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2024-05-20 20:40:08

A nontrivial benefit of going to a country I've never visited before is literally every bird I saw was a lifer, here's one of the Eurasian moorhens that were just ... there, poking around in a patch of wetland on the TUM campus
#naturalist #bird

A hen-shaped, mostly slate-colored waterbird with a bright orange bill extending up the front of its face, its tail raised to present the viewer with bright white under-plumage as it paddles through murky water amongst rushes
2024-04-18 15:58:25

Yellow-rumped warbler in the orange grove at California State University Northridge

A gray and white bird with yellow patches at its chin and "armpits"
2024-04-17 18:11:46

Acorn woodpecker in Griffith Park
#naturalist #wildlife

A woodpecker with striking black and white facial markings, bright yellow eyes, and a red cap, looking downward from a perch on a broken-off stump of a sycamore branch
The same bird, looking upward
2024-06-17 17:25:06

Scrub oak, Quercus turbinella, with male flowers emerging, at Joshua Tree National Park in February

A handful of shallowly toothed oblong leaves framing tiny red-brown clusters of staminate flowers
2024-05-21 17:23:28

A crow with opinions on the beach at Fort Worden State Park, Washington
#naturalist #wildlife #bird #photography

A crow perched on a water-damaged log, its beak open mid-caw, with sand and seaweed and waves visible in the background
2024-05-16 14:49:25

Why you should become a volunteer biodiversity scientist [gift link]
#naturalist #wildlife
2024-04-15 15:50:48

Western bluebird in North Hollywood park
#naturalist #photography

A bird with blue wings and head, red-orange breast and flanks, and white underparts, perched on a branch and looking downward with its head tilted in apparent skepticism
2024-06-14 21:13:42

Rock wren, Salpinctes obsoletus, staring down the paparazzi at Red Rock Canyon

A wren with a brown head and back, a pale buffy breast, and a light-dark stripe through its eye, perched just behind the crest of a pale pink conglomerate rock, its expression suggesting grumpiness
2024-04-10 20:50:11

Black phoebe waiting for the next snack to fly past
#naturalist #wildlife

A small black bird with white underparts, perched on bare branch
2024-06-10 21:23:12

A clutch of cliff-climbing chukars at Red Rock Canyon
#naturalist #bird

A bird like a large brown-grey quail without the forehead-plume, with an orange bill and a black mask-like stripe across its white face, perched at the bottom of a near-vertical rock face as two smaller immature birds of the same species begin to climb the rock face
The same birds, some way up the rock face, the adult about a meter above two immature birds
A closer view of the adult chukar, running along a narrow ledge on the cliff face
2024-05-11 18:23:28

Had a dinosaur encounter this morning at Griffith Park
(That’s a gopher in the heron’s beak, snapped up right out of its burrow)
#bird #wildlife #naturalist

A blue heron standing on a mowed lawn, holding something small and furry in its beak
The blue heron closer and from a better angle, looking well fed and regal, though the effect is offset by picnic tables and a trash can in the background
2024-04-04 16:09:44

Fox squirrel on alert in North Hollywood Park
#naturalist #wildlife

A gray squirrel with red-brown underparts, leaning out from a perch on a tree trunk with its tail standing alert
2024-06-04 17:33:54

Twisty-petaled flower and fuzzy fruits of creosote bush, Larrea tridentata
#naturalist #wildflower

A close view of a radially symmetric flower with its petals skewed around, with tough-looking green leaves and fruits covered in spherical clouds of white hairs visible in the background
2024-04-03 15:39:31

Whitedaisy tidytips open for business in the Owens Valley
#naturalist #wildflower

A small composite flowering head with yellow disc florets framed by long white ligules in five groups of three, atop a reddish, hairy stem rising from a sparse rosette of lanceolate leaves
2024-06-03 16:29:11

Say's phoebe, Sayornis saya, at Red Rock Canyon State Park
#naturalist #wildlife

A brown-grey flycatcher with lighter, reddish underparts, perched expectantly on a dun-colored rock
The same bird, its head tipped slightly towards the viewer
2024-06-03 16:29:11

Say's phoebe, Sayornis saya, at Red Rock Canyon State Park
#naturalist #wildlife

A brown-grey flycatcher with lighter, reddish underparts, perched expectantly on a dun-colored rock
The same bird, its head tipped slightly towards the viewer
2024-04-02 16:52:55

House sparrow giving Tuesday the side-eye
#naturalist #wildlife

A mostly dirty white bird with a chestnut brown cap and a big black bib, sitting on a branch amidst out-of-focus pine needles
2024-06-11 14:50:52

Desert calico, Loeseliastrum matthewsii, grows in small mounds of pink-and-white flowers framed by dusty green leaves, like scraps of floral-print cotton scattered on the desert floor

Close view of many small flowers with five-lobed corollas, the tips of the lobes pink and the bases white with pink spotting
2024-05-29 17:10:12

Common blackbird, Turdus merula, on the TUM campus in Freising last month
#naturalist #wildlife

A black thrush with a contrasting yellow bill on a mossy bank, seen through out-of-focus underbrush
2024-03-28 18:58:13

Western side-blotched lizard (I think?) along the Ryan Mountain trail in Joshua Tree National Park :joshua_tree:

A small lizard striped with brown, tan, black, and flecks of blue, on a rock shaded by dry, spiky twigs from an overhead shrub
2024-05-27 17:39:35

And here's desert woollystar, Eriastrum eremicum, from last week's jaunt into the desert

An inflorescence of flowers with pale blue, trumpet-shaped corollas with five deeply divided lobes, in shallow focus on the nearest three flowers
2024-05-26 15:37:38

Great horned owl roosting on the cliffs at Red Rock Canyon State Park
#naturalist #wildlife

A view into a niche in a wall of reddish rock, where a large brown and white owl with visible “ears” is perched on an outcropping
2024-03-25 19:04:33

Western bluebird at his most dapper in North Hollywood Park
#naturalist #wildlife

A bird with bright blue wings, crown, and nape and a rusty orange breast and flanks, perched alertly on a pale wooden post
2024-03-24 16:51:36

Scenes from a very quick Spring Break scouting trip this week, driving up the desert side of the Eastern Sierras

The jagged summit of Mount Whitney, seen from a distance over blue-shaded foothills and a barren brown hillside
A view from high on a mountainside covered in scrubby vegetation and Joshua trees, down to the desert plain
A disused mining site with a shed and a water tank and, for some reason, a metal sculpture of a Joshua tree on a concrete base
A large Joshua tree with an almost spherical crown, in front of a field of modern windmills
2024-06-06 17:20:42

Apropos of absolutely nothing, here's a flowering Joshua tree from last year's fieldwork, outside of Mojave, California, and a closeup of an inflorescence from the same season, at Saddleback Butte State Park

A single Joshua tree with a well-defined trunk rising to a slightly asymmetrical crown of branches ending in rosettes of blade-like green leaves, many rosettes cradling conical clusters of green-white flowers; growing in a desert scrubland with low brown hills visible in the background
A close view of densely packed green-white flowers, each with six tepals forming a sphere; a conical pistil and a couple stamens with bright yellow pollen are visible through the open tepals of one flower