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2024-06-14 06:59:49

Three New Galactic Globular Cluster Candidates: FSR1700, Teutsch67, and CWNU4193
Saroon S, Bruno Dias, Dante Minniti, M. C. Parisi, Mat\'ias G\'omez, Javier Alonso-Garc\'ia
2024-06-18 11:00:32

foursquare_global: Foursquare global check-ins (2013)
A bipartite network of users and locations, representing check-in events worldwide on Foursquare, from April 2012 to September 2013. Metadata include country, city name, city type (e.g. national capital), and vender's latitude and longitude.
This network has 3935215 nodes and 22809624 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata, Timestamps

foursquare_global: Foursquare global check-ins (2013). 3935215 nodes, 22809624 edges.
2024-06-19 02:00:06

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012)
Assorted snapshots of internet graph at the Point of Presence (PoP) level (which lies between the IP and AS levels), collected from around the world and at various times. The earliest snapshots are for ARPANET (1969-1972), with a few more from pre-2000. Most are from 2006 onward. Metadata include link type or speed, longitudes, and latitudes of nodes, URL, and date of record.
This network has 21 nodes and 31 edges.

internet_top_pop: Internet topology (PoP level) (1969-2012). 21 nodes, 31 edges.