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2024-06-07 19:54:51

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
Green's friend's friend was stabbed once. "Toughness" doesn't solve crime. Care solves crime. Youth services reduce crime, not longer sentences. Reducing inequality stops crime. There should be a councilor in every school.
Reform wants to stop and search people, and the audience seem to like that. He doesn't care if it's racist he just wants to stop and search. He's concerned about a decline in law and order and will get tough. Also drugs are bad.
Libs reckon community policing, so more cops only the friendly kind.
Conservatives reckon if you ignore the new modern computer crimes then there's less crime now. You can't get stabbed in a hacking, can you? Labour areas are more crime-ridden they reckon (not noting it's because they are poor areas). They want more of the friendly cops with names too.
Labour are sad that young people are frightened and point out Con cut cops in order to then re-introduce them. They also think that if you know the names of the cops then maybe they won't beat you or do racist harassment.
Wales points out is poverty, and hopelessness which leads to crime. Devolve police stuff to Wales and they'll do it better locally.
Scots reckon they're not the worst for stabbings in the union, and that investing in reducing poverty gives people a hope that stops them doing all the stabbing. Westminster does not offer any hope so folks might as well do the stabbing.
#ukpol #election #debate #knifeCrime