Lovely account of a fun foray with ancient web tech that's pretty much begging to be reverse engineered, and made into something beautiful at #JumboHack
Winning a hackathon, losing my sanity — Jerome Paulos
#Blakes7 Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
TRAVIS: Now, Kasabi, listen to this: was the homing beacon to transmit in a code pattern?
KASABI: Yes. It was pulse, three long, two short, recurring. [Servalan prepares a final dose of the drug. Travis moves to stop her, but Servalan slaps him off and administers it to Kasabi.] B7B1
Birth place of giants.
(alt text for more info)
#Glacier #LandscapePhotography #Photography
Some #GenArtAPI updates from this week:
- switched from Apache 2.0 to MIT license
- started publishing API files & types as package (optional)
- updated readme & diagrams
New installation & getting started instructions:
Boom, toutes les boites "IT" Š la con qui ont utilisé des noms de domaine en .io pour faire les malins.
Le TLD .io pourrait disparaitre Š plus ou moins court terme. Merci bisous.
On répète après moi : les noms de domaine ne sont PAS des outils marketing. Surtout les TLD. Ne laissez pas les noms de domaine dans les mains de vos marketeux.
Pour rappel, le guide DNS de l'ANSSI dont j'ai été l'auteur principal :
CFP: Making Boundaries 2025 #acrel #Religidons #AARSBL https://
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 10 - Ultraworld
CALLY: [V.O. still faint] Help me, please. I don't know where I am.
AVON: Cally, where are you? We need your location.
Yes please! Supporting nonlinear careers to diversify science
Series B, Episode 09 - Countdown
VETNOR: There's a main rotonoid link. If I cut through its primary impulse vein, it might break the circuit. Then again -
CAUDER: It might not. We'll chance it. [Vetnor reaches into the console and drops a tool, Grant and Cauder exchange looks. Vetnor pulls out some wires and cuts them. There is small explosion and the ticking that marks the countdown stops]