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2024-04-09 10:22:50

Is it possible to display a specific sub-tree in an Agenda view? #Emacs #OrgMode
2024-03-01 22:15:16

If you would conduct a presentation or a demo for an #engineeringdiary and #knowledgebase, what topic(s) would you mention in any case that might not be one of the obvious candidates?
2024-05-01 13:04:54

It’s so cool how easily you can compile #Inform7 to C, and then you can do stuff like
make run-story > /dev/null && ./run-story < commands.txt | fold -s -w 78 | cat -s
and include the results of an interaction with a game in #orgmode.

2024-05-01 13:04:54

It’s so cool how easily you can compile #Inform7 to C, and then you can do stuff like
make run-story > /dev/null && ./run-story < commands.txt | fold -s -w 78 | cat -s
and include the results of an interaction with a game in #orgmode.‬
2024-05-01 13:04:54

It’s so cool how easily you can compile #Inform7 to C, and then you can do stuff like
make run-story > /dev/null && ./run-story < commands.txt | fold -s -w 78 | cat -s
and include the results of an interaction with a game in #orgmode.
2024-04-05 09:52:48

Is it possible to automatically attach a property to a #emacs #Orgmode heading creating using `C-S-RET` or `M-S-RET`?
I do like to have a CREATED property on all tasks so I can purge them when they've stayed too long in the list.
2024-04-06 11:13:15

Four (4) text based task management systems #OrgMode
2024-03-22 07:11:18

Protesilaos Stavrou: Re: Advice regarding note-taking in #Emacs #orgmode…‬
2024-03-20 12:37:10

I finally realized that the alignment problems in #Emacs #OrgMode clock tables with shortened links are due to #PragmataPro font, because the bracket that should be hidden isn't, and then every…

2024-03-20 12:37:10

I finally realized that the alignment problems in #Emacs #OrgMode clock tables with shortened links are due to #PragmataPro font, because the bracket that should be hidden isn't, and then every…
2024-03-20 12:37:10

I finally realized that the alignment problems in #Emacs #OrgMode clock tables with shortened links are due to #PragmataPro font, because the bracket that should be hidden isn't, and then every…

Screenshot of an Emacs Org-Mode clock table with the PragmataPro font, showing closing brackets that should be invisible.
Screenshot of an Emacs Org-Mode clock table with the Fabrikat Mono font, everything’s alright.
2024-03-30 18:59:06

After losing some edits of #orgmode files in between #Beorg and #Emacs, tonight I have added a save-on-focus-lost to Emacs:
```(add-hook 'focus-out-hook ‘org-save-all-org-buffers)```
The simplicity t…
2024-03-30 18:59:06

After losing some edits of #orgmode files in between #Beorg and #Emacs, tonight I have added a save-on-focus-lost to Emacs:
```(add-hook 'focus-out-hook ‘org-save-all-org-buffers)```
The simplicity t…
2024-04-12 09:28:23

I would like to implement a function for #Emacs #OrgMode which automatically clocks-in when moving a task into a specific state.
Example: when task moves to WIP clock-in.
#OrgMode already takes care o…
2024-02-25 09:16:43

It’s been about 3 weeks since I’ve took my tasks from Workflowy to Org in #Emacs.
It took me quite a bit of tweaking to get it as simple as I like it.
This is not my first experience with #orgmode and the learning curve is pretty steep.
For my usage the results are pretty good so far. …
2024-04-13 10:46:10

I'm surprised to see more and more people using #lazyblorg to generate their #blog using #Emacs and #orgmode with absol…