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2024-06-18 07:14:37

How personality and memory of a robot can influence user modeling in Human-Robot Interaction
Benedetta Matcovich, Cristina Gena, Fabiana Vernero <…
2024-06-17 06:54:04

Some contributions to Lagrangian modelling of Power Converters
Shakir Showkat Sofi, Mosaib Ul Munieeb, Fazil Bashir, Munieeb Ul Hassan, Shahkar Ahmad Nahvi
2024-06-17 13:50:38

ukpol, Farage
So this one is straight out of the populist playbook.
Cut taxes, accuse foreigners of meddling in our politics.
Where on earth could well-known former racist party supporter Nigel Farage be going with this, I wonder?
#UKpol #ReformUK #Farage
2024-06-17 07:18:01

Integrated Modeling, Verification, and Code Generation for Unmanned Aerial Systems
Jianyu Zhang, Long Zhang, Yixuan Wu, Linru Ma, Feng Yang
2024-06-17 17:01:53

Deutsches Historisches Institut in Moskau unerwünscht
Das Deutsche Historische Institut in Moskau (DHI) ist von den russischen Behörden zur unerwünschten Organisation erklärt worden. Das Justizministerium der Russischen Föderation nahm das Institut nach einer Mitteilung vom Montag in die Liste von ausländischen und internationalen Nichtregierungsorganisationen auf, deren Tätigkeit in der Russischen Föderation als unerwünscht …
2024-06-17 20:09:59

If a #Labour government did abolish the #TwoChildCap across the UK, what consequences would that have for the #Scottish budget? This document suggests that the whole benefit would be passed on to families…
2024-06-18 07:05:58

Unfolding Time: Generative Modeling for Turbulent Flows in 4D
Abdullah Saydemir, Marten Lienen, Stephan G\"unnemann
2024-06-18 17:49:51

@… IMO “utils”, “misc”, etc. all smell like a problem domain in need of better modeling, that people are just avoiding to deal with.
2024-06-17 08:36:54

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-18 09:32:07

This has been replaced.
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