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2024-06-16 18:30:12

After a tough start the Northern Spy apple 🍏 is doing well! And the blushing delight columnar is thriving! #gardening #apple

A young apple tree with lots of light green leaves and branches reaching up. The sky behind is grey with clouds.
A close up of the leaves
The blushing delight is a small but vigourous tree with deeper green leaves. It is in the corner near the blue siding of a house.
2024-06-16 12:00:00

"The UK Green Party struggles to be heard in an election where climate change is on the back burner"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Climate
2024-06-16 17:16:38

Nou, dit wordt dus de vice-premier van de PVV. #islamofoob #moslimhaat

Fleur Agema verheerlijkt net als Geert Wilders de ontering van een oorlogsmonument

Ina Dijstelberge
28 februari 2017

Fleur Agema heeft op twitter een nieuwe header, een foto van het door rechtsextremistische islamofoben ontheiligde herdenkingsmonument op het Weteringsplatsoen in Amsterdam. Niet echt verbazend van iemand die ooit op het forum van het fascistische Stormfront vertoefde.

Screenshot (100) account flleur agema met daarop een foto van het onteerde monument.

In 2008 in de nach…
2024-06-16 18:27:52

He died in 1997 w/o ever having known I existed. I didn’t even know who he was until 2014. I wish we could have known each other. #adoption #HappyFathersDay

Scan of a vintage head & shoulders photo portrait of a handsome dark-haired man wearing an Air Force uniform, he has light eyes & big ears & a half-smile
2024-06-16 14:07:59

Prairie dog October 2017

photo of a prairie dog sitting on top of its burrow. They do not live on the prairie, and they're not dogs. They are rodents. They should properly be called steppe squirrels. They are often infested with fleas that harbor the plague virus. Sometimes a whole colony will die off due to this infection. They don't hibernate during the winter and can often be seen scurrying around in the snow on sunny days all winter long. Cute af.
2024-06-16 17:00:00

"Global heating will increase risk of parasite outbreaks, say South West Water owners"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Climate
2024-06-16 01:18:40

Does the #Mastodon or #activitypub API have the (beginnings of) the ability to integrate with these platforms so people can share game content onto the #fediverse ?
Seems …
2024-06-16 14:00:00

"Climate Pledges Haven’t Stopped These European Banks From Financing LNG"
#Finance #Banks #FossilFuels
2024-06-16 19:00:00

"Rare wild horses back on Kazakhstan’s Golden Steppe after being saved from extinction"
#Kazakhstan #Horses #Animals
2024-06-16 10:00:00

"The cost of ‘conflict carbon’: Russia could face €30bn climate reparations bill for war in Ukraine"
#Russian #Ukraine #Environment