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2024-04-25 18:56:42

"I hope you don’t mind me asking but what keeps you coming back to #Emacs? I am currently wondering whether to look at #Neovim again - it does seem to be faster and with a strong community around it."
Protesilaos Stavrou answered:
2024-05-18 09:25:39

#neovim plugin
> is a nvim plugin for discovering motions (Both vertical and horizontal) to navigate your current bu…

neovim lua configuration of a precognition plugind with visible motion hints
2024-04-11 06:48:27

Installed neovim yesterday, i like it more than vscode. At least after i installed nvchad. Can't wait to do my first project in neovim.
#neovim #ide #programming
2024-06-14 05:16:13

I spotted #neovim in the #embedded session
2024-05-16 13:38:43

Possible dum-dum question: are there any #terminal-based editors around for Linux that support LSP but aren't modal? I've half heartedly tried getting used to Helix or #Neovim but I just don't think the core idea of modal editing works for my head.
2024-04-03 19:27:49

So I found time to do some maintenance on my neovim config, removed some unnecessary deps, and added DAP related plugins.
Damn, this looks beautiful.
Thanks to all neovim and neovim plugins devs.
#vim #neovim
2024-05-18 09:25:39

#neovim plugin
> is a nvim plugin for discovering motions (Both vertical and horizontal) to navigate your current bu…

neovim lua configuration of a precognition plugind with visible motion hints
2024-06-14 10:57:40

#vim #neovim.
The best part is one can …
2024-06-14 01:48:25

Ditching VSCode for #NeoVim.
Goodbye productivity 👋
2024-06-10 07:33:01

TIL: LSP can convert the if condition for you.
#golang #lsp #neovim #til

Gopls - the language server for go - suggesting inverting the if condition.
2024-06-10 07:33:01

TIL: LSP can convert the if condition for you.
#golang #lsp #neovim #til

Gopls - the language server for go - suggesting inverting the if condition.