendeine Info fehlt mir, warum der Mann, der seine Familie retten will, sich dann gegen sie wendet.
Ich versuche, mir das zusammenzureimen.…
2024-12-11 16:00:05

Mastering Rust's Error Handling: A Guide to Writing Reliable Code
Rust's error handling system is a cornerstone of the language's commitment to writing safe and reliable code. As a Rust developer, I've come to appreciate the power and flexibility it offers. The system is designed to make error cases explicit, ensuring that developers consider and handle potential failure scenarios. […]
2024-12-12 07:30:08

WordPress CEO Rage Quits Community Slack After Court Injunction
Automattic is ordered to undo several of the actions of its CEO Matt Mullenweg in its ongoing legal battle with WP Engine. “It's hard to imagine wanting to continue to working on WordPress after this," Mullenweg said in a community Slack message.