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2024-05-29 19:15:31

That’s so weird… I know so many people who know so many good people who work there.
2024-05-23 15:05:51

#video of #people’s #commencement at #harvard
2024-04-24 15:19:43

While it was great that the people powered campaign by residents in Mervue to prevent the loss of the bus stop was won, the latest BusConnects update has planned to remove the 401 from entering Mervue and instead send the 405 through the narrow, unsuitable streets.
#BusConnects #Galway #PeopleBeforeProfit #PBP
2024-04-24 15:19:43

While it was great that the people powered campaign by residents in Mervue to prevent the loss of the bus stop was won, the latest BusConnects update has planned to remove the 401 from entering Mervue and instead send the 405 through the narrow, unsuitable streets.
#BusConnects #Galway #PeopleBeforeProfit #PBP
2024-06-03 09:05:09

🚨 Some fake 'independents' on the loose 🚨
People are fed up with FF and FG and want them out.
But there are members of the establishment parties who are leaving to stand as ‘independents’ - because they want to keep their seats.
People Before Profit candidates have pledged to never go into coalition with FF or FG.
On June 7th, Vote People Before Profit Number 1 - Truly independent of the establishment.
#EvictFFFG #le24 #le2024 #ee24 #ee2024 #peoplebeforeprofit
2024-06-05 10:30:28

The results form @…'s Climate Pledge for local election candidates.
People Before Profit leading by a huge margin vs other parties.
We are committed to Climate Action unlike the 'Greens' who simply wear a green-washed cloak, we actually mean it when we say we'll challenge the interests of capital & profit and fight for people & planet first.
See how each candidate committed here: #PeopleBeforeProfit #PlanetBeforeProfit #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #LE2024 #LE24
2024-06-05 10:30:28

The results form @…'s Climate Pledge for local election candidates.
People Before Profit leading by a huge margin vs other parties.
We are committed to Climate Action unlike the 'Greens' who simply wear a green-washed cloak, we actually mean it when we say we'll challenge the interests of capital & profit and fight for people & planet first.
See how each candidate committed here: #PeopleBeforeProfit #PlanetBeforeProfit #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #LE2024 #LE24
2024-06-10 13:05:26

We didn't win any seats this time, but we fought hard.
We ran People Before Profit candidates in Galway City East, Galway City West, and for Galway County Council in Ballinasloe for the first time.
Adrian Curran in Galway City Central even beat a sitting Councillor.
#LE2024 #LE24 #Galway #GalwayCity #PeopleBeforeProfit #Socialism #EcoSocialism
2024-05-28 13:03:26

So many young people and students have been forced to pay the price due to the continuous failures of our government with inaction on the housing and cost of living crises.
It’s time for a fresh young voice on the Galway City Council who can advocate for a brighter future.
Evict Fianna Fšil and Fine Gael, put a campaigner on the council.
Vote Maisie McMaster #1 in Galway City West on Friday 7th of June.
#LE2024 #LE24 #PeopleBeforeProfit #Galway #GalwayCity