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2024-04-14 12:13:33

Post und #DHL wechseln von #GoogleMaps zu #Openstreetmap

Text Shot: Die Deutsche Post und auch DHL nutzen Google Maps nicht mehr länger bei der Paketverfolgung. Stattdessen setzen sie auf Kartenmaterial von Openstreetmap.
2024-06-01 04:47:37

Cartofête en #Occitanie #OpenStreetMap
2024-06-18 08:47:43

Ihmettelin lähikadun #openstreetmap ominaisuuksia kun ei tahdo pyöräreitittää sen kautta: ilmeiseeti reititysprofiili on arempi päällystämättömälle kuin arvelin ja haluaa mennä mielummin ylämäkeen asfalttia pitkin.
Näkyi olevan kadusta 31 eri versiota ja kun oli muutama 2010-luvun IRC-keskusteluista tuttu nimimerkkikin editoinut niin piti katsoa heidän profiilinsa. Yhdellä viimeisin e…
2024-04-14 12:13:33

Post und #DHL wechseln von #GoogleMaps zu #Openstreetmap

Text Shot: Die Deutsche Post und auch DHL nutzen Google Maps nicht mehr länger bei der Paketverfolgung. Stattdessen setzen sie auf Kartenmaterial von Openstreetmap.
2024-04-16 22:41:09

Joke's on you! I use #OpenStreetMap!
2024-04-13 18:03:05

Ich stelle gerade fest, daß die @… inzwischen auf einen #OpenStreetMap basierten Kartenprovider setzt.
2024-04-15 13:57:35

Mitarbeit bei #openstreetmap "Viel lesen um alles richtig einzutragen" oder "Fang einfach an!"?…
2024-03-27 17:10:42

@… is still looking for a student to work on a Google Open Summer of Code proposal for the #OpenStreetMap iD editor:
Mapping widget for real world access restrictions

Mapping widget for real world access restrictions
Suggested By Martin Raifer (tyr_asd)

Mandatory skills:

Useful skills:
Experience with the D3.js framework, OSM tagging/mapping workflows, and iD development

350 hours


Possible Mentors:
Martin Raifer

Mapping certain attributes such as access restrictions can be quite difficult in iD. Currently, the mapping of access restrictions on roads, barriers, and similar map features can be quite difficult,…
2024-06-11 07:36:36

Any #openstreetmap contributors going to Brno for the @… ? #osm #brNO
2024-05-30 15:47:36

Cartofête en #Occitanie #OpenStreetMap
2024-04-08 17:59:13

Corrected the tagging of the newly added cycleway due to a review comment. I love #openstreetmap
2024-05-06 03:51:11

Just booked my trip to #SOTMUS2024 in Salt Lake City, very excited to catch up with all the US #OpenStreetMap stuff after missing this conference for the past mumble-mumble years. Not doing a talk or anything but very interested to catch up with anyone thinking about Parquet geodata general…
2024-03-31 22:12:28

Love uploading walking and biking sequences to #Panoramax. Makes subsequent #OpenStreetMap mods easier. Learning to use #OpenCamera better. Ultimately better than

Screen grab in Panaramax showing a path under the West Side Highway at about 134th Street with the Hudson River in the distance and some controls at top to go back forward auto play and do more.  At the bottom there are controls to advance one photo forward or reverse.
2024-04-15 06:08:52

"#Post und #DHL wechseln von #Google Maps zu #Openstreetmap
Die Deutsche Post und auch DHL nutz…
2024-06-15 07:31:16

Posted without comment. 🤐
2024-04-04 21:30:46

Das praktische an der #Bubatzkarte @…? Die Leute hier fangen an fehlende Spielplätze zu mappen XD
2024-04-03 18:40:53

Doing a bit of #OpenStreetMap mapping on my way back to the hotel with @….

StreetComplete screenshot in Düsseldorf
2024-04-21 19:56:15

Google Maps – a Swiss story - SWI feat. #swisstopo #openstreetmap #geodata #datamining <…
2024-04-02 18:20:46

Is there a bicycle map anywhere that takes the slogan "paint isn't infrastructure" seriously? Suggestions welcome
#osm #cyclosm #openstreetmap
2024-04-08 17:59:13

Corrected the tagging of the newly added cycleway due to a review comment. I love #openstreetmap
2024-04-18 15:35:25

Ich bin inzwischen fast ein klein bisschen süchtig nach #OpenstreetMap
Nachdem ich ja schon ein paar Jahre aus #Ingress raus bin, hab ich jetzt ein neues "Spiel" für meine Sparziergänge gefunden.
2024-06-13 10:34:21

Okay. More work to do in #OpenStreetMap :osm: updating boundaries and ref=* tags (which include a 2-digit region code) for provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays. 😅
2024-04-18 15:35:25

Ich bin inzwischen fast ein klein bisschen süchtig nach #OpenstreetMap
Nachdem ich ja schon ein paar Jahre aus #Ingress raus bin, hab ich jetzt ein neues "Spiel" für meine Sparziergänge gefunden.
2024-05-30 10:06:33

Someone cycled 99% of all roads in Singapore (4977 unique km) via #WandrerEarth. Great achievement!
One of his suggestions for others:
"Update OSM, it will help others. It can be tedious but it’s worthwhile."
Good example, that mapping for #OpenStreetMap is best combin…
2024-05-13 08:23:02

Belated photo of the #OpenStreetMap introduction workshop that @… @… and I facilitated on Day 3 of

Dennis Chen speaking inside a meeting room with several people seated around round tables
2024-04-05 00:43:22

Got invited to this Riverkeeper meeting in Ossining. Planning to take the Hudson line and then either walk or bike the Old Croton Aqueduct from a little out from the Ossining #MetroNorth station. #OpenStreetMap says the path surface is dirt. The meeting is April 25 so it could be muddy..
2024-04-14 20:45:29

#OpenStreetMap ist jetzt wieder ein Ding?!
Bin da schon seit 2008 registriert.
Google Maps hab ich schön langsam „durchgespielt“ 😂 (kratze an LV8)
Dann hänge ich mich halt mal ein bisschen bei OpenStreetMap rein. Mal schauen ob das Spaß macht. Viel zu tun in der Region.
2024-06-05 19:01:26

Hey friends, just came home from a day in the office with some socializing.
Anyways - this is one more photo from our recent hike along a gorge. Before we came to the gorge we did a nice hike along forest roads and such trails.
Actually, this is one of the trails that I corrected later in #OpenStreetMap as it was marked as ways wider.

A picturesque scene captured in this image showcases a serene path winding through a lush, grassy area. Towering trees line the path, their branches reaching towards the clear sky above. In the distance, majestic mountains rise up, their peaks touching the clouds. The overall color palette of the image is dominated by shades of green and black, with a white foreground. The composition evokes a sense of tranquility and natural beauty, inviting viewers to imagine themselves walking along the peac…
2024-04-02 18:20:46

Is there a bicycle map anywhere that takes the slogan "paint isn't infrastructure" seriously? Suggestions welcome
#osm #cyclosm #openstreetmap
2024-06-14 10:26:55

Hat jemand eine Vermutung, was bei #OSM #OpenStreetMap los sein könnte? Seht ihr das auch? Sowohl auf meinem Linux-Laptop wie auch auf dem Windows-Arbeitsrechner tauchen auf Zoomstufe 16 und 17 solche komischen Pfade auf, die in #kyrillisch und auf englisch beschriftet sind. Bisher hab ich sie nur in und um #Darmstadt herum gefunden, mutmaßlich auf ehemaligem Militärgelände.
Beispiellink: #Boost, weil neugierig wie sonst was 🙈​
Danke euch!
Edit: zurechtgeschnittene Screenshots hochgeladen statt der alten Screenshots mit dem großen weißen Rand.
Edit2: @… hats gewusst :)
2024-06-05 19:01:26

Hey friends, just came home from a day in the office with some socializing.
Anyways - this is one more photo from our recent hike along a gorge. Before we came to the gorge we did a nice hike along forest roads and such trails.
Actually, this is one of the trails that I corrected later in #OpenStreetMap as it was marked as ways wider.

A picturesque scene captured in this image showcases a serene path winding through a lush, grassy area. Towering trees line the path, their branches reaching towards the clear sky above. In the distance, majestic mountains rise up, their peaks touching the clouds. The overall color palette of the image is dominated by shades of green and black, with a white foreground. The composition evokes a sense of tranquility and natural beauty, inviting viewers to imagine themselves walking along the peac…
2024-05-06 04:59:06

I’ve been watching a few travel vlog videos on YouTube and because of my #OpenStreetMap compulsive behavior, I’ve been using these videos as street-level imagery sources to update POIs on the map. 😅
2024-05-15 10:58:38

#OpenStreetMap #France 🇫🇷 has started a bid to host #StateOfTheMap 2025 in #Paris.
2024-04-28 18:57:04

Getting home from a #cycling tour and correcting / adding some #openstreetmap details that I missed during the ride...
2024-04-28 18:57:04

Getting home from a #cycling tour and correcting / adding some #openstreetmap details that I missed during the ride...
2024-05-28 19:55:32

and while I'm reviewing the video clips from our last #hiking tour, I remembered to adjust the #openstreetmap data accordingly to the real track type