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2024-09-13 17:48:46

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
AVON: By all means, let us stand around and discuss it.
BLAKE: Avon's right. We're not safe here any longer. Let's move out. [They climb the stairs. Vila reaches the door first and tries to open it.] B7B6
2024-07-05 05:44:47

Labour won Banbury! Fantastic! That means the Attorney General lost her seat too!
#GE2024 #torydeathparty
2024-07-11 12:48:02

It was time for a little engineering cleanup for #LunaLMS .
The branches now align better to common usage: "development" for merged feature branches, "beta" for actual beta testing.
Also, I now manage customised test branches outside of the official repository.

A graph of branches and commits in the Luna LMS repository. The branches development, beta, report, fachgruppe and documentation are displayed. Branch report has been merged in beta, which in turn has been merged in development.
2024-07-31 07:20:13

NeoBiota #AnimalScience and #Zoology; #InsectScience; #AquaticScience; Ecology, #Evolution, Behavior and #Systematics; #PlantScience; #Ecology; and #EcologicalModelling.
#AcademicChatter #AcademicPublishing #BiologicalInvasions #AlienSpecies
2024-09-14 10:58:21

Könnte es sein, dass #Jumbo eine #AI für das Schreiben der Produktbeschreibung nutzt? Die zudem noch versucht cool zu sein?
Kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass ein Mensch solchen Blödsinn schreiben würde. Zumindest hoffe ich das.
2024-08-18 20:14:10

Please take lots of #MoonPhotos to share of the #August #FullMoon — The #Sturgeon #Moon — on Monday 19 Aug 2024 UTC 18:26.
There will be 6 more Full Moons before the #WormMoon on 14 Mar 2025, and the #TotalLunarEclipse marking the next #KrononautMoon — the night for welcoming #TimeTravelers. Check out @…'s article on for the latest Community #TimeTravel Research.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhotos #MoonOverMastodon #KrononautMoon #KronoMoon #Celebration