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2024-05-27 11:20:16

⚮⚮⚮Updated to #LinuxMint "Virginia".
⚮⚮⚮About to throw #Bluetooth into the sea.
⚮⚮⚮Need cathexis flow, stat.
2024-04-26 07:15:06

Wow guys, I am absolutely overwhelmed by your participation and also the diligent sharing! And one thing first: after reading every single post - I was surprised by certain tendencies. But after the end of the survey, I will evaluate all the answers again and then comment! Thanks again to EVERYONE who took part! You guys are great, and that's what makes the Fediverse what it is!
2024-04-25 17:51:36

Getting ready for more trucking fun this morning. #linux #gamingcommunity
2024-04-25 18:19:44

This looonix seems interesting.
2024-05-27 14:07:01

For the #Linux #kernel developers among you:
Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst[1] now mentions how to tag commits you do *not* want to see backported to stable/longterm series without an explicit request.[2]
Ohh, and it now mentions the difference between and stabl…
2024-04-25 15:27:17

Well...I've been threatening to write a blog post about why #LinuxPhones are better for kids than 'normal' ones, and I finally did it 😅

Picture of three children in wetsuits and swimming costumes playing in the sand. Background is a sandy beach, with a shingle slope and cliffs.
2024-04-24 16:55:32

Linux md-raid development moving to GitHub.
2024-04-26 13:50:17

Crap, I just read up on what NixOS is and I actually really like it on paper.
Now I might try it out, but I won't change all my computers to it in the following months (lying).
#Linux #NixOS
2024-05-25 11:40:45

Considering latest #microsoft news and promises related to what is coming for #windows users...
I am finding myself lately not caring about them, not caring to "tell them to switch to #linux
2024-05-27 14:07:01

For the #Linux #kernel developers among you:
Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst[1] now mentions how to tag commits you do *not* want to see backported to stable/longterm series without an explicit request.[2]
Ohh, and it now mentions the difference between and stabl…
2024-04-25 15:27:17

Well...I've been threatening to write a blog post about why #LinuxPhones are better for kids than 'normal' ones, and I finally did it 😅

Picture of three children in wetsuits and swimming costumes playing in the sand. Background is a sandy beach, with a shingle slope and cliffs.
2024-05-27 12:42:22

It’s #linux time. Since Windows and Mac OS are moving in a questionable direction and my laptop was getting slower, I tried #popos.
A truly magnificent system. All the modern apps are there. Smooth. Sleek. Nothing compared to Ubuntu a few years ago, or Arch tinkering, or my dust-craving Cubes OS…
2024-05-27 10:01:17

If you're interested in trying #Linux, feel free to ask me any questions about it. I've been on it since the late 90s, so there's a decent chance I can answer your questions.
2024-04-25 13:55:42

After a great week for Linux, with the releases of Fedora 40 and today Ubuntu 24.04, I would be interested to know which operating system the Fediverse in my "bubble" uses? Linux? Windows? Or macOS or even a BSD? More than one?
Please write in the comments which distribution or version! Thanks for participating and SHARING!
2024-04-25 12:41:13

Anyone knows how to disable the bouncing icons (busy cursor) effect on @… 6?
#kde #linux
2024-05-25 07:19:11

The Linux Apps That Will Replace My Mac Apps | I list the apps I will be using on this channel | Linux Creative Project
2024-06-18 05:59:54

🥳 Achievement unlocked: my #kernel vanilla repositories for #Fedora #Linux 39 now shipped more than 100.000 packages[1] built from mainline kernel sources out to @…
2024-05-25 21:11:10

Hi #Linux & #kde people, I've run into a bug (or may be several honestly) on #kdeneon, and wondering if anyone else can reproduce this or let me know where the bug actually is: & It appears to present as a data corruption bug. Thanks!
2024-05-25 06:55:28

The mseal() syscall was merged for #Linux 6.10:
It's a way to prevent …
2024-04-24 15:46:57

So, my 1000th post (or "toot") here on Mastodon is dedicated to my decades-long passion: Linux!❤️ :linux:

Or, as Richard Stallmann would insist: GNU/Linux. And of course to its brilliant creator Linus Torvalds and all the many thousands of people who have made the world's largest community project possible since 1991!
And to all those who make Mastodon and especially this instance possible
2024-05-27 12:42:22

It’s #linux time. Since Windows and Mac OS are moving in a questionable direction and my laptop was getting slower, I tried #popos.
A truly magnificent system. All the modern apps are there. Smooth. Sleek. Nothing compared to Ubuntu a few years ago, or Arch tinkering, or my dust-craving Cubes OS…
2024-05-21 15:40:59

I feel like #Linux on the desktop is getting a whole new selling point: the ability to be completely free of AI features.
(Until you open a web browser)
2024-04-25 12:41:13

Anyone knows how to disable the bouncing icons (busy cursor) effect on @… 6?
#kde #linux
2024-05-27 03:46:52

#Linux 6.10-rc1 is out:
2024-05-25 23:48:24

Playing the final song in our bar before handing over the keys to the new owner, and Windows decide it's a good time to do this...
So yeah, no final song. My fault really for not putting #linux on there years ago.
2024-05-21 20:35:27

I have 7 (probably 8) devices (computers?) here in my living room running one form of #Linux or another - and every one is a different form factor from the others!
Android tablet
Android phone
Desktop PC
Steam deck
(and the probably 8th, my wifi/router box)
There are at least a similar number of devices elsewhere in the …
2024-05-23 02:33:10

More #LOTRO tonight! #linux
2024-04-25 09:07:46

Man, I *love* the AUR. They even got `fedi-fetcher`!
Let nobody tell you that Arch isn't for servers. It's a great experience, honestly.
#Linux #ArchLinux #AUR
2024-04-25 08:56:10

Hi all. I've got an older #computer running #Windows10, and I'm thinking about putting #Linux on it since I've always wanted to try it out and think this computer might run better wit…
2024-05-26 20:21:16

"Time bombs" in Debian.
Debian jargon:
- FTBFS: Fails To Build From Source. A bug, since Debian packages must always be buildable.
- RC: Release Critical. A class of bug considered serious enough that it will cause the package to be dropped from the next release if it remains unfixed.
- trixie: The next stable release of Debian, which will be Debian 13
2024-05-15 18:35:54

It's time to replace the last mechanical hard disks of the laptops that were still installed in some of the laptops at work with SSDs.
Sensitive data is stored on the NAS, but it never hurts to do an srm -r -s data
Secure delete is your friend!
#linux #security
2024-05-24 03:45:09

Zou er nog wel eens een iso file op een cd/dvd gebrand worden??
#Linux #NixOS

I am NOT a compsci geek.
BUT I have managed to switch to #LinuxMint on a 2010 MacBook Air and it's a revelation. It auto-updates, it's fast, easy and the most relaxed time I've had with #Linux so far.
So, if anyone out there is thinking of switching, give it a go!
(oh, and if you'…
2024-05-22 01:10:26

Glad I switched, fully, to #Linux a few months ago. I'm not a programmer or techie, and struggled with Linux in the past, but compared to a decade ago, the installation was really easy & it the user interface has improved dramatically.
For reference, using #LinuxMint
2024-05-23 02:33:10

More #LOTRO tonight! #linux
2024-04-24 05:37:50

Yes, sometimes I feel like a little boy with a new toy - but it's just a new release 🤪
#fedora40 #linux
2024-06-08 01:17:35

I could use APO Windows to fine tune my headphones, or I could just grab EasyEffects straight from the repo and enjoy stuff. Just another unexpected bonus... #linux #pipewire #audio

The EasyEffects application showing the frequency spectrum coming through PipeWire.
2024-05-03 21:03:45

Encontrei uma caixa cheia de CDs de instalação de versões antigas de #Linux. Os CDs do Kurumin e do Kokar eu não tenho coragem de jogar fora não, foi com esses que eu comecei no mundo linux.

Pasta de guardar CDs aberta, deixando a mostra um CD do Ubuntu 8.10, um CD do resulinux beta 1 e Kurumin NG 8.06.
CD de instalação do Kurumin Linux e seu CD de add-ons, o Kokar. Ambos estão com etiqueta indicando que foram comprados no site do projeto ( Cada etiqueta também tem um desenho. No CD do Kurumin, é um K estilizado abaixo do qual vê-se a silhueta de um indígena lançando uma flecha para o alto. No caso do Kokar, vemos um simpático pinguim usando um Kokar indígena.
2024-05-14 13:04:18

Linux update day for wife's laptop. My main Linux box updated with all of the patches and kernel update without an issue so she now gets updated.
Upcoming projects - Update the media server and then burn the latest version of DSL for that very old box and try it out again.
2024-05-19 15:43:23

My cozy desktop, I dont need much
#plasma #kde #opensuse #linux
2024-05-24 18:00:27

A nice Friday story - the birth of #Git and the move of #Linux to a distributed source control.
2024-04-26 06:54:16

Getting closer and closer to the point where I'll start a git tree[1] with fixes and reverts for #Linux #kernel regressions in the latest stable series, as from here it seems quite a few of the known problems could quickly be solved by a revert or applying fixes already queued[2]/still under review[3].…
2024-05-21 12:55:39

Does anyone use #Linux with a #windows vm with their GPU passed through it?
I’d by looking to play games through a VM (if not supported by Linux ofc)
2024-05-17 00:26:46

TIL of non-GNU.
2024-05-13 08:17:23

#LinuxKernel 6.9[1] is now available in the 'stable' copr of my #kernel vanilla repositories for Fedora #Linux.
For install instructions, see
2024-05-13 14:22:10

Linux kernel 6.9, noice
2024-05-11 17:30:06

In this Saturday afternoon I am playing a classical game as it is «Diablo». Thanks to DevilutionX is possible to playing it in GNU/Linux.

Diablo game cover.
2024-06-11 15:45:06

Worth a read!!
#linux #reverseengineering
2024-05-10 07:06:15

En teknisk fråga om #Linux . Jag har uppdaterat till ubuntu 24 och naturligtvis funkar inte saker, det var jag beredd på. Men min VPN har slutat funka och den gillar jag att ha. Supporten vill ha en skärmdump på felmeddelandet i journal. Men när jag står i home och tar ut den så är den ju hundratals rader. Finns det en journal fil i alla mappar? Kan det finnas känsliga saker i output som gör at…
2024-05-23 06:39:05

Mit Recall sollen Windows-Nutzer in die Vergangenheit reisen können.
Unter Sicherheits- und Datenschutzexperten ist dieses neue Feature hoch umstritten.
Ich persönlich fühle mich bestätigt. Onlinebanking und andere datensensible Programme nur auf #Linux laufen zu lassen, denn dieses Betriebssystem sieht einem nicht ständig über die Schulter und funkt Informationen nach Hause.
2024-05-15 18:35:54

It's time to replace the last mechanical hard disks of the laptops that were still installed in some of the laptops at work with SSDs.
Sensitive data is stored on the NAS, but it never hurts to do an srm -r -s data
Secure delete is your friend!
#linux #security
2024-05-22 07:55:19

So this is push me towards my "Should I replace #Windows with #Linux on my laptop" threshold.
I'm already finding that Windows is, for the hardware it's on, really slow. Searching the installed apps seems sluggish for a computer which has, well, over 40 years of innovation in it. Add…
2024-05-21 18:56:37
Content warning:

Windows Recall is too far! Please protect yourself from Microsoft's spyware and get #linux now!
2024-05-24 10:14:58

"'[…] #git was created as a tool to unblock future #Linux #kernel releases — not intended as a global reinvention of all source code management; Linus’s comments highlight that he explicitly saw source code…
2024-05-12 22:47:28

Nice... #linux
2024-06-04 18:36:56

📈 Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds (2015)
2024-05-20 18:00:51

Join us for more trucking fun this morning. #linux #gamingcommunity
2024-05-17 15:05:05

Having flashed to ISO onto the external HD of the secondary machine a small, blinking bar of light immediately appears in the upper left corner, and just sits there. Blinking. I typically see this, albeit briefly, between the noisy boot sequence and the splash screen poper. F2 time!
2024-06-03 13:20:34

You are invited 6pm tonight to join us :)
Fedi users
Linux, GrapheneOS, QubesOS users
Book readin' literates
Curiosity driven questioners
And more!
Victory Cafe 6pm
#Toronto #Lug
2024-04-25 22:10:45

I've recently had to come up with a way to do incremental backups of a block device. This wouldn't normally be my chosen way to back things up, but the block dev belongs to a VM that I can't tamper with.
I can snapshot it easily enough so I can write off an image without it changing under me while I'm doing it, but I didn't want to store a copy of the whole device every time.
2024-05-19 15:43:23

My cozy desktop, I dont need much
#plasma #kde #opensuse #linux
2024-05-20 18:00:51

Join us for more trucking fun this morning. #linux #gamingcommunity
2024-05-07 07:42:06

🥳 #Fedora #Linux 40 is only 2 weeks out and users already[1] installed ~10.000 packages from my #kernel vanilla copr that ships the latest mainline
2024-06-16 09:16:03

The only reason I haven't tried NixOS is because I'll like it and stop using Arch, preventing me from being able to say "btw i use arch"
#ArchLinux #Linux #NixOS
2024-04-25 22:10:45

I've recently had to come up with a way to do incremental backups of a block device. This wouldn't normally be my chosen way to back things up, but the block dev belongs to a VM that I can't tamper with.
I can snapshot it easily enough so I can write off an image without it changing under me while I'm doing it, but I didn't want to store a copy of the whole device every time.
2024-06-07 23:28:29

I set up a local Ubuntu mirror for 22.04 LTS and 24.04 LTS and it's definitely paying off today. I'm happy that my audio setup changed enough that I could get back onto Linux again, and not having to worry about Windows has been pretty nice. I've handed most of the small issues so it's definitely time to enjoy a few beers, watch some videos, and just relax. #linux
2024-06-11 15:45:06

Worth a read!!
#linux #reverseengineering
2024-05-04 18:26:28

«Revive that Old Computer with antiX Linux»
2024-05-19 14:43:48

򮈓򮈓򮈓'Swounds, I've turned the desk heater on anew –a pox on this fickle #climatechange
򮈓򮈓򮈓If you want to have fun, count the plethora of brands of retail card readers. I'll wait.
򮈓򮈓򮈓Revamped #Linuxmint abruptly lost signal; I moused and the sign-up screen came up.…
2024-05-18 09:27:20

Am I the only #Linux user that gets turned off a project if the only supported way of installing it on Linux is #homebrew ?
I didn't like homebrew when I used a mac, and I certainly don't want to have it when I have much preferred package managers preinstalled.
2024-06-11 07:56:56

Now Apple also riddling their OSs with #ai and via the least trustworthy name in the business (well maybe it's a tie).
Glad I'm on #linux
2024-05-20 02:29:47

We're going to play a bit of #LOTRO tonight! #linux
2024-05-12 22:47:28

Nice... #linux
2024-05-20 02:29:47

We're going to play a bit of #LOTRO tonight! #linux
2024-05-08 10:07:06

"'We are happy to announce the general availability of #Fedora #Asahi #Remix 40. This release brings the newly released Fedora
2024-06-08 02:12:24

How did I not know about EasyEffects?!? Holy crap, much better than APO... #linux
2024-05-16 16:05:13

Now merged for #Linux 6.10 as part of the main media merge[1]:
* A driver for the 6th Gen Intel IPU, aka Image Processing Unit, which is found in Intel SoCs and used for capturing images and video from camera sensors in quite a few modern notebooks:
2024-05-09 20:15:02
Content warning: nsfw, sexual

The dichotomy of my Tumblr dash and my Mastodon feed is interesting to say the least.
#NixOS #Linux #Tumblr

A tumblr post by @nixos-official with a anonymous ask reading "what if there was a fork of NixOS called DicksOS, with dicklarative package management."
The response reads: "I would suck its dick 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"
2024-05-14 14:32:30

The TPM bus encryption and integrity protection changes prepared by @… and @… were merged for #Linux 6.10:
2024-06-07 18:32:05

The Ubuntu install went perfectly smoothly on the main rig. The audio issue I had before was resolved when that mixer decided it didn't want to work with *any* OS. Still need to verify that the webcam works, but everything is looking pretty great at the moment. #linux
2024-06-06 15:05:32

sudo #hdparm --drq-hsm-erro on my (#MintLinux #Linux) test bed yields unknown flag.
shred -n 5 -vz /dev/sda yields a slowly moving front of destruction, gig by gig. At 30% now.
2024-05-17 05:33:37

Jeremy Allison writes:
'" The data shows that “frozen” vendor #Linux kernels, created by branching off a release point and then using a team of engineers to select specific patches to back-port to that branch, are buggier than the upstream “stable” Linux #kernel created by Greg Kroah-Hartma…
2024-06-18 02:22:56

Going live with some more #LOTRO fun #linux
2024-05-22 08:10:01

Not sure what this human tried to achieve with the private reply[1] shown in the screenshot, but somehow it made me smile and brightened up my day. 😄
[1] a reply to a #Linux #kernel regression tracking mail I sent yesterday:
2024-05-16 03:08:11

Good evening, all! We're going to play a bit of #LOTRO tonight! #linux
2024-05-14 14:27:46

Linus added a farewell notice to the merge commit that removed alpha EV5 support from #Linux mainline (and thus for version 6.10):
2024-05-23 14:59:15

The @… article on #Linux 6.9 development statistics is now freely available:
2024-05-14 17:44:31

Happy Tuesday, all! The Ashlands has been released for #Valheim! #linux
2024-05-14 07:17:33

"'In this post, I’ll describe our track record in supporting Linux on laptops with Windows on Snapdragon and how that continues with the Snapdragon X Elite. You’ll see what’s already merged in the mainline #Linux #Kernel, what’s pending and what’s on our roadmap.
2024-06-12 01:58:32

Going live with some #LOTRO #linux
2024-06-13 02:26:31

Time to continue the journey to Umbar! #Linux #gamingcommunity
2024-05-24 10:26:58

FWIW, in case you heard about "#Linux #kernel developers removed a deprecated #btrfs mount option #systemd relie…
2024-06-17 04:05:01

#Linux 6.10-rc4 is out:
2024-05-08 18:14:06

Something a little different this morning...Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr #linux
2024-06-06 09:23:42

Hmm, seems[1] people submitting #Linux #kernel pull request in #github for torvalds/linux[2] do not get a helpful "you are wrong here" message[3] from the KernelPRBot any more.
Does anyone know if…
2024-06-05 02:05:33

Going live for a bit with some #LOTRO #linux
2024-05-07 18:13:17

We're back on our dedicated server today in prep for the release of Ashlands. #linux
2024-05-06 21:41:03

Garuda Linux - Gaming edition - KDE Dr460nized - Tour & Overview.
2024-06-14 07:46:06

No #Linux -next today or in the next two weeks from Stephen:
2024-05-23 14:57:32

The @… article about the latest push of the #BPF extensible scheduler class (or "#sched_ext") for #Linux