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2024-04-26 10:00:06

👉 3 simple rules for creating #OpenScience Policies 👈
1. Develop output policies first and combine them into an Open Science policy later.
2. Policies are about the "what" and "why". The "how" belongs elsewhere (e.g. guidelines).
3. Don't start with the policy, start with the guidelines.
Read more in this week's newsletter post!
2024-04-25 15:48:38

I am super excited to join the Open Research Community Accelerator (#ORCA) Advisory Board, as I get to work with a great team of experts to make #OpenScience much more straightforward for both individual researchers and the organisations supporting them. More info at:!
2024-05-27 08:00:07

Students and early PhD candidates often don't understand all the talk about #OpenScience. They think Open Science is just "normal" science.
The older researchers are the ones who teach them otherwise. Let's change that!
2024-05-24 15:56:32

Now out: The "#openscience meets #citizenscience"-section which I've been editing for the LIBER "Citizen Science for Research Libraries" guide book! 🎉
Details and links to the guide are hre:
2024-05-25 19:29:58

I always get stuck explaining #OpenAccess to researchers cause the landscape is such a mess. So from now on I will bring this slightly opinionated image with me...
Hybrid dragons taken from @… #OpenScience
2024-04-24 18:15:27

It is not too late to get your @… Book Dash application in!
This is our bi-annual contributor event which is loads of fun!
This is also how I learned how to use GitHub, so no previous experience necessary!
Apply by 26 April: #OpenScience #Reproducibility
2024-06-14 15:25:51

Today, 14 June 2024, on the occasion of what would have been Sarah’s 43rd Birthday, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) announced ‘The Sarah Jones Award for exceptional contribution to fostering collaboration in #OpenScience’.
We at GÉANT are honoured to support this initiative and tribute to our beloved colleague and friend and invite the GÉANT community to submit nominations and to donate …

The Sarah Jones Award for exceptional contribution to fostering collaboration in Open Science.

Call for nominations and donations open.

RDA - Research Data Alliance
2024-05-13 07:44:03

"Daten visualisieren: #OpenScience mit #Scholia"
2024-05-17 12:00:25

The idea of having a dedicated venue for #OpenScience, akin to Dagstuhl and Oberwolfach, would be amazing, wouldn't it?
We could use this place to create systemic change, allow exhausted researchers to reboot, run hackathons, summer schools, seminars, workshops, or celebrate our achievements in improving the quality of research... 💭
Read more about my daydreaming in this week…
2024-05-31 15:16:26

Ich mache von nun an wieder Zeug mit Mikroskopen, open data und generell #openScience an der @… #fürIhreUnterlagen
2024-05-17 20:29:42

"We must move from the concept of ‘intellectual property’ to the concept of ‘intellectual communism’ when knowledge and information are free and belong to everyone." - Alexandra Elbakyan in #OpenAccess #OpenScience
2024-06-06 15:36:57

Yay, excited that my tiny contribution to the @… replication database is now online!
Know of any replication results that aren't in the database yet? Or even have your own? Contribute them here: #OpenScience @… @…
2024-05-10 08:56:06

So many things came out of the Open Science Retreat this year! 🤩
A bot that shares learning resources, a guidance document for staff assessment, and speculative fiction are just a few examples.
Read this week's newsletter post to dive in 💌
#osr24nl #OpenScience
2024-05-24 13:10:05

And two works on #PeerReview for #OpenData and #OpenSoftware:
Sharma, S. (2024). Peer reviewing data and software: a pilot project #RDM #OpenScience
2024-05-28 11:15:35

If you missed it over the (potentially long) weekend:
The LIBER guide to «#OpenScience meets #CitizenScience» is now out!
2024-05-28 11:15:35

If you missed it over the (potentially long) weekend:
The LIBER guide to «#OpenScience meets #CitizenScience» is now out!
2024-04-29 06:07:31

"If you don’t have a community around a tool that you’re trying to make open, that might be a sign that there’s a challenge to openness" - Angela Oduor Lungati via #100Conversations by @…
2024-06-05 10:23:22

Super excited to be at the kick-off of the @… Fellowship programme for 2024-2025!
I'll be working on the project that I proposed on tracking research outputs for the Faculty that I work at as a Data Steward! You can read my proposal here: #OpenScience #RewardsRecognition #TIR