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2024-04-26 16:31:25

Nuclear blackmail and provocations at the NPP: Moscow has not learned the Chernobyl lessons:
2024-04-26 16:31:25

Nuclear blackmail and provocations at the NPP: Moscow has not learned the Chernobyl lessons:
2024-05-24 23:41:11

For anyone who’s still in doubt that Russia is at war with the West: Russia’s Proposal to Redraw Baltic Sea Borders Sparks Concern From Neighbors - The Moscow Times

“If you go back to the days of Jack Abramoff, when Americans started going to Moscow in the ’90s, and then to Paul Manafort in Ukraine, and so on, you start to see the spine of a secret influence campaign between the Republicans and Russia that has been built up over decades,”
“It goes right up to Tucker Carlson rooting for Putin on Fox today. It has been built up over decades, and it is not new, and it deeply infects the Republican Party. You have two forces with deep political ties…
2024-04-24 15:59:00

Terrorists in Robes: Europe Drives the Moscow Church Out:
2024-05-25 07:59:47

Kyiv says Russian losses hit 500,000. What does it mean for Moscow?:
2024-04-24 09:30:52

Resisting Moscow’s Victim Narrative: Strategies for Global Response The victim narrative promoted by Moscow requires a comprehensive global response to counter its influence and misinformation. Kremli Source :
2024-04-26 20:41:42

Ukraine war latest: US announces additional $6 billion in weapons for Ukraine:
2024-04-26 20:41:42

Ukraine war latest: US announces additional $6 billion in weapons for Ukraine:
2024-05-26 14:38:18

FSB initiates major purge within Russian Defense Ministry: top brass under arrest amidst Ukraine conflict fallout: